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TO thee , my God , in grateful strains I'll sing , And with submission this poor ofPring bring , Thy wisdom infinite by all ' s confest , In all thy works the MASTER ' manifest ; In ev ' ry season of the varied year , Thou dost , 0 Lord , the varied God appear : WhenjocundtyWag- bedecks each festive hour ,
We see and own thy all-creative pow ' r ; When Summer reigns array'd in living gold , Thy glowing glories ev ' ry ray unfold ; In Autumn ' s wealth we thy own wealth receive , And see the hand by which we breathe and live ; In Winter ' s storms and tempests thou art found , While humbled Nature bows submissive round . Thro' thee the planets move both night and day ,
And never from theirstated bound ' ries stray ; Each keeps its course , nor varies it one hour , In just compliance to thy leading power . Twas thou , great Lord , that form'd the heav'Iy p lan . And in compassion died for sinful man ; Then let creation give its Maker praise ,
And lo Paeans for his goodness raise , Whose universal love smilesall around , And is in the minutest insect found . O let the earth with grateful praises ring , And to his altar bounder , incense bring , Who ' s Lord o'er all , in all , by all ador'd That sprung to life at his inspiring word ; Great Universal Good , that reigns above ,
Possessing kingdoms of immortal love ! To him give praise ye bills and vocal gales , Ye clouds , ye tempests , forests , and ye vales ! O give him praise ye floods , ye streams , and rills , Ye brooks , ye torrents , and as firing bills ! Let every creature that on earth does dwell , And every meteor his Creator tell ; Let all in one loud Hallelujah join
, And prostrate own the hand that ' s all divine While lo the Architect of Worlds most free , A pray ' r shall issue from a worm like me ; Of his probation that I feel the SQUARE , U all I wish for—all to ask I dare . . -. ¦' , Jul * , ; 7 <) . | . - I ¦>
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
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TO thee , my God , in grateful strains I'll sing , And with submission this poor ofPring bring , Thy wisdom infinite by all ' s confest , In all thy works the MASTER ' manifest ; In ev ' ry season of the varied year , Thou dost , 0 Lord , the varied God appear : WhenjocundtyWag- bedecks each festive hour ,
We see and own thy all-creative pow ' r ; When Summer reigns array'd in living gold , Thy glowing glories ev ' ry ray unfold ; In Autumn ' s wealth we thy own wealth receive , And see the hand by which we breathe and live ; In Winter ' s storms and tempests thou art found , While humbled Nature bows submissive round . Thro' thee the planets move both night and day ,
And never from theirstated bound ' ries stray ; Each keeps its course , nor varies it one hour , In just compliance to thy leading power . Twas thou , great Lord , that form'd the heav'Iy p lan . And in compassion died for sinful man ; Then let creation give its Maker praise ,
And lo Paeans for his goodness raise , Whose universal love smilesall around , And is in the minutest insect found . O let the earth with grateful praises ring , And to his altar bounder , incense bring , Who ' s Lord o'er all , in all , by all ador'd That sprung to life at his inspiring word ; Great Universal Good , that reigns above ,
Possessing kingdoms of immortal love ! To him give praise ye bills and vocal gales , Ye clouds , ye tempests , forests , and ye vales ! O give him praise ye floods , ye streams , and rills , Ye brooks , ye torrents , and as firing bills ! Let every creature that on earth does dwell , And every meteor his Creator tell ; Let all in one loud Hallelujah join
, And prostrate own the hand that ' s all divine While lo the Architect of Worlds most free , A pray ' r shall issue from a worm like me ; Of his probation that I feel the SQUARE , U all I wish for—all to ask I dare . . -. ¦' , Jul * , ; 7 <) . | . - I ¦>