Article HISTORY OF MASONRY. ← Page 10 of 10 Article THE FREEMASON. Page 1 of 3 →
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History Of Masonry.
No structure was ever to be compared with this temple , for its correct proportions and beautiful dimensions , from the magnificent portico on the east , to the awful sanctum sanctorum on the west ; with the numerous apartments for the Icings , princes , sanhedrim , priests , Levites , and people of Israel , beside an outer court for the Gentiles ; it being an house of prayer for all nations . The prospect of it hi g hly
transcended all that we are capable to imagine , and has ever been esteemed the finest piece of masonry upon earth , before or since * . ( To be continued . J
The Freemason.
No . VII . The glory , jest , and riddle of the world . POPE .
IT is to be sincerely regretted that England swarms with so many puppies ; but puppyism , though condemned by- every honest writer , seems now the prevalent folly of the times . There are various kinds of puppies , viz . puppy-lovers—puppy macaronies—puppy speakers—puppy preachers—puppjr criticsconnoisseurs—puppy intriguers—puppy friends—puppy poets
puppy —puppy actors—cum multis aliis . There are puppies of every size , complexion , stature , and denomination . The puppy lovers are too generally cherished by the ladies , who think them innocent animals , and treat them like their lap-dogs—but not quite so innocent are these creatures as may be supposed ; though harmless in themselves , they bite like
vipers" They talk of beauties which they never knew , " And fancy raptures which they never felt . " Truly they exceed this—for they have frequently robbed the virtuous of their character , and been sly abusers of many a fair one's reputation . Puppy macaronies are such professed admirers of themselves that
they pay all their adoration to the looking glass- —their sweet persotis , let them be ever so ugly , are their chief delight—they think of nothing else . Their orig in we must not trace ; as , commonly , a hairdresser was their father , or by means of a dancing-master they hopped into the world .
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History Of Masonry.
No structure was ever to be compared with this temple , for its correct proportions and beautiful dimensions , from the magnificent portico on the east , to the awful sanctum sanctorum on the west ; with the numerous apartments for the Icings , princes , sanhedrim , priests , Levites , and people of Israel , beside an outer court for the Gentiles ; it being an house of prayer for all nations . The prospect of it hi g hly
transcended all that we are capable to imagine , and has ever been esteemed the finest piece of masonry upon earth , before or since * . ( To be continued . J
The Freemason.
No . VII . The glory , jest , and riddle of the world . POPE .
IT is to be sincerely regretted that England swarms with so many puppies ; but puppyism , though condemned by- every honest writer , seems now the prevalent folly of the times . There are various kinds of puppies , viz . puppy-lovers—puppy macaronies—puppy speakers—puppy preachers—puppjr criticsconnoisseurs—puppy intriguers—puppy friends—puppy poets
puppy —puppy actors—cum multis aliis . There are puppies of every size , complexion , stature , and denomination . The puppy lovers are too generally cherished by the ladies , who think them innocent animals , and treat them like their lap-dogs—but not quite so innocent are these creatures as may be supposed ; though harmless in themselves , they bite like
vipers" They talk of beauties which they never knew , " And fancy raptures which they never felt . " Truly they exceed this—for they have frequently robbed the virtuous of their character , and been sly abusers of many a fair one's reputation . Puppy macaronies are such professed admirers of themselves that
they pay all their adoration to the looking glass- —their sweet persotis , let them be ever so ugly , are their chief delight—they think of nothing else . Their orig in we must not trace ; as , commonly , a hairdresser was their father , or by means of a dancing-master they hopped into the world .