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Let Masonry ' s profound grand art Be rooted in each Brother ' s heart , Immortal to remain ; Hence for ever mayst thou be Beyond compare , O Masonry 1 Unrivall'd in thy reign !
To Hope.
O THOU whose sweetly-pleasing sway Our willing hearts with joy obey , O , Hope 1 my pray'r attend ; The pray ' r of one whose tortur'd heart , Pierc'd by Affliction ' s sharpest dart , Finds thee its only friend . 'Midst ali the pangs which rend my breast .
And long have robb'd my soul of rest . On thee I still rely ; For Heav ' n in mercy sent thee here , And bade thee wipe the bitter tear That streams from Sorrow ' s eye . O ' er all mankind fhy > care extends , Thy balm the guilty wretch defends
From madness and despair ; To stop stern justice in her course , Thou ' teachest him the wpnd ' rous force Of penitence and pray'r . Virtue , by tyrant Pow ' r oppress'd , Friendless , afflicted , and distress'd , By thee is taught to rise ;
And , conscious of her Heavenly birth , To scorn the narrow bounds of earth , And claim' her kindred skies . 'Tis thine to ' pierce the dismal gloom Where Sorrow weeps o ' er Friendship's tomb , And hail that happy shore ' Where pleasure shall for ever reign ,
Where virtuous love unites again , ' ' And friends shall part ho more . 'Midst -tort ' ring racks and scorching fires The hero whom thy voice inspires , In conscious virtue brave , Triumphantly resigns his . breath , And plucks the . sting from vanquish'd death , The vict'ry from the grave . O may thy kind , thy gentle pow ' r , Sustain me in that dreadful hour :
When nature shrinks aghast ; When death ' s cold hand t ; eseeyes shall close , And my long pilgrimage of ¦ oes Shall have an end at last .
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Let Masonry ' s profound grand art Be rooted in each Brother ' s heart , Immortal to remain ; Hence for ever mayst thou be Beyond compare , O Masonry 1 Unrivall'd in thy reign !
To Hope.
O THOU whose sweetly-pleasing sway Our willing hearts with joy obey , O , Hope 1 my pray'r attend ; The pray ' r of one whose tortur'd heart , Pierc'd by Affliction ' s sharpest dart , Finds thee its only friend . 'Midst ali the pangs which rend my breast .
And long have robb'd my soul of rest . On thee I still rely ; For Heav ' n in mercy sent thee here , And bade thee wipe the bitter tear That streams from Sorrow ' s eye . O ' er all mankind fhy > care extends , Thy balm the guilty wretch defends
From madness and despair ; To stop stern justice in her course , Thou ' teachest him the wpnd ' rous force Of penitence and pray'r . Virtue , by tyrant Pow ' r oppress'd , Friendless , afflicted , and distress'd , By thee is taught to rise ;
And , conscious of her Heavenly birth , To scorn the narrow bounds of earth , And claim' her kindred skies . 'Tis thine to ' pierce the dismal gloom Where Sorrow weeps o ' er Friendship's tomb , And hail that happy shore ' Where pleasure shall for ever reign ,
Where virtuous love unites again , ' ' And friends shall part ho more . 'Midst -tort ' ring racks and scorching fires The hero whom thy voice inspires , In conscious virtue brave , Triumphantly resigns his . breath , And plucks the . sting from vanquish'd death , The vict'ry from the grave . O may thy kind , thy gentle pow ' r , Sustain me in that dreadful hour :
When nature shrinks aghast ; When death ' s cold hand t ; eseeyes shall close , And my long pilgrimage of ¦ oes Shall have an end at last .