Article INDEX TO THE TENTH VOLUME. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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Index To The Tenth Volume.
Dissipation , horrid Effects of , 245 . Dorchester , ' Darner , Earl of , his Death , 285 , Douglas , Sir Andrew Snape , Notice of , 79 . Downs , Justice Michael , Death of , 28 4 . Dreams , remarkable Instances of , 3 S 4 . Du Dresney , Death of the Marquis of ,
ibid . Dubavet , the French Ambassador , Death of , " 28 ; . Dumb Philosopher , Curious Account of , 3 63 . Dutch East India Company , Account of the Wealth of , 206 . E
East Indies , War threatened , 208 . Edyveans , John , a Man of Genius , 34 . Embassy to China , Review cf , 127 England Preserved , Account of , 13 6 . English Nun , Review of , 270 . Expedition against Ostend . and Bruges ,
343- F Farral , Edward , one hundred and eight years old when be died , 284 . Female Heroism , 179 . Firmness , 3 ; . Fitzgerald , Account of the Death of , 69 . Fitzq-i-rald , Lord Edward , Apprehension
cf ; 34 6 . Eivey , James Job " , apprehended on treasonable Charges , 277— -Tried and acquitted , 347 . Fletcher , Abraham , Memoir of , 30 . Forgeries on the Bank , 279 . Freemasons' Pocket-book , Review of , 4 . 6 . Freemasons' Repository : Dr . VVatkins ' s . Examination of Professor Robison ' s
Rook , , 6 . 7 . 5 . Sympolic Masonry , ? 8 . Mascnic Intelligence , 40 , 18 .-, 18 4 , 262 , 327 . i- >' , 3-9 . 3 'J - Hrnihar Jones ' s . JLiS-. urs ; - , 238 , 3-4 ,. Broih .-r Simpson ' s Sermon 3 . ^ 5 . French Directory , JNIes-ages relative to the Conquest of England , Seizure of " English Property , & c . 59 , 60 , 61 , 62
G Gainsborough , Earl of , bis Death , 2 S 6 . Garrick , Anecdote of , 120 . Gill , Aldeiman , De . ith of , I ' . z . Godwin ' s Memoirs of Mary Wollstonecr 'ft , Review of , 4-3-Golden Rule 393
, . Grand Signor , Account of , 28 . Gratitude , 1 nj . Greek and Latin Prqscdies , Review cf , 400 . II
Hair-powder Tax , 181 . H . _ rberton , Lord Viscount , Death of , 286 . flawkcswonh ' s Notes on Robertson ' s History of Scotland , 223 . 296 . Head ' lev , KJi'lit Hon . George , Death of , ' zb 6 . '
Henry the Great , Anecdote of , i 8 r . Hermione Frigate , Fate of , 67 . He ' s Much to Blame , Account of , 137 . Historv of Peter III . and Catharine II . Review of , 263 . History of Vanillo Gonzales , Review of , 401 . ' Holcroft ' s Knave or Not , 191 HollandRevolution in 142430 .
, , , Howard , Ancrdrtc of , 118 Hubbald , Lieutenant-Colonel , Death of , 284 . I Ingall , Death of , one hundred and seven years old , 2 S 4 . Insurrection at Rome , 65 .
Invasion , on the , 15 . Ireland , Insurrection and Conspiracies in , 277—Account of the Rebellion raging there , 419 . an historical Account of , 3 66 . J Jacobin ' s LamentationReview of 270 .
, , Jenkins , George , Death of , 212 . Jews , Proceedings of a Great Council of , 218 , 300 . Joan of Arc , Account of 136 . John Wilkes , Memoir of , 22 . Johnson , Lieutenant-Colonel , Death of ,
286 . Jones , Sir William , Character of , 175 . K Keith , Lady , Death of , 28 . . Kien Long , Emperor of China , Account of , 77 . King ' s Triflesof Helicon , Review of , 4 ' . 6 .
Knave or Not , Account of , 155 . Kosciusko , the celebrated Polish General , Death ot , 2 S 6 . ' L Langston , Sir Stephen , Death of , 72 . Leary , Jeremiah , apprehended on treasonable Charges , 2 77 . —Tried and acquitted ,
347-Leslie , Bishop , Anecdote of , 393 . Letter I . to the People of Great Britain , 217 . Letter II . to the People of Britain , 29 S . Lindsay ' s i . ermon , Review of , 150 . Literature , Review pf , for i 7 y' ; . n , So , Livi . lgton ' s Poems , Review cf , 191 .
Lockey , I-sq . Joseph , remarkably corpu-Je . T , . Ocaihof , 2 * 5 . Longevity , Essay on , 8 , 114 , 170 , 243 , Loyalty , 32 . M Maclean , General , Death of 211 . Maclean , Alan , 107 years old ! at his Death , 2 S 5 . M'Cormick's LifeofKurke , Review 01 , 44 . M . ins . r ., Colonel St . George , Death of , 2 ) 0 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Index To The Tenth Volume.
