Article INDEX TO THE TENTH VOLUME. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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Index To The Tenth Volume.
Medical Sagacity , up . Mellish , Esq . John , Robbery of and Murder , 282 . Middleton Dale , Description of , 387 . Milbanke , Sir Ralph , Death of , 6-7 . Mi rabaud ' s System of Nature , Review of , 4 S . Molesworth , Sir William , Death of , 285 . Monthly Chronicle 5 8139277343419 .
, , , , , Mortality , Bills of , for 1797 , 68 . Muskien , General , Biographical Sketch of , 1 54-Mutiny , a shocking Account of one , 67 . N Neckeron the French Revolution , Review of 45
, - Nonsense , Brief History of , 152 . O Obituary , 69 , 20 9 , 281 . O'Connor , Esq ; Arthur , apprehended on treasonable Charges , 277 Tried and acquitted , 347 . O'Coigley , James , ditto , ibid . —Tried and
condemned , 347 . Origin of the Land-Tax Plan , 244 P Performers , theatrical , Account of , 13 S . Philosophical Sagacity , 122 . Pity's Gift , Review of , 404 . Poetry : Ode for the New Year , 49 . Prologue and Epilogue to the Castle Spectre , ibid . The Captive ' s Complaint , 50 . Mary , Queen of Scots , 51 . Epitaph on a Friencf ibid . A Gypsy ' s Song , ibid .
A Song on the Invasion , 52 . Verses written among the ruins of an ancient Abbey , 131 . Lines sent to a Lady , ibid . The Sigh , ibid . On Wearmoutli Bridge , 132 . Democratic Effusions , ibid . Parody , 133 . Dean Swift's Petition of the Oxford Ladies , ibid . Occasional Prologue , ibid . Epilogue to Knave or Not , 154 . To Simplicityby Miss
Living-, ston , 19 ; . Tt : e Doublet of Grey , by Mrs . Robinson , ibid . Washing Week , by Dr . Perfect , 195 . Madrigal , by Mrs . Robinson , ibid . Epigram , by Dr . Perfect , ibid . Stanzas , by Mrs . Robinson , 19 6 . Ode , by Dr . Sewell , ibid . Ode , in Imitation of Horace , ibid . Epigram , by Dr . Perfect , ibid . The Beggar , by S .
Leu is , 271 . Epitaphs , 272 . Sonnet , ibid . Address to LJettiuelli's Niece , ibid . Splenetic Effusions , ibid . A Blush , ibid . Impromptu , ibid . Giles Jolltip the Grave and Brown Sally Green , a Parody , 333 . Prologue and Epilogue to She ' s Eloped , 334 . Ode on his Majesty ' s Birth-day , . 107 . A Pastoral , ibid . Elegy , by Dr . Darwin , 40 S . Address for a private Theatre , ibid . Lines by E . S . J . 4 C 9 , Mrs . Joi- _ dau ' s Song in She ' s Eloped , ibid . An Address before a Lodge of Freemasons ,
ibid . Mrs . Robinson's Monody to the Memory of Chatterfon , 410 . Poland , Death of the King of , 209 . Polewhele ' s History of Devonshire , Review of , 400 . Posthumous Daughter , Review of , 45 . Posthumous Works of Mary Wollstonecraft , Review of , 183 . i ' roceedings of the British Parliament 5 6 ,
, 197 , 273 , 335 , 411 . Proceedings of ihe Irish Parliament , 201 , 34 , 4 ' 7-Preservation of Dead Bodies , 390 . Pride , an instance of , 253 . Prussia , Anecdote of the King of , 182 .-R
Rebellion in Ireland , Account of , 419 . Reflections on the commencement of 1798 , 5-Reform or Ruin , Review of , 405 . Retort Courteous , 182 . Review of New Publications , 41 , 123 , 26 3 , 3 "; - - „ Revolution in Rome , 207 . Rhine , Description of its Source , 290 , 3 89 ,
Rous , Letter from , touching Mr . Pym ' s Debts , 391 . Rulbiere ' s Russian Anecdotes , Review of , 270 . S Scarlet ' s Translation of the New TestamentReview of 399
, , . Scientific Intelligence , 248 , 319 . Secrecy , 32 . Secrets worth Knowing , Account of . 53 . Selden ' s Table-Talk , Review of , 189 . Shakespeare , brief Inquiry into the Learning of , 315 . She's Eloped , Ditto , 332 . Sinclair , Sir John , Death of , 69 .
Slander , Rules against , 245 Smith , Esq . Thomas , Death of , 71 . Speech of the Lord Lieutenant , 5 8 . State Trials at Maidstone , 34 . 7 . Stockdale's Poems , Review of , 406 . Stranger , Account of the Comedy of , 331 St Bernard , Letters of , 252 . Superstitition , 182 . Switzerland , Revolution in , 139 . 2 S 0 .
T Terror , a fatal instance of , 118 . Theatrical Misconception , 33 . Titus , Col . his Letter to Oliver Cromwell , nfi . Treasonable Charges , 277 . V
Vermont , State of , by Graham , Review of , 124 . Vienna , Insurrection at , 34 6 . Voice of Truth , Review of , 12 9 . Voluntary Contributions , 146 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Index To The Tenth Volume.
