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Prorogation Of Parliament.
" His Majesty being seated on the throne , Sir Francis Molyneaux , Gentleman TUhirof'the Black Rod , was ordered to command the attendancc-pf the Com' LA the Sneaker of that House , followed by several of the Members , S rtte b « , W . Majesty was pleased to make the following most gracious Speech : .
" MY LORDS , AND GENTLEMEN , « The state of public business enables me now to *™ . £ >? S jl Parliament ; in doing which , I have again to acknowledge hat assiduity ana . zeal for the interests of My People , of which you had beto > e given me so many proofs , and which have been so particularly manifested in the piesent ye ' entertain too just a sense of the natureand
im-» l am persuaded thatyou ^ portance of the contest in which we are engaged , to suiter your , ealto be abated , or your perseverance shaken , by the recent successes ot the enemy HJ the 'M , famoment which so . strongly calls for energy and vigour it is peculiarly gratifyir . g ' tometo reflect on the uniform skill and bravery ot my fleets and Irmks the undaunted spirit and unwearied exertions of my pffi : cer and troop , in situationand the general public spirit ot My People , which have
every , never at any period been more conspicuous . n „_ . "I have observed , with the highest satisfaction , the rapid and Valuable acquisitions made in the East and West Indies ; the -successful operation : s whici , have been carried on in the Mediterranean ; and the brilliant and decisive vie , to y obtained by My Fle . et under the command of Ear . Howe , an , « -en . wd , must ever be remembered as one of the most glorious m the Naval Hibtorj oi this country ,
f GENTLEMEN OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS , ' . « I return you my warmest , thanks for the chearfulness and liberality with which y ^ fha / e granted the large supplies which were necessary lor the service of the year , and for the maintenance of a cause equally important to the security and happiness of-every class of My Subjects ,
f MY LORDS AND GENTLEMEN , « I feel it incumbent on Me particularly to acknowledge your * " *<*« fa the investigation of the designs which had been formed against the Government and Constitution of these kingdgms , and to thank you tor the confidence you have reposed in Me on this occasion . It will be a principal object , of M } attention to make a vigorous and prudent use of the additional powers vested n and of leand relying asI de- with
foe Ke potectJn security My Peop ; the utmost confidence on the uniform loyalty and public spirit of the gieat body " ofMy Subjects , I have no doubt of speedily and effectually repressing every attempt to disturb the public peace , and of defeating the W ! cked des gn ? which have been in agitation . It must not , however , be forgotten , that these desiens against against Our domestic happiness are essentially connected : with fhely tem nowprevailing in France , of which the . principles and spirit are rreco ^ cilably hostile to all regular and established Government ; and hat We . consideration of Our own internal safety
are therefore called upon by every to continue our efforts in conjunction with My Allies , and to persevere . with , facreased vigour and exertion in a contest , from the successful termination ot vhch We fn alone expect to establish , on a solid and permanent foundation , ihe future security and tranquillity either of this Country or the other Nation ,, pf Europe . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Prorogation Of Parliament.
" His Majesty being seated on the throne , Sir Francis Molyneaux , Gentleman TUhirof'the Black Rod , was ordered to command the attendancc-pf the Com' LA the Sneaker of that House , followed by several of the Members , S rtte b « , W . Majesty was pleased to make the following most gracious Speech : .
" MY LORDS , AND GENTLEMEN , « The state of public business enables me now to *™ . £ >? S jl Parliament ; in doing which , I have again to acknowledge hat assiduity ana . zeal for the interests of My People , of which you had beto > e given me so many proofs , and which have been so particularly manifested in the piesent ye ' entertain too just a sense of the natureand
im-» l am persuaded thatyou ^ portance of the contest in which we are engaged , to suiter your , ealto be abated , or your perseverance shaken , by the recent successes ot the enemy HJ the 'M , famoment which so . strongly calls for energy and vigour it is peculiarly gratifyir . g ' tometo reflect on the uniform skill and bravery ot my fleets and Irmks the undaunted spirit and unwearied exertions of my pffi : cer and troop , in situationand the general public spirit ot My People , which have
every , never at any period been more conspicuous . n „_ . "I have observed , with the highest satisfaction , the rapid and Valuable acquisitions made in the East and West Indies ; the -successful operation : s whici , have been carried on in the Mediterranean ; and the brilliant and decisive vie , to y obtained by My Fle . et under the command of Ear . Howe , an , « -en . wd , must ever be remembered as one of the most glorious m the Naval Hibtorj oi this country ,
f GENTLEMEN OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS , ' . « I return you my warmest , thanks for the chearfulness and liberality with which y ^ fha / e granted the large supplies which were necessary lor the service of the year , and for the maintenance of a cause equally important to the security and happiness of-every class of My Subjects ,
f MY LORDS AND GENTLEMEN , « I feel it incumbent on Me particularly to acknowledge your * " *<*« fa the investigation of the designs which had been formed against the Government and Constitution of these kingdgms , and to thank you tor the confidence you have reposed in Me on this occasion . It will be a principal object , of M } attention to make a vigorous and prudent use of the additional powers vested n and of leand relying asI de- with
foe Ke potectJn security My Peop ; the utmost confidence on the uniform loyalty and public spirit of the gieat body " ofMy Subjects , I have no doubt of speedily and effectually repressing every attempt to disturb the public peace , and of defeating the W ! cked des gn ? which have been in agitation . It must not , however , be forgotten , that these desiens against against Our domestic happiness are essentially connected : with fhely tem nowprevailing in France , of which the . principles and spirit are rreco ^ cilably hostile to all regular and established Government ; and hat We . consideration of Our own internal safety
are therefore called upon by every to continue our efforts in conjunction with My Allies , and to persevere . with , facreased vigour and exertion in a contest , from the successful termination ot vhch We fn alone expect to establish , on a solid and permanent foundation , ihe future security and tranquillity either of this Country or the other Nation ,, pf Europe . "