Article MASONIC DIRECTORY, NUMBER I. ← Page 3 of 8 →
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Masonic Directory, Number I.
« - Ne . of Lodge . jfEWEL , John , Academy , ( Master of Mathematical ) Bideford , Devon R . IV . M . 499 . Wilson , Robert , .... Accomptant , Torrihgton , Devon .... 499 . TardreWilliam tantBideford
w , , Accomp , , Devon 499 . Clapton , David ,.... Apothecary , Great Queen-st . Westm . ' 5 . Sutherland , Alex . Apothecary , Great Queen-st . Westm . 5 . Accum , Frederick , Apothecary and Chymist , 187 , Jermynstreet , St . James ' s .... .... 182 . Humphreys , Wm . Appraiser , Rum ford 227 . BeaumontJohn Architect
, ,.... , Doncaster , Yorkshire .... Sec . 948 . Beazley , Sitmuel ,.... Army Accoutrement-maker , ' 22 , Downing-street , Westminster 350 . Lindeman , Wm Attorney at Law , Crown-str . Westm - ' . J . W . 5 . Grojan , Francis ,.... Attorney at Law , Vine-street , Piccadill y 52 . Edward at
Medley , ,.... Attorney Law , St . Marg .-st . Westm . 5 . Price , Wm . Esq . Attorney at Law , No . 1 , ° New-square , Lincoln ' s-inn 217 . Hurrill , Aaron , .... Attorney , Wennington , Essex 227 . Lamprey , Stephen , Attorney at Law , Maidstone , Kent .... 341 . WhiteJohn AuctioneerPrince ' s-strWestminster 5
, , .... , . . Straight ,-William ,, Attorney , Chelmsford ' .... 4 fj 2 . Shclchley , James , Auctioneer , Birmingham , Warwickshire , Prov . Gr . Sec . and P . M . 32 . Hayward , Nathan . Auctioneer , Romford , Essex 227 .
Needs , Thomas ,.... Baker , Gr . Queen-str . LincoIn ' s-inn-sq . Tr . 96 . Ansell , John , .... Baker , Abingdon-streer , Westminster .... 5 . Lovejoy , John , .... Bookbinder and Stationer , 24 , Dean-str . Fetter-lane , .... R . W . M . 217 . Perry , G . Bookbinder , 25 , Little Wild-street ,
Lincoln ' s-inn-square 228 . Asperne , James ,.... Bookseller , Wa ! worth , SurreyR . W . M . gS . Knott , Robert , .... Bookseller , Stationer , and Paper-hanger , i 6 , Market-street , St . James ' s-market 97 . Loanng , Thomas , Boot and Shoemaker , No . 1 , Charles-_ . street , Westminster 325 . Rickhuss Boot and Shoemaker
, George , , No . 5 , Great Wild-street , Lincoln ' s-inn-square .... 98 . User , Thomas , .... Bricklayer , Barking , Essex .... P . M 227 . Carder , Ed . Thos . Brewer , Romford , Essex .... P . M . 227 . Hemming , John ,.... Broker , Stock Exchange .... A . S . JV . 412 , A 3
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Masonic Directory, Number I.
« - Ne . of Lodge . jfEWEL , John , Academy , ( Master of Mathematical ) Bideford , Devon R . IV . M . 499 . Wilson , Robert , .... Accomptant , Torrihgton , Devon .... 499 . TardreWilliam tantBideford
w , , Accomp , , Devon 499 . Clapton , David ,.... Apothecary , Great Queen-st . Westm . ' 5 . Sutherland , Alex . Apothecary , Great Queen-st . Westm . 5 . Accum , Frederick , Apothecary and Chymist , 187 , Jermynstreet , St . James ' s .... .... 182 . Humphreys , Wm . Appraiser , Rum ford 227 . BeaumontJohn Architect
, ,.... , Doncaster , Yorkshire .... Sec . 948 . Beazley , Sitmuel ,.... Army Accoutrement-maker , ' 22 , Downing-street , Westminster 350 . Lindeman , Wm Attorney at Law , Crown-str . Westm - ' . J . W . 5 . Grojan , Francis ,.... Attorney at Law , Vine-street , Piccadill y 52 . Edward at
Medley , ,.... Attorney Law , St . Marg .-st . Westm . 5 . Price , Wm . Esq . Attorney at Law , No . 1 , ° New-square , Lincoln ' s-inn 217 . Hurrill , Aaron , .... Attorney , Wennington , Essex 227 . Lamprey , Stephen , Attorney at Law , Maidstone , Kent .... 341 . WhiteJohn AuctioneerPrince ' s-strWestminster 5
, , .... , . . Straight ,-William ,, Attorney , Chelmsford ' .... 4 fj 2 . Shclchley , James , Auctioneer , Birmingham , Warwickshire , Prov . Gr . Sec . and P . M . 32 . Hayward , Nathan . Auctioneer , Romford , Essex 227 .
Needs , Thomas ,.... Baker , Gr . Queen-str . LincoIn ' s-inn-sq . Tr . 96 . Ansell , John , .... Baker , Abingdon-streer , Westminster .... 5 . Lovejoy , John , .... Bookbinder and Stationer , 24 , Dean-str . Fetter-lane , .... R . W . M . 217 . Perry , G . Bookbinder , 25 , Little Wild-street ,
Lincoln ' s-inn-square 228 . Asperne , James ,.... Bookseller , Wa ! worth , SurreyR . W . M . gS . Knott , Robert , .... Bookseller , Stationer , and Paper-hanger , i 6 , Market-street , St . James ' s-market 97 . Loanng , Thomas , Boot and Shoemaker , No . 1 , Charles-_ . street , Westminster 325 . Rickhuss Boot and Shoemaker
, George , , No . 5 , Great Wild-street , Lincoln ' s-inn-square .... 98 . User , Thomas , .... Bricklayer , Barking , Essex .... P . M 227 . Carder , Ed . Thos . Brewer , Romford , Essex .... P . M . 227 . Hemming , John ,.... Broker , Stock Exchange .... A . S . JV . 412 , A 3