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On Sham Warehouses, And Pretended Merchants.
and brandy-merchant , with Atkinson and others . Even the occupier of a cellar that holds half a chaldron , as he hangs out a large coal at the front , with a board inscribed , Coals sold here wJiolesale mid retail , p leads the same courtesy to be called a coal-merchant ; and my honest friend in Spitalfields , prides himself as much in his being sti ' led , by the market-women , the right honourable pig and tripemerchant , as if he had really been created lord viscount Double
Tripe , baron Griskin . Let me further ask , is there one out-rider , employed in any business , that does not pretend to be employed by a merchant ? and is he not , to strangers , by his own account , a merchant himself ? The itinerant pedlar is ever dubbed a merchant ; and the smuggler , "Who trades with our sea-coasts as well as our inland parts , has -undoubtedlan equal lea to the same . title . from his extensive
y p , imports and exports , though not recorded in the custom-house books . I shall conclude with observing , that of ail the tradesmen I have occasion to be concerned with , there are only two to whom I can . properly allow the honourable title of merchants ; who , though they play into one another ' s hands , and must mutually depend on each other , yet differ in their interest as much as the old and new stile . who has had
The first is the purchaser of my old clothes , long a prescriptive right ( at least I could never contradict it ) of being . called rag-merchant ; and the other who refits me , ( as he is free of the company ) has an undoubted privilege to stile himself merchanttaylor . " I am & c . iBishopsgate-Strect , T . M .
State Paper.
Answer of bis Majestyjbe King of Poland , to the Notes delivered by the Russian and Prussian Ministers , on the 24 th of June . " IT DO declare , in the presence of the States in diet assembled , JL that whereas I acceded to the General Confederation of Targovica established under the protection of Her Imperial Majesty of all the RussiasI did it with the assurance that the territories of
, the Republic would be preserved entire . " This was the only prospect which guided my steps ; and it is my duty to inform of this the States in diet assembled , who , I hope , participate in my opinion respecting the integral . preservation of the Domains of the Republic . " I can foreseethat we are obliged to ive a very select answer ,
, g penned in measured expressions , to the notes received . " But all our pretensions only consist , that our territories be restored to us ; and 1 hope , that their Imperial and Royal Prussian Majesties will easily find , that our Nation has not given the smallest occasion for " that dismemberment which the two Court *
have judged to be expedient . ( Signed ) « STANISLAUS AUGUSTUS . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
On Sham Warehouses, And Pretended Merchants.
and brandy-merchant , with Atkinson and others . Even the occupier of a cellar that holds half a chaldron , as he hangs out a large coal at the front , with a board inscribed , Coals sold here wJiolesale mid retail , p leads the same courtesy to be called a coal-merchant ; and my honest friend in Spitalfields , prides himself as much in his being sti ' led , by the market-women , the right honourable pig and tripemerchant , as if he had really been created lord viscount Double
Tripe , baron Griskin . Let me further ask , is there one out-rider , employed in any business , that does not pretend to be employed by a merchant ? and is he not , to strangers , by his own account , a merchant himself ? The itinerant pedlar is ever dubbed a merchant ; and the smuggler , "Who trades with our sea-coasts as well as our inland parts , has -undoubtedlan equal lea to the same . title . from his extensive
y p , imports and exports , though not recorded in the custom-house books . I shall conclude with observing , that of ail the tradesmen I have occasion to be concerned with , there are only two to whom I can . properly allow the honourable title of merchants ; who , though they play into one another ' s hands , and must mutually depend on each other , yet differ in their interest as much as the old and new stile . who has had
The first is the purchaser of my old clothes , long a prescriptive right ( at least I could never contradict it ) of being . called rag-merchant ; and the other who refits me , ( as he is free of the company ) has an undoubted privilege to stile himself merchanttaylor . " I am & c . iBishopsgate-Strect , T . M .
State Paper.
Answer of bis Majestyjbe King of Poland , to the Notes delivered by the Russian and Prussian Ministers , on the 24 th of June . " IT DO declare , in the presence of the States in diet assembled , JL that whereas I acceded to the General Confederation of Targovica established under the protection of Her Imperial Majesty of all the RussiasI did it with the assurance that the territories of
, the Republic would be preserved entire . " This was the only prospect which guided my steps ; and it is my duty to inform of this the States in diet assembled , who , I hope , participate in my opinion respecting the integral . preservation of the Domains of the Republic . " I can foreseethat we are obliged to ive a very select answer ,
, g penned in measured expressions , to the notes received . " But all our pretensions only consist , that our territories be restored to us ; and 1 hope , that their Imperial and Royal Prussian Majesties will easily find , that our Nation has not given the smallest occasion for " that dismemberment which the two Court *
have judged to be expedient . ( Signed ) « STANISLAUS AUGUSTUS . "