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Curious Particulars Relative To The Jews.
Third , the ten single knots , which are formed by the five double ones , are in remembrance of the ten commandments . " - Fourth , the seven windings , after the first double knot , are in remembrance of keeping the sabbath on the seventh day of the week . Fifth , the nine windings , afterathe second double knot , are in remembrance of the nine months of pregnancy . Sixththe eleven windingsafter the third double knotare in
re-, , , membrance of the eleven stars which reverenced Joseph in his dream . Seventh , the thirteen windings , after the fourth double knot , are in remembrance of thirteen attributes of compassion in the Almighty , called , in Hebrew , Sbelosb Essry Middoth . Eihththe sevennineelevenand thirteen windingsmaking
g , , , , , together forty , are in remembrance of the forty days that Moses was with God , to receive the ten commandments . Ninth , the eight separate knots , at the end of each thread , are to prevent their untwisting , by which the whole of the numerical types might be unravelled . This arbang kanfotb is what every Jew is commanded to wear ;
and the veil , which they use in synagogue , being fringed after the same manner , was instituted to be worn during the prayers , to supply the want of the arbang kanfotb in such as had none on , or ' could not , by their clothes being put over them , so conveniently kiss them , which they are obliged to do three times , when they express the
-word fringe in the prayer of Wayomer Adonail El Mosheb . They are likewise obliged , ever ) - morning in the week , sabbath and holida ) 's excepted , to put on frontlets . Vide Dent . vi . ver . 5 to 9 . These frontlets are made of a calf ' s skini that has been slaughtered after the Jewish manner . Of this skin they make a little leather case , and put in it a small piece of parchment , on which is written the fourth verse of the sixth chapter of Deuteronony , the ten
commandments , and the second verse of the thirteenth chapter of Exodus . This parchment is sewed in the case , to which they make a leather loop , to draw a long strap through , made of the same materials ; this strap is tied into a cross knot at a certain distance from the case , so as to make it fit the head in the manner of a wreath or diadem ; the case of the head frontlet is placed hi J II on the forehead ,
to be between the eyes , and near the brain , and the cross knot to come in the pole ; the two straps from below the cross knot are brought over the shoulders , to hang down before . A similar frontlet is put on the left arm , just' over the hollow , in the bend , and the strap fastened to it is wound seven times round the arm towards the hand ; and on the hand it is twisted over and over
the fingers , so as to form the word Sbaddai ; which word has but three letters in the Hebrew , and signifies the Almig hty God . The reason of its being put on the left arm , and near the middle of it , is , because that part is nearest the heart , when the arm is held in its natural position . The frontlet , commanded ( Deut . vi . ver . 5 . ) to be written on the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Curious Particulars Relative To The Jews.
Third , the ten single knots , which are formed by the five double ones , are in remembrance of the ten commandments . " - Fourth , the seven windings , after the first double knot , are in remembrance of keeping the sabbath on the seventh day of the week . Fifth , the nine windings , afterathe second double knot , are in remembrance of the nine months of pregnancy . Sixththe eleven windingsafter the third double knotare in
re-, , , membrance of the eleven stars which reverenced Joseph in his dream . Seventh , the thirteen windings , after the fourth double knot , are in remembrance of thirteen attributes of compassion in the Almighty , called , in Hebrew , Sbelosb Essry Middoth . Eihththe sevennineelevenand thirteen windingsmaking
g , , , , , together forty , are in remembrance of the forty days that Moses was with God , to receive the ten commandments . Ninth , the eight separate knots , at the end of each thread , are to prevent their untwisting , by which the whole of the numerical types might be unravelled . This arbang kanfotb is what every Jew is commanded to wear ;
and the veil , which they use in synagogue , being fringed after the same manner , was instituted to be worn during the prayers , to supply the want of the arbang kanfotb in such as had none on , or ' could not , by their clothes being put over them , so conveniently kiss them , which they are obliged to do three times , when they express the
-word fringe in the prayer of Wayomer Adonail El Mosheb . They are likewise obliged , ever ) - morning in the week , sabbath and holida ) 's excepted , to put on frontlets . Vide Dent . vi . ver . 5 to 9 . These frontlets are made of a calf ' s skini that has been slaughtered after the Jewish manner . Of this skin they make a little leather case , and put in it a small piece of parchment , on which is written the fourth verse of the sixth chapter of Deuteronony , the ten
commandments , and the second verse of the thirteenth chapter of Exodus . This parchment is sewed in the case , to which they make a leather loop , to draw a long strap through , made of the same materials ; this strap is tied into a cross knot at a certain distance from the case , so as to make it fit the head in the manner of a wreath or diadem ; the case of the head frontlet is placed hi J II on the forehead ,
to be between the eyes , and near the brain , and the cross knot to come in the pole ; the two straps from below the cross knot are brought over the shoulders , to hang down before . A similar frontlet is put on the left arm , just' over the hollow , in the bend , and the strap fastened to it is wound seven times round the arm towards the hand ; and on the hand it is twisted over and over
the fingers , so as to form the word Sbaddai ; which word has but three letters in the Hebrew , and signifies the Almig hty God . The reason of its being put on the left arm , and near the middle of it , is , because that part is nearest the heart , when the arm is held in its natural position . The frontlet , commanded ( Deut . vi . ver . 5 . ) to be written on the