Dissipation , horrid Effects of , 245 . Dorchester , ' Darner , Earl of , his Death , 285 , Douglas , Sir Andrew Snape , Notice of , 79 . Downs , Justice Michael , Death of , 28 4 . Dreams , remarkable Instances of , 3 S 4 . Du Dresney , Death of the Marquis of ,
ibid . Dubavet , the French Ambassador , Death of , " 28 ; . Dumb Philosopher , Curious Account of , 3 63 . Dutch East India Company , Account of the Wealth of , 206 . E
East Indies , War threatened , 208 . Edyveans , John , a Man of Genius , 34 . Embassy to China , Review cf , 127 England Preserved , Account of , 13 6 . English Nun , Review of , 270 . Expedition against Ostend . and Bruges ,
343- F Farral , Edward , one hundred and eight years old when be died , 284 . Female Heroism , 179 . Firmness , 3 ; . Fitzgerald , Account of the Death of , 69 . Fitzq-i-rald , Lord Edward , Apprehension
cf ; 34 6 . Eivey , James Job " , apprehended on treasonable Charges , 277— -Tried and acquitted , 347 . Fletcher , Abraham , Memoir of , 30 . Forgeries on the Bank , 279 . Freemasons' Pocket-book , Review of , 4 . 6 . Freemasons' Repository : Dr . VVatkins ' s . Examination of Professor Robison ' s
Rook , , 6 . 7 . 5 . Sympolic Masonry , ? 8 . Mascnic Intelligence , 40 , 18 .-, 18 4 , 262 , 327 . i- >' , 3-9 . 3 'J - Hrnihar Jones ' s . JLiS-. urs ; - , 238 , 3-4 ,. Broih .-r Simpson ' s Sermon 3 . ^ 5 . French Directory , JNIes-ages relative to the Conquest of England , Seizure of " English Property , & c . 59 , 60 , 61 , 62
G Gainsborough , Earl of , bis Death , 2 S 6 . Garrick , Anecdote of , 120 . Gill , Aldeiman , De . ith of , I ' . z . Godwin ' s Memoirs of Mary Wollstonecr 'ft , Review of , 4-3-Golden Rule 393
, . Grand Signor , Account of , 28 . Gratitude , 1 nj . Greek and Latin Prqscdies , Review cf , 400 . II
Hair-powder Tax , 181 . H . _ rberton , Lord Viscount , Death of , 286 . flawkcswonh ' s Notes on Robertson ' s History of Scotland , 223 . 296 . Head ' lev , KJi'lit Hon . George , Death of , ' zb 6 . '
Henry the Great , Anecdote of , i 8 r . Hermione Frigate , Fate of , 67 . He ' s Much to Blame , Account of , 137 . Historv of Peter III . and Catharine II . Review of , 263 . History of Vanillo Gonzales , Review of , 401 . ' Holcroft ' s Knave or Not , 191 HollandRevolution in 142430 .
, , , Howard , Ancrdrtc of , 118 Hubbald , Lieutenant-Colonel , Death of , 284 . I Ingall , Death of , one hundred and seven years old , 2 S 4 . Insurrection at Rome , 65 .
Invasion , on the , 15 . Ireland , Insurrection and Conspiracies in , 277—Account of the Rebellion raging there , 419 . an historical Account of , 3 66 . J Jacobin ' s LamentationReview of 270 .
, , Jenkins , George , Death of , 212 . Jews , Proceedings of a Great Council of , 218 , 300 . Joan of Arc , Account of 136 . John Wilkes , Memoir of , 22 . Johnson , Lieutenant-Colonel , Death of ,
286 . Jones , Sir William , Character of , 175 . K Keith , Lady , Death of , 28 . . Kien Long , Emperor of China , Account of , 77 . King ' s Triflesof Helicon , Review of , 4 ' . 6 .
Knave or Not , Account of , 155 . Kosciusko , the celebrated Polish General , Death ot , 2 S 6 . ' L Langston , Sir Stephen , Death of , 72 . Leary , Jeremiah , apprehended on treasonable Charges , 2 77 . —Tried and acquitted ,
347-Leslie , Bishop , Anecdote of , 393 . Letter I . to the People of Great Britain , 217 . Letter II . to the People of Britain , 29 S . Lindsay ' s i . ermon , Review of , 150 . Literature , Review pf , for i 7 y' ; . n , So , Livi . lgton ' s Poems , Review cf , 191 .
Lockey , I-sq . Joseph , remarkably corpu-Je . T , . Ocaihof , 2 * 5 . Longevity , Essay on , 8 , 114 , 170 , 243 , Loyalty , 32 . M Maclean , General , Death of 211 . Maclean , Alan , 107 years old ! at his Death , 2 S 5 . M'Cormick's LifeofKurke , Review 01 , 44 . M . ins . r ., Colonel St . George , Death of , 2 ) 0 .