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Parliamentary Proceedings.
J > I 3 shme ' nt of the Prince of Wales , and the means for liquidating the debts of Jiis Royal Highness . " That it be an instruction to the committee to provide an annuity out of the consolidated fund for the punctual payment of the debts of his Royal Highness She Prince of Wales , and to take such measures as may prevent the contracting of similar debtsin future . And " That it also be an instruction to the said committee , to make a provision , thatincase of the demise of the crownsuch part of the debts of his
, , Royal Highness as then remain unpaid , shall be liquidated out of the civil list , or the hereditary revenues of the crown . "That the-House do resolve itself into a committee , on Monday next , to eons-tier of a provision for the appropriation of an annual sum , towards the li-< rmdal ! oa of such of the Prince of Wales ' s debts as may remain unpaid by his Xoyal -Higfrness . " . Mr . Sheridan spoke at considerable length , and with not a little asperity - maintaining that the Soverei
gn should himself have come forward and made some sacrifices towards the payment of the Prince ' s debts . _ Mr . Sheridan concluded his speech by moving , that after the word " consolidated I und , " be added "Provided it could not be supplied from the civil list , or the suppression of Sinecure places . " A great-diversity . of sentiment prevailed , more as to the manner than the Bicstiof settling the Princeaffairs
s ' s . Mr . Sheridan withdrew his motion by compromise , and on the original beiti " put , it passed r 8 , against -93 . On the motion for adjournment moved by Mr * jpitt , it passed 153 , against 29 . 8 . Mr . K « rose to move , That the sum of 6 5 , 000 ] . be appropriated from th <» / consolidated fund for the payment of the Prince of Wales's debts , in case of his . demise . This produced a long debate , at conclusion of which the House divided , lor the motion it 68
93 , against . Mr . Anstruther then moved , " That it be an instruction to the committee , that they may have power to apply the annual revenue of the Duchy of Cornwall to the purpose of discharging the Prince's debts . " On which the House again divided , tor the motion 58 , against it 96 . Mr . Pitt now moved that the Speaker do leave the chair , in order for the House to go into a committee on the bill . Another debate ensued , in which Mr . Sheridan and Mr . Whitbread opposed the bill , and condemned it in ton , , as disgraceful , degrading , and inconsistent . 1 he House then divided on the question of the speaker ' s leaving the chair . Aves * 57 > Noes 36 . ¦ ¦ a ¦ > j
in the committee on the bill there were divisions on three clauses . On the clause for granting his Royal Highness an additional allowance of . 65 , 0001 . a year , an amendment was proposed by Mr . Wilberforce , that instead . of 65 , 0001 . the blank be filled up with 40 , 000 ! . After several other members had spoken , a . division took place , for the amendment 3 8 , against it 141 . On the clause impowering his Majesty to appoint commissioners , & c . Aves 132 , Noes , 35 . And on the clause appointing the 65000 ! additional income to be taken fro
, . m the consolidated fund , Ayes 149 , Noes 16 . The Chancellor of the Exchequer presented the Emperor ' s Loan Bill which was read a first time . 10 . On the motion for the second reading of the Austrian loan bill , General Tarleton rose to object to it , and took a view of the probable circumstances of the ensuing campaign , and its result , which appeared to him in a very unfavourable lightas aiiecting this countrvHe repeated various arguments
, . agains * the policy of the war , and observed , that the internal disturbance of France always bore a proportionate relation to the relaxation of the external efforts of the allies . Mr . Lechmire said the present bill to him appeared to be a gross imposition . I russia we had subsidized at a time that his Prussian Majestv declared thai it was .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Parliamentary Proceedings.
J > I 3 shme ' nt of the Prince of Wales , and the means for liquidating the debts of Jiis Royal Highness . " That it be an instruction to the committee to provide an annuity out of the consolidated fund for the punctual payment of the debts of his Royal Highness She Prince of Wales , and to take such measures as may prevent the contracting of similar debtsin future . And " That it also be an instruction to the said committee , to make a provision , thatincase of the demise of the crownsuch part of the debts of his
, , Royal Highness as then remain unpaid , shall be liquidated out of the civil list , or the hereditary revenues of the crown . "That the-House do resolve itself into a committee , on Monday next , to eons-tier of a provision for the appropriation of an annual sum , towards the li-< rmdal ! oa of such of the Prince of Wales ' s debts as may remain unpaid by his Xoyal -Higfrness . " . Mr . Sheridan spoke at considerable length , and with not a little asperity - maintaining that the Soverei
gn should himself have come forward and made some sacrifices towards the payment of the Prince ' s debts . _ Mr . Sheridan concluded his speech by moving , that after the word " consolidated I und , " be added "Provided it could not be supplied from the civil list , or the suppression of Sinecure places . " A great-diversity . of sentiment prevailed , more as to the manner than the Bicstiof settling the Princeaffairs
s ' s . Mr . Sheridan withdrew his motion by compromise , and on the original beiti " put , it passed r 8 , against -93 . On the motion for adjournment moved by Mr * jpitt , it passed 153 , against 29 . 8 . Mr . K « rose to move , That the sum of 6 5 , 000 ] . be appropriated from th <» / consolidated fund for the payment of the Prince of Wales's debts , in case of his . demise . This produced a long debate , at conclusion of which the House divided , lor the motion it 68
93 , against . Mr . Anstruther then moved , " That it be an instruction to the committee , that they may have power to apply the annual revenue of the Duchy of Cornwall to the purpose of discharging the Prince's debts . " On which the House again divided , tor the motion 58 , against it 96 . Mr . Pitt now moved that the Speaker do leave the chair , in order for the House to go into a committee on the bill . Another debate ensued , in which Mr . Sheridan and Mr . Whitbread opposed the bill , and condemned it in ton , , as disgraceful , degrading , and inconsistent . 1 he House then divided on the question of the speaker ' s leaving the chair . Aves * 57 > Noes 36 . ¦ ¦ a ¦ > j
in the committee on the bill there were divisions on three clauses . On the clause for granting his Royal Highness an additional allowance of . 65 , 0001 . a year , an amendment was proposed by Mr . Wilberforce , that instead . of 65 , 0001 . the blank be filled up with 40 , 000 ! . After several other members had spoken , a . division took place , for the amendment 3 8 , against it 141 . On the clause impowering his Majesty to appoint commissioners , & c . Aves 132 , Noes , 35 . And on the clause appointing the 65000 ! additional income to be taken fro
, . m the consolidated fund , Ayes 149 , Noes 16 . The Chancellor of the Exchequer presented the Emperor ' s Loan Bill which was read a first time . 10 . On the motion for the second reading of the Austrian loan bill , General Tarleton rose to object to it , and took a view of the probable circumstances of the ensuing campaign , and its result , which appeared to him in a very unfavourable lightas aiiecting this countrvHe repeated various arguments
, . agains * the policy of the war , and observed , that the internal disturbance of France always bore a proportionate relation to the relaxation of the external efforts of the allies . Mr . Lechmire said the present bill to him appeared to be a gross imposition . I russia we had subsidized at a time that his Prussian Majestv declared thai it was .