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An Historical And Geographical Account Of Ireland.
A SKETCH of the history , antiquities , language , religion , population , - * - manners , customs , curiosities , manufactures , commerce , and geography of Ireland will not , it is presumed , be unacceptable at the present moment ; especially to those , who have not convenience to resort to books which would furnish them ' with a more comprehensive view of that kingdom . The lamentable rebellion which renders
that ill-fated country such a scene of horrors , having of late' much engaged the public mind , we are induced , in order to make our account more complete , to accompany it by a Map of Ireland , accurately engraved from the latest authorities . This Map was too late for our present Number , but shall certainly appear in our next . THE island of Ireland is situated on the west side of
Englandbe-, tween 6 audio degrees west longitude , and between 51 and 55 degrees 20 minutes north latitude , or between the middle parallel of the . eighth clime , where the longest day is 16 ^ hours , and the 24 th parallel , or the end of the 10 th clime , where the longest day is 17 \ hours . The extentor superficial content , of this kingdomisfrom the
, , , nearest computation and survey , found to be in length 28 5 ; miles from Fairhead north , to Mi ^ senhead south ; and from the east part of Down , to the west part of Mayo , its greatest breadth 160 miles , and to contain 11 , 067 , 712 Irish plantation acres , which makes 3 7 , 927 , 86 4 acres of English statute measure , and is held to bear proportion to England and Wales as 181030 . Mr . Templemanwho makes the
, length 275 , and the breadth 15 c miles , gives it an area of 27 , 457 square miles . From the east part of Wexford to St . David ' s in Wales , it is reckoned 45 miles ; but the passage between Donaghadee and Portpatrick in Scotland is little mare th :: n 20 miles , ancl the passage from Holy head in North Wales about 52 miles .
It is pretty extraordinary , that even modern authors are not agreed as to the divisions of Ireland ; some dividing it into five circuits , and some into four provinces ; those of Leinster , Ulster , Connaught , and . Munster . We shall follow the last division , as being the most common , and likewise the most ancient .
LEINSTRR , Ii COUNTIES . Counties , Chief To-ivns . Counties . ChiefTowns Dublin Dublin WestMeath Mullingar Louth Drogheda King's county Philipstown Wicklow Wickloiv Queen ' s county Maryborough Wexford Wexfprd Kilkenny Kilkenny Longford Longford Kikiare NaasandAthy EastMeath Trim Carlow Carlow
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
An Historical And Geographical Account Of Ireland.
A SKETCH of the history , antiquities , language , religion , population , - * - manners , customs , curiosities , manufactures , commerce , and geography of Ireland will not , it is presumed , be unacceptable at the present moment ; especially to those , who have not convenience to resort to books which would furnish them ' with a more comprehensive view of that kingdom . The lamentable rebellion which renders
that ill-fated country such a scene of horrors , having of late' much engaged the public mind , we are induced , in order to make our account more complete , to accompany it by a Map of Ireland , accurately engraved from the latest authorities . This Map was too late for our present Number , but shall certainly appear in our next . THE island of Ireland is situated on the west side of
Englandbe-, tween 6 audio degrees west longitude , and between 51 and 55 degrees 20 minutes north latitude , or between the middle parallel of the . eighth clime , where the longest day is 16 ^ hours , and the 24 th parallel , or the end of the 10 th clime , where the longest day is 17 \ hours . The extentor superficial content , of this kingdomisfrom the
, , , nearest computation and survey , found to be in length 28 5 ; miles from Fairhead north , to Mi ^ senhead south ; and from the east part of Down , to the west part of Mayo , its greatest breadth 160 miles , and to contain 11 , 067 , 712 Irish plantation acres , which makes 3 7 , 927 , 86 4 acres of English statute measure , and is held to bear proportion to England and Wales as 181030 . Mr . Templemanwho makes the
, length 275 , and the breadth 15 c miles , gives it an area of 27 , 457 square miles . From the east part of Wexford to St . David ' s in Wales , it is reckoned 45 miles ; but the passage between Donaghadee and Portpatrick in Scotland is little mare th :: n 20 miles , ancl the passage from Holy head in North Wales about 52 miles .
It is pretty extraordinary , that even modern authors are not agreed as to the divisions of Ireland ; some dividing it into five circuits , and some into four provinces ; those of Leinster , Ulster , Connaught , and . Munster . We shall follow the last division , as being the most common , and likewise the most ancient .
LEINSTRR , Ii COUNTIES . Counties , Chief To-ivns . Counties . ChiefTowns Dublin Dublin WestMeath Mullingar Louth Drogheda King's county Philipstown Wicklow Wickloiv Queen ' s county Maryborough Wexford Wexfprd Kilkenny Kilkenny Longford Longford Kikiare NaasandAthy EastMeath Trim Carlow Carlow