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Masonic Song *.
TUNE — " Rule Britannia . "
" ^ TTTHEN earth ' s foundation first was laid W V % 'he Almiglity Artist ' s hand , 'Twas then our perfect laws were made , Which soon prevail'd throughout the land , cnonus . Hail , mysterious ! hail , glorious Masonry I Who mak ' st thy voi'ries good and free . ' ¦ '
In vain mankind for shelter sought , From place to place in vain did roam , Until by Heaven they were taught To plan , to build , t ' adorn a home , ciion . Illustrious hence we date our Art , And now its beauteous piles appear , Which shall to
endless time impart How favour'd and how free we are . CHOH . Nor yet less fam'd for ev ' ry tie Whereby thehunian thought is bound ; Love , truth , and boundless charity , Join all our hearts and hands around , ciiox . Our deeds approv'd by virtue's test ,
And to our precepts ever true , The world , admiring , shall request To learn , and all our paths pursue , CHOH .
DIVINE Urania , virgin pure ! Enthron'd in the Olympian bow ' r , I here invoke thy lays 1 Celestial Muse awake the lyre , With heav ' n-bprn sweet seraphic fire , Freemasonry to praise . The stalely structures that arise
, And brush the concave of the skies , Still ornament thy shrine ; Th' aspiring domes , those works of ours , " The solemn temples—cloud-capt tow ' , " Confess the art divine . ¦ With Prudence al ! our actions are , By Bible , Compass , and by Square ,
In love and truth combin'd ; While Justice and Benevolence , With Fortitude and Temperance , Adorn and grace the mind !
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Song *.
TUNE — " Rule Britannia . "
" ^ TTTHEN earth ' s foundation first was laid W V % 'he Almiglity Artist ' s hand , 'Twas then our perfect laws were made , Which soon prevail'd throughout the land , cnonus . Hail , mysterious ! hail , glorious Masonry I Who mak ' st thy voi'ries good and free . ' ¦ '
In vain mankind for shelter sought , From place to place in vain did roam , Until by Heaven they were taught To plan , to build , t ' adorn a home , ciion . Illustrious hence we date our Art , And now its beauteous piles appear , Which shall to
endless time impart How favour'd and how free we are . CHOH . Nor yet less fam'd for ev ' ry tie Whereby thehunian thought is bound ; Love , truth , and boundless charity , Join all our hearts and hands around , ciiox . Our deeds approv'd by virtue's test ,
And to our precepts ever true , The world , admiring , shall request To learn , and all our paths pursue , CHOH .
DIVINE Urania , virgin pure ! Enthron'd in the Olympian bow ' r , I here invoke thy lays 1 Celestial Muse awake the lyre , With heav ' n-bprn sweet seraphic fire , Freemasonry to praise . The stalely structures that arise
, And brush the concave of the skies , Still ornament thy shrine ; Th' aspiring domes , those works of ours , " The solemn temples—cloud-capt tow ' , " Confess the art divine . ¦ With Prudence al ! our actions are , By Bible , Compass , and by Square ,
In love and truth combin'd ; While Justice and Benevolence , With Fortitude and Temperance , Adorn and grace the mind !