Article TO SIR GEORGE STAUNTON, BART. Page 1 of 6 →
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To Sir George Staunton, Bart.
SIR , Rolherham , Yorkshire , May 25 , 1789 . AS I know you interest yourself in the success of the useful arts > and are a member of the Society for the promotion thereof ,-1 do ¦ myself the pleasure to send you an account of a small experiment I have been making at MessrsWalker ' s iron works at this lace
. p . _ You have already seen the model I constructed for a bridge of a single arch to be made of iron , and erected over the river Schuylkill at Philadelphia ; but as the dimensions may have escaped your recollection , I will begin with stating those particulars : . The . vast quantities of ice and melted snow at the breaking up of the frost in that part of America render it impracticable to erect a ; brid
ge on piers . The river can conveniently be contracted to four hundred feet ; the model , therefore , is for an arch of four hundred feet span ; the height of the arch in the center , from the chord thereof , is to be about twenty feet , and to be brought off on the top , so as to make the ascent about one foot in eighteen or twenty . The judgment of the Academy of Sciences at Paris has been
,-given on the principles and practicability of the construction . The original , signed by the Academy , is in my possession ; and in which , they fully approve and support the design . They introduceJheir opinion by saying , " II est sur que Iors qu ' on pense au projet d ' une arche . en fer de 400 pieds d ' overtureet effetsqui peuvent resulter d arche
, aux , ' une d ' une si vaste etendue , i ! est difficile de ne pas eleverdes doutes sur : le succes d ' une pareille entreprise " , par les . difficultes qu ' elle presenteS au premier appercu . Mais si telle est la disposition des parties , et la . maniere dont elles sont reunis qu'il resulte de cet assemblage un . tout tres ferme et tres solide , alors on n ' aura plus les memes doutes sur la reussite de ce projet . " .
_ . The Academy then proceed to state the reasons on which their : judgment is founded , and conclude with saying : " Nous concluons de out ce que nous verrons d ' exposer que la . pont de fer de M . Paine - est ingenieusement imagine , que la construction en est simple , solide , et propre . a lui donner la force neces--saire pour resister aux effets resultans de sa charge , et qu'il merite eh tentelexecutionEnfin
qu ' on ' . , qu'il pourra fournira un nouvel exemple des application d ' un metal dont-on n ' a pas jusqu'icifait assez d ' usageen grand , quoique dans nombre d ' occasionsil eut peutetre employe avec pins grand succes . " As it was my design to pass some time in England before I returned - to America , I employed part of it in making , the small essay I am now to inform you of . VOL . V . C
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To Sir George Staunton, Bart.
SIR , Rolherham , Yorkshire , May 25 , 1789 . AS I know you interest yourself in the success of the useful arts > and are a member of the Society for the promotion thereof ,-1 do ¦ myself the pleasure to send you an account of a small experiment I have been making at MessrsWalker ' s iron works at this lace
. p . _ You have already seen the model I constructed for a bridge of a single arch to be made of iron , and erected over the river Schuylkill at Philadelphia ; but as the dimensions may have escaped your recollection , I will begin with stating those particulars : . The . vast quantities of ice and melted snow at the breaking up of the frost in that part of America render it impracticable to erect a ; brid
ge on piers . The river can conveniently be contracted to four hundred feet ; the model , therefore , is for an arch of four hundred feet span ; the height of the arch in the center , from the chord thereof , is to be about twenty feet , and to be brought off on the top , so as to make the ascent about one foot in eighteen or twenty . The judgment of the Academy of Sciences at Paris has been
,-given on the principles and practicability of the construction . The original , signed by the Academy , is in my possession ; and in which , they fully approve and support the design . They introduceJheir opinion by saying , " II est sur que Iors qu ' on pense au projet d ' une arche . en fer de 400 pieds d ' overtureet effetsqui peuvent resulter d arche
, aux , ' une d ' une si vaste etendue , i ! est difficile de ne pas eleverdes doutes sur : le succes d ' une pareille entreprise " , par les . difficultes qu ' elle presenteS au premier appercu . Mais si telle est la disposition des parties , et la . maniere dont elles sont reunis qu'il resulte de cet assemblage un . tout tres ferme et tres solide , alors on n ' aura plus les memes doutes sur la reussite de ce projet . " .
_ . The Academy then proceed to state the reasons on which their : judgment is founded , and conclude with saying : " Nous concluons de out ce que nous verrons d ' exposer que la . pont de fer de M . Paine - est ingenieusement imagine , que la construction en est simple , solide , et propre . a lui donner la force neces--saire pour resister aux effets resultans de sa charge , et qu'il merite eh tentelexecutionEnfin
qu ' on ' . , qu'il pourra fournira un nouvel exemple des application d ' un metal dont-on n ' a pas jusqu'icifait assez d ' usageen grand , quoique dans nombre d ' occasionsil eut peutetre employe avec pins grand succes . " As it was my design to pass some time in England before I returned - to America , I employed part of it in making , the small essay I am now to inform you of . VOL . V . C