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Basem; Or, The Blacksmith. An Oriental Apologue.
While the three bildars , with each a criminal , stood thus arranged , Basem stood lost in dreadful reflections . "This crowns all ! " said he to himself , " every new misfortune is more curst than its prior sister . By Ullah ! to escape from death is now impossible . " At this instant , the Khalif called to him , " You there , are you not one of my established bildars ? Why do you not lead out your criminal ,
as your _ companions have done ? " Basem being now obliged to obey , laid hands 011 the fourth prisoner , tied his hands behind , cut open his vest , and tied a handkerchief over his eyes ; then took his stand behind him , but without moving his sword . " I am lost , " thought he , " how can I manage the sword ? In a few minutes itwill be found to be a piece of a date tree ,: 1 shall be the public jest ,
and lose my head by the Khalif ' s order . In what a wretched scrape am I involved ! " He then took his sword from the belt , and grasping the hilt in his right hand , he rested the sword on the left arm . The Khalif was highly diverted at this manoeuvre ; but called out to him , " You bildar , why do you not unsheath your sword , as your comrades have done ? " " My lord" replied Basem" it is not
, , good that a naked sword should dazzle the eyes of the Emeer ai Moumaneen . " The Khalif , seemingly acquiescing in this answer , ' turned to the first bildar , and commanded him . to strike ; when in a moment the head was severed from the bod }' . " Well done , Achmed , " said the Khalif ; and at the same time ordered him a present ,. and an increase of salary . " And do you . Otman / ' speaking to the
, second bildar , " execute your criminal . " " I am prepared and obedient , " replied he ; then raising his arm aloft , so as to expose his armpit , he . at one stroke made the head leap to some distance from the shoulders .
The Khalif , after commending his dexterity , ordered him the same . reward as the former . The third criminal was next decapitated , and . the executioner , , received the same commendation and gratuity that his companions had done . The Khalif now turning to Basem , "You , my established bildar , " said he , " cut off the head of your criminal , as 3 rour comrades have done , and be entitled to the like ' reward . " But Basem was lost in thoughtor rather in a state of
stu-, pefaction , till Mesrour stepping up to him , and touching him on the side , whispered in his ear , " Answer the Emeer al Moumaneen ,. and obey his commands , or else your head shall instantly fly from your shoulders , like those of the banditti . " Basem aroused from his ' Teverie , lifting up his head , said , "Yes , yes , Emeer al Moumaneen . " " Strike offthe head of your prisoner , " said the Khalif . " Upon rny
head and . eyes be it , " replied , Basem ; then drawing near the surviving culprit , " It is the Khalif ' s command , " said he , " that your head should be severed from your body . If you are prepared to pronounce the confession of your faith , pronounce it for this is the last hour that God has permitted 3 ^ 011 to breathe . " The culprit , distinctly recited the Moslem creed . ' While Basem bared his ri ght arm to the elbow , and fiercely rolling hU eyes , walked thrice round the prisoner , desiring he might dcclate .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Basem; Or, The Blacksmith. An Oriental Apologue.
While the three bildars , with each a criminal , stood thus arranged , Basem stood lost in dreadful reflections . "This crowns all ! " said he to himself , " every new misfortune is more curst than its prior sister . By Ullah ! to escape from death is now impossible . " At this instant , the Khalif called to him , " You there , are you not one of my established bildars ? Why do you not lead out your criminal ,
as your _ companions have done ? " Basem being now obliged to obey , laid hands 011 the fourth prisoner , tied his hands behind , cut open his vest , and tied a handkerchief over his eyes ; then took his stand behind him , but without moving his sword . " I am lost , " thought he , " how can I manage the sword ? In a few minutes itwill be found to be a piece of a date tree ,: 1 shall be the public jest ,
and lose my head by the Khalif ' s order . In what a wretched scrape am I involved ! " He then took his sword from the belt , and grasping the hilt in his right hand , he rested the sword on the left arm . The Khalif was highly diverted at this manoeuvre ; but called out to him , " You bildar , why do you not unsheath your sword , as your comrades have done ? " " My lord" replied Basem" it is not
, , good that a naked sword should dazzle the eyes of the Emeer ai Moumaneen . " The Khalif , seemingly acquiescing in this answer , ' turned to the first bildar , and commanded him . to strike ; when in a moment the head was severed from the bod }' . " Well done , Achmed , " said the Khalif ; and at the same time ordered him a present ,. and an increase of salary . " And do you . Otman / ' speaking to the
, second bildar , " execute your criminal . " " I am prepared and obedient , " replied he ; then raising his arm aloft , so as to expose his armpit , he . at one stroke made the head leap to some distance from the shoulders .
The Khalif , after commending his dexterity , ordered him the same . reward as the former . The third criminal was next decapitated , and . the executioner , , received the same commendation and gratuity that his companions had done . The Khalif now turning to Basem , "You , my established bildar , " said he , " cut off the head of your criminal , as 3 rour comrades have done , and be entitled to the like ' reward . " But Basem was lost in thoughtor rather in a state of
stu-, pefaction , till Mesrour stepping up to him , and touching him on the side , whispered in his ear , " Answer the Emeer al Moumaneen ,. and obey his commands , or else your head shall instantly fly from your shoulders , like those of the banditti . " Basem aroused from his ' Teverie , lifting up his head , said , "Yes , yes , Emeer al Moumaneen . " " Strike offthe head of your prisoner , " said the Khalif . " Upon rny
head and . eyes be it , " replied , Basem ; then drawing near the surviving culprit , " It is the Khalif ' s command , " said he , " that your head should be severed from your body . If you are prepared to pronounce the confession of your faith , pronounce it for this is the last hour that God has permitted 3 ^ 011 to breathe . " The culprit , distinctly recited the Moslem creed . ' While Basem bared his ri ght arm to the elbow , and fiercely rolling hU eyes , walked thrice round the prisoner , desiring he might dcclate .