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Extraordinary History Of Jacqueline, Countess Of Hainault.
i-v hPr amiable disposition to impart felicity in the married state , JL desSJS --a reciprocal attachment , should become anxious to and deservina r ^ source rf go much unha p ™ . dissolve a nu" £ g * Wh the Duke of Brabant afforded a plausible n 6 S Lt be ^ Se lyTeV objec ion had been u rged by Pope Martin K fifth « 17 w £ U without difficulty that he had been induced to die faith ,, ana IIV sohcit the an
wag pope . Sden hatp S ^ ch , by interesting her passions , rendered her ' till more eaoer for the success of her app lication ifenrV tl ^ fifth of England ' was at that time in the Low Countries , and had * re en vobtained the splendid victory of Agincourt . Among the pite " who attended him on this occasion , Jacqueline : haddis-Duke of Gloucesterthe youngest biothei of
rnouished Humphry , K £ a Se " in the flower of his age handsome , sensible irave Ld endowed with all those qualities which are most likely to Sn the lieart of an amiable princess . By an union with this accompiistd p ii . ce , Jacqueline hoped to obtain that happiness which she had sought in vain with the Duke of Brabant ; . and to find at the same toe a warrior who could d efend her territories against the-usurpa-S of John of-Bavaria , and the resentment of he i ; former husband ctiaims 01 jau
The Duke of Gloucester was not insensible to ttie - quelh e , no ,- unmoved by the prospect of becoming * e sov ^ igi of so many states . Thus , mutually attracted , Jacqueline and the Duke of Gloucester fiattered ' themselves that they might prevail upon the Pope to annul the former marriage . ¦ ¦ .. , ' ; , , . ' But while they indulged this hope , a powerful obstaole to _ their Fnjbpsurnamed the Uood
union arose in the family of Jacqueline . , , Duke of Burgundy / possessed eminent talents and boundless . ambition Master of aip le domains in the Netherlands , the fair inhe-Stance of his . kinswoman , the princess fj Hainault presented an object which the ambition of . this prince could not resist A sm . ing to . the succession of Hainault , Holland , and Zealand , rf Ja ^ uehneshould would be derivedfrom her
die without issue , satisfied . that no progeny ill-assorted marriage with the Duke of Brabant , he was alarmed at her LvenSoementlith the Duke of Gloucester ; and to prevent this inteiuled union , employed all the influence which he derived from his recent alliance with England against France , and his affinity with the Duke of Bedford , who had espoused . his s ^ . uniu ^ cw ^ - —
But all us opposition was ^ c ^ u , , .. r to England , , espoused the Duke of Gloucester , and , as Philip had prevailed on Pope Martin to refuse a dispensation she . procured a Sence from thf anti-pope Benedict the thirteenth by winch h marriage with the Duke of Brabant was annulled , and that with the Suke of Scestei established . Fortune now seemed to smde : upon she returned to Hainault accompanied by her husband
Jacqueline ; , and a body of English forces , and put him in possession of the greatest part of her hereditary dominions . , P But the felicity of Jacqueline was of no long duration ; the Duke of " Burgundy , fired with resentment at so precipitate a-mar *
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Extraordinary History Of Jacqueline, Countess Of Hainault.
i-v hPr amiable disposition to impart felicity in the married state , JL desSJS --a reciprocal attachment , should become anxious to and deservina r ^ source rf go much unha p ™ . dissolve a nu" £ g * Wh the Duke of Brabant afforded a plausible n 6 S Lt be ^ Se lyTeV objec ion had been u rged by Pope Martin K fifth « 17 w £ U without difficulty that he had been induced to die faith ,, ana IIV sohcit the an
wag pope . Sden hatp S ^ ch , by interesting her passions , rendered her ' till more eaoer for the success of her app lication ifenrV tl ^ fifth of England ' was at that time in the Low Countries , and had * re en vobtained the splendid victory of Agincourt . Among the pite " who attended him on this occasion , Jacqueline : haddis-Duke of Gloucesterthe youngest biothei of
rnouished Humphry , K £ a Se " in the flower of his age handsome , sensible irave Ld endowed with all those qualities which are most likely to Sn the lieart of an amiable princess . By an union with this accompiistd p ii . ce , Jacqueline hoped to obtain that happiness which she had sought in vain with the Duke of Brabant ; . and to find at the same toe a warrior who could d efend her territories against the-usurpa-S of John of-Bavaria , and the resentment of he i ; former husband ctiaims 01 jau
The Duke of Gloucester was not insensible to ttie - quelh e , no ,- unmoved by the prospect of becoming * e sov ^ igi of so many states . Thus , mutually attracted , Jacqueline and the Duke of Gloucester fiattered ' themselves that they might prevail upon the Pope to annul the former marriage . ¦ ¦ .. , ' ; , , . ' But while they indulged this hope , a powerful obstaole to _ their Fnjbpsurnamed the Uood
union arose in the family of Jacqueline . , , Duke of Burgundy / possessed eminent talents and boundless . ambition Master of aip le domains in the Netherlands , the fair inhe-Stance of his . kinswoman , the princess fj Hainault presented an object which the ambition of . this prince could not resist A sm . ing to . the succession of Hainault , Holland , and Zealand , rf Ja ^ uehneshould would be derivedfrom her
die without issue , satisfied . that no progeny ill-assorted marriage with the Duke of Brabant , he was alarmed at her LvenSoementlith the Duke of Gloucester ; and to prevent this inteiuled union , employed all the influence which he derived from his recent alliance with England against France , and his affinity with the Duke of Bedford , who had espoused . his s ^ . uniu ^ cw ^ - —
But all us opposition was ^ c ^ u , , .. r to England , , espoused the Duke of Gloucester , and , as Philip had prevailed on Pope Martin to refuse a dispensation she . procured a Sence from thf anti-pope Benedict the thirteenth by winch h marriage with the Duke of Brabant was annulled , and that with the Suke of Scestei established . Fortune now seemed to smde : upon she returned to Hainault accompanied by her husband
Jacqueline ; , and a body of English forces , and put him in possession of the greatest part of her hereditary dominions . , P But the felicity of Jacqueline was of no long duration ; the Duke of " Burgundy , fired with resentment at so precipitate a-mar *