Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The rttosts ^ ^^^^ ^^^ j ^^ . poem is , that the ^^^ ^ ftne deaths and wounds the most iers are the «^^^ £ K £ is rather singular , when we take - diversified This last cwcum m & e ce of into consideration the . great ™ PJJJ ™ to yirgil's . The former H 8
Anrion » dSuW ^ ;n KhS 1 Iin frame " , and the latter to appears to ^ ve tort unto ™ ° the natural history and diseases of have confined his kn ° Y ^ . " . re seems to have been his forte : animals ; which next to ag »™^> ™™ j d in almost every ^^^s^^^^^TSS, littoav
^^^s^^-Scire hotestates herhantm , - — ¦ Xo know the powers of herbs ^ ttSel e " ;^ £ dti « of » h , h he , „ . e ,
"V . Natos adfiumina prim , m Deferimus , stev-. que gelu duramus et undii . sraxtssttssfift^¦». Scold ! X " " « d sno » , without » , y «* , „ .,
-; - « tention . . ¦ . ¦ '¦ ; m ; i ' e knowledge of those useful J ^^ yS ^ S'l ^^ y ^ no , ice ofhis "tfn ^ . S dSSnce ob . iges ™ = to hre * off . hrup . ly . Yours , & c . & c .
Memoirs Of Andrew Brice.
[¦ WITH A PORTRAIT . ] L^£&££?SZZ-*SSnl^i^e-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The rttosts ^ ^^^^ ^^^ j ^^ . poem is , that the ^^^ ^ ftne deaths and wounds the most iers are the «^^^ £ K £ is rather singular , when we take - diversified This last cwcum m & e ce of into consideration the . great ™ PJJJ ™ to yirgil's . The former H 8
Anrion » dSuW ^ ;n KhS 1 Iin frame " , and the latter to appears to ^ ve tort unto ™ ° the natural history and diseases of have confined his kn ° Y ^ . " . re seems to have been his forte : animals ; which next to ag »™^> ™™ j d in almost every ^^^s^^^^^TSS, littoav
^^^s^^-Scire hotestates herhantm , - — ¦ Xo know the powers of herbs ^ ttSel e " ;^ £ dti « of » h , h he , „ . e ,
"V . Natos adfiumina prim , m Deferimus , stev-. que gelu duramus et undii . sraxtssttssfift^¦». Scold ! X " " « d sno » , without » , y «* , „ .,
-; - « tention . . ¦ . ¦ '¦ ; m ; i ' e knowledge of those useful J ^^ yS ^ S'l ^^ y ^ no , ice ofhis "tfn ^ . S dSSnce ob . iges ™ = to hre * off . hrup . ly . Yours , & c . & c .
Memoirs Of Andrew Brice.
[¦ WITH A PORTRAIT . ] L^£&££?SZZ-*SSnl^i^e-