Article HISTORY OF MASONRY. ← Page 6 of 10 →
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History Of Masonry.
of David ; as in his time , also , the old Jebus obtained the name of Jerusalem . But being denied the honour of building the intended temple therein , on account of his being a man of blood , lie , worn down with years and infirmities , and drawing near his end , assembled the chiefs of his people , and acquainted them with his design to have built a magnificent repository for the ark of God ; having made great
preparation for it , and laid up immense quantities of rich materials ; as also plans and models for the different parts of the structure , with many necessary regulations for its future establishment : but , as he found it was the Divine Will that this great work should be accomplished by his son Solomon , he requested them to assist in so laudable an undertaking .
King David died soon after , in the 70 th year of his age , after having reigned seven years in Hebron over the house of Judah , and thirty-three over all the tribes . Upon the death of David , and the succession of Solomon to the throne , the affection Hiram had ever maintained for the father , prompted him to send a congratulatory embassy to the son ,
expressing his joy to find the regality continued in the family . When these ambassadors returned , Solomon embraced the occasion , and wrote a letter to Hiram in these terms : " King Solomon to King Hiram greeting . " BE it known unto thee , O King , that my father David had it a longtime in his mind to erect a temple to the Lord ; but being - .
per petually in war , and under a necessity of clearing his hands of his enemies , and make them all his tributaries , before he could attend to this great and holy work ; he hath left it to me in time of peace , both to begin and finish it , according to the direction , as well as the prediction , of Almighty God . Blessed be his great name for the present tranquillity of my dominions ! And , by his gracious assistance ,
1 shall now dedicate the best improvements of this liberty and leisure to his honour and worship . Wherefore 1 make it my request , that you will let some of your people go along with some servants of mine to Mount Lebanon , to assist them in cutting down materials toward this building ; for the Sidonians understand it much better than we do . As for the workmens' reward , or wages , whatever you think reasonable shall be punctually paid them . " Hiram was highly pleased with this letter , and returned the following
answer : " King Hiram to King Solomon . " NOTHING could have been more welcome to me , than to understand that the government of your blessed father is devolved , by God ' s providence , into the hands of so excellent , so wise , and so . virtuous a successor : his holy name be praised for it . That which
you write for , shall be done with all care and good-will : for I will give order to cut down and export such quantities of the fairest cedars and cypress trees as you shall have occasion for : my . people shall bring them to the sea-side for you , and from thence ship them away D 2
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History Of Masonry.
of David ; as in his time , also , the old Jebus obtained the name of Jerusalem . But being denied the honour of building the intended temple therein , on account of his being a man of blood , lie , worn down with years and infirmities , and drawing near his end , assembled the chiefs of his people , and acquainted them with his design to have built a magnificent repository for the ark of God ; having made great
preparation for it , and laid up immense quantities of rich materials ; as also plans and models for the different parts of the structure , with many necessary regulations for its future establishment : but , as he found it was the Divine Will that this great work should be accomplished by his son Solomon , he requested them to assist in so laudable an undertaking .
King David died soon after , in the 70 th year of his age , after having reigned seven years in Hebron over the house of Judah , and thirty-three over all the tribes . Upon the death of David , and the succession of Solomon to the throne , the affection Hiram had ever maintained for the father , prompted him to send a congratulatory embassy to the son ,
expressing his joy to find the regality continued in the family . When these ambassadors returned , Solomon embraced the occasion , and wrote a letter to Hiram in these terms : " King Solomon to King Hiram greeting . " BE it known unto thee , O King , that my father David had it a longtime in his mind to erect a temple to the Lord ; but being - .
per petually in war , and under a necessity of clearing his hands of his enemies , and make them all his tributaries , before he could attend to this great and holy work ; he hath left it to me in time of peace , both to begin and finish it , according to the direction , as well as the prediction , of Almighty God . Blessed be his great name for the present tranquillity of my dominions ! And , by his gracious assistance ,
1 shall now dedicate the best improvements of this liberty and leisure to his honour and worship . Wherefore 1 make it my request , that you will let some of your people go along with some servants of mine to Mount Lebanon , to assist them in cutting down materials toward this building ; for the Sidonians understand it much better than we do . As for the workmens' reward , or wages , whatever you think reasonable shall be punctually paid them . " Hiram was highly pleased with this letter , and returned the following
answer : " King Hiram to King Solomon . " NOTHING could have been more welcome to me , than to understand that the government of your blessed father is devolved , by God ' s providence , into the hands of so excellent , so wise , and so . virtuous a successor : his holy name be praised for it . That which
you write for , shall be done with all care and good-will : for I will give order to cut down and export such quantities of the fairest cedars and cypress trees as you shall have occasion for : my . people shall bring them to the sea-side for you , and from thence ship them away D 2