Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article HOME NEWS. Page 1 of 1
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Monthly Chronicle.
Barrere then read a letter from Jean Bon St . Andre and Prieur de la Maine , the two National Representatives , in corroboration of what he had announced . Jean Bon St . Andre , who was in La Montagne , was wounded by the falling of a block , and Bazil , the captain of the same ship , killed , and 300 of her men killed or wounded . The Montagne had six ships on her at one time , and received about 130 shot . NaplesJune 17 . On the 13 th ultimoat ten o'clock at nightall Naples
, , , was sensible of the shock of an earthqua' - ° . with an horizontal motion , which lasted about thirty seconds . On Sunday A , the 15 th , about the same hour , the earthquake was repeated , which was followed by a violent eruption of Mount Vesuvius ; the mountain ' opened in two places , towards the centre of its line , when columns of black smoke , mixed with liquid inflamed matter , issued from each mouth ; soon after other mouths were opened , and in a line towards the sea . The explosions from all these mouths were louder than thunder , mixed
wun snaip reports , as rrom the heaviest pieces of artillery , accompanied by a hollow subterraneous rumour , like that of the sea in a storm , which caused all the houses to shake to their very foundations . The lava gushing from these mouths , after having run four miles in a few hours , destroyed the greatest part of the town of Torre del Greco , about a mile from Portici , and made a considerable progress into the sea , where it formed a promontory about ten feet above its surface , and near a quarter of a mile broad , having heated the water to such a degree that a hand could not be borne in it at the distance of 100 yards from the lava
. It cannot yet be ascertained how many lives have been lost in that city . Many families are missing , but whether they have escaped , or are buried under the ruins of their houses , is not known . Naples is covered with ashes , aiid every object is obscured as in a thick fog ; but Vesuvius , though not visible , continues very turbulent , and more mischief may be expected , although the lavas are all stopped at this moment . The head of St . Januarius was carried in procession yesterday , and opposed to the mountain by . the cardinal archbishop of Naples , attended by many thousands of the inhabitants of this city .
Home News.
THE embargo on shipping in America was taken off on the 27 th of May , by a majority of 73 against 13 . The Duke of York in general orders , dated Tournay June 7 , notified to the forces under his command the decree of the National Convention , forbidding ' any quarter to be given . to the English and Hanoverian troops . At the same time he presumed the French army would not so far lose sight of the honour and generosity of soldiers as to put it in force , and of course that the British and Hanoverians would scorn to be guilty of such barbarous treatment to any of the that
enemy may fall into their hands , unless I hey should find the French so lost to every feeling becoming men and soldiers , as " to follow the barbarous dictates of the Convention , and then the French army must alone be answerable for the vengeance which such unprinci pled conduct must bringdown upon them .
June 24 . Being Midsummer-day , a Common-hall was held at Guildhall , for the election of sheriffs and other city officers for the year ensuing , when John Earner , Esq . Salter , and Robert Burnett , Esq . brewer , were chosen sheriffs . The Oflicers of the London Militia , according to the bill lately passed , are to be qualified according to the Act of the 26 th of George III . chap . 107 . sect . 8 . Field Officers 300 I . per aim . real , or joool . personal . Captains 150 I . ¦ 2500 I . * _ Lieutenants 30 I . IJol . Ensi 20
gns I . 400 | .. One moiety in the city , the other in any part of the kingdom . Seised of an estate either in law or equity , the claim or grant whereof was originally made for 20 years , of the same annual amount , to be a qualification .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Monthly Chronicle.
Barrere then read a letter from Jean Bon St . Andre and Prieur de la Maine , the two National Representatives , in corroboration of what he had announced . Jean Bon St . Andre , who was in La Montagne , was wounded by the falling of a block , and Bazil , the captain of the same ship , killed , and 300 of her men killed or wounded . The Montagne had six ships on her at one time , and received about 130 shot . NaplesJune 17 . On the 13 th ultimoat ten o'clock at nightall Naples
, , , was sensible of the shock of an earthqua' - ° . with an horizontal motion , which lasted about thirty seconds . On Sunday A , the 15 th , about the same hour , the earthquake was repeated , which was followed by a violent eruption of Mount Vesuvius ; the mountain ' opened in two places , towards the centre of its line , when columns of black smoke , mixed with liquid inflamed matter , issued from each mouth ; soon after other mouths were opened , and in a line towards the sea . The explosions from all these mouths were louder than thunder , mixed
wun snaip reports , as rrom the heaviest pieces of artillery , accompanied by a hollow subterraneous rumour , like that of the sea in a storm , which caused all the houses to shake to their very foundations . The lava gushing from these mouths , after having run four miles in a few hours , destroyed the greatest part of the town of Torre del Greco , about a mile from Portici , and made a considerable progress into the sea , where it formed a promontory about ten feet above its surface , and near a quarter of a mile broad , having heated the water to such a degree that a hand could not be borne in it at the distance of 100 yards from the lava
. It cannot yet be ascertained how many lives have been lost in that city . Many families are missing , but whether they have escaped , or are buried under the ruins of their houses , is not known . Naples is covered with ashes , aiid every object is obscured as in a thick fog ; but Vesuvius , though not visible , continues very turbulent , and more mischief may be expected , although the lavas are all stopped at this moment . The head of St . Januarius was carried in procession yesterday , and opposed to the mountain by . the cardinal archbishop of Naples , attended by many thousands of the inhabitants of this city .
Home News.
THE embargo on shipping in America was taken off on the 27 th of May , by a majority of 73 against 13 . The Duke of York in general orders , dated Tournay June 7 , notified to the forces under his command the decree of the National Convention , forbidding ' any quarter to be given . to the English and Hanoverian troops . At the same time he presumed the French army would not so far lose sight of the honour and generosity of soldiers as to put it in force , and of course that the British and Hanoverians would scorn to be guilty of such barbarous treatment to any of the that
enemy may fall into their hands , unless I hey should find the French so lost to every feeling becoming men and soldiers , as " to follow the barbarous dictates of the Convention , and then the French army must alone be answerable for the vengeance which such unprinci pled conduct must bringdown upon them .
June 24 . Being Midsummer-day , a Common-hall was held at Guildhall , for the election of sheriffs and other city officers for the year ensuing , when John Earner , Esq . Salter , and Robert Burnett , Esq . brewer , were chosen sheriffs . The Oflicers of the London Militia , according to the bill lately passed , are to be qualified according to the Act of the 26 th of George III . chap . 107 . sect . 8 . Field Officers 300 I . per aim . real , or joool . personal . Captains 150 I . ¦ 2500 I . * _ Lieutenants 30 I . IJol . Ensi 20
gns I . 400 | .. One moiety in the city , the other in any part of the kingdom . Seised of an estate either in law or equity , the claim or grant whereof was originally made for 20 years , of the same annual amount , to be a qualification .