Medical Sagacity , up . Mellish , Esq . John , Robbery of and Murder , 282 . Middleton Dale , Description of , 387 . Milbanke , Sir Ralph , Death of , 6-7 . Mi rabaud ' s System of Nature , Review of , 4 S . Molesworth , Sir William , Death of , 285 . Monthly Chronicle 5 8139277343419 .
, , , , , Mortality , Bills of , for 1797 , 68 . Muskien , General , Biographical Sketch of , 1 54-Mutiny , a shocking Account of one , 67 . N Neckeron the French Revolution , Review of 45
, - Nonsense , Brief History of , 152 . O Obituary , 69 , 20 9 , 281 . O'Connor , Esq ; Arthur , apprehended on treasonable Charges , 277 Tried and acquitted , 347 . O'Coigley , James , ditto , ibid . —Tried and
condemned , 347 . Origin of the Land-Tax Plan , 244 P Performers , theatrical , Account of , 13 S . Philosophical Sagacity , 122 . Pity's Gift , Review of , 404 . Poetry : Ode for the New Year , 49 . Prologue and Epilogue to the Castle Spectre , ibid . The Captive ' s Complaint , 50 . Mary , Queen of Scots , 51 . Epitaph on a Friencf ibid . A Gypsy ' s Song , ibid .
A Song on the Invasion , 52 . Verses written among the ruins of an ancient Abbey , 131 . Lines sent to a Lady , ibid . The Sigh , ibid . On Wearmoutli Bridge , 132 . Democratic Effusions , ibid . Parody , 133 . Dean Swift's Petition of the Oxford Ladies , ibid . Occasional Prologue , ibid . Epilogue to Knave or Not , 154 . To Simplicityby Miss
Living-, ston , 19 ; . Tt : e Doublet of Grey , by Mrs . Robinson , ibid . Washing Week , by Dr . Perfect , 195 . Madrigal , by Mrs . Robinson , ibid . Epigram , by Dr . Perfect , ibid . Stanzas , by Mrs . Robinson , 19 6 . Ode , by Dr . Sewell , ibid . Ode , in Imitation of Horace , ibid . Epigram , by Dr . Perfect , ibid . The Beggar , by S .
Leu is , 271 . Epitaphs , 272 . Sonnet , ibid . Address to LJettiuelli's Niece , ibid . Splenetic Effusions , ibid . A Blush , ibid . Impromptu , ibid . Giles Jolltip the Grave and Brown Sally Green , a Parody , 333 . Prologue and Epilogue to She ' s Eloped , 334 . Ode on his Majesty ' s Birth-day , . 107 . A Pastoral , ibid . Elegy , by Dr . Darwin , 40 S . Address for a private Theatre , ibid . Lines by E . S . J . 4 C 9 , Mrs . Joi- _ dau ' s Song in She ' s Eloped , ibid . An Address before a Lodge of Freemasons ,
ibid . Mrs . Robinson's Monody to the Memory of Chatterfon , 410 . Poland , Death of the King of , 209 . Polewhele ' s History of Devonshire , Review of , 400 . Posthumous Daughter , Review of , 45 . Posthumous Works of Mary Wollstonecraft , Review of , 183 . i ' roceedings of the British Parliament 5 6 ,
, 197 , 273 , 335 , 411 . Proceedings of ihe Irish Parliament , 201 , 34 , 4 ' 7-Preservation of Dead Bodies , 390 . Pride , an instance of , 253 . Prussia , Anecdote of the King of , 182 .-R
Rebellion in Ireland , Account of , 419 . Reflections on the commencement of 1798 , 5-Reform or Ruin , Review of , 405 . Retort Courteous , 182 . Review of New Publications , 41 , 123 , 26 3 , 3 "; - - „ Revolution in Rome , 207 . Rhine , Description of its Source , 290 , 3 89 ,
Rous , Letter from , touching Mr . Pym ' s Debts , 391 . Rulbiere ' s Russian Anecdotes , Review of , 270 . S Scarlet ' s Translation of the New TestamentReview of 399
, , . Scientific Intelligence , 248 , 319 . Secrecy , 32 . Secrets worth Knowing , Account of . 53 . Selden ' s Table-Talk , Review of , 189 . Shakespeare , brief Inquiry into the Learning of , 315 . She's Eloped , Ditto , 332 . Sinclair , Sir John , Death of , 69 .
Slander , Rules against , 245 Smith , Esq . Thomas , Death of , 71 . Speech of the Lord Lieutenant , 5 8 . State Trials at Maidstone , 34 . 7 . Stockdale's Poems , Review of , 406 . Stranger , Account of the Comedy of , 331 St Bernard , Letters of , 252 . Superstitition , 182 . Switzerland , Revolution in , 139 . 2 S 0 .
T Terror , a fatal instance of , 118 . Theatrical Misconception , 33 . Titus , Col . his Letter to Oliver Cromwell , nfi . Treasonable Charges , 277 . V
Vermont , State of , by Graham , Review of , 124 . Vienna , Insurrection at , 34 6 . Voice of Truth , Review of , 12 9 . Voluntary Contributions , 146 .