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Sketches Of Celebrated Characters.
old , he-replied , ' g ive me the empire to govern , and we shall see * ' how I shall acquit myself . ' The emperor was much pleased with this bold ancl simple answer . ' He is a boy of courage , ' said Cham- * Chi : ' Let him be emperor . ' The pomp and the business of the throne did not interrupt the labours of Kang Hi . tie used to tell his children , by way of making them stud' I came to "the throne at the age of eiht years . Telling
y , g ' and Lin , my two ministers , were my masters , and they made me ' apply myself incessantly to the study of The King , and the annals ' of the empire . Afterwards they taught me ' eloquence and poetry . ' At seventeen years of age my passion for books made me get up ' before day-break , and sit up very late in the night . I applied my ' mind so " much , that my health suffered by it ; but my sphere of
' knowledge was enlarged , and a great empire cannot be well go' verned unless the monarch has a great share of knowledge . ' Some one representing to this prince , who was descended frorri the Tartar kings that had conquered China , that it was rather extras ordinary he should entrust the care of his person to some Chinsse eunuchs ; he replied , ' I fear the Tien too much to be afraid of eu' ntichs ; besides , the eunuchs make me watch strictly over myself . '
A short time before he died , he sent for the Princes his sons , and thus addressed them : ' I have diligently studied history , and I have ' made my reflections upon every thing that has happened in my reign . 'T have observed , that all those who were desirous to do mischief to ' others died miserably ; that those who had no feeling , met witlj ' persons more cruel than themselves ; and that even soldiers who
' were sanguinary without necessity , did not die a natural death . The ' Tien revenges one man by another , and he often makes him that ' has prepared the poison drink it himself . I am now seventy-two ' years of age ; I have seen the fourth , and even the fifth generations * of many families . I have constantly observed happiness , peace , ' and wealth , perpetuate themselves in those families who love
vir' tue . Poverty , calamity , reverse of fortune , and a thousand acci' dents have before my own eyes precip itated into misery , or destroy' ed , those families that had enriched themselves by injustice , and ' who were prone to revenge , and delivered up to disorder . . I have ' concluded then from all that I have seen , that the course of events 'is just . Those who act uprightly gather the pleasant fruits of their ' good conduct ; and those who act viciously receive their punish' ment even in this world . ' /
I-Iis penetration of mind , his great knowledge , the majesty of his appearance , his bravery , his magnificence , his indefatigable application to the business of his kingdom , procured Kang Hi from his subjects the glorious appellation of ' the Father and the Mother of his People .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Sketches Of Celebrated Characters.
old , he-replied , ' g ive me the empire to govern , and we shall see * ' how I shall acquit myself . ' The emperor was much pleased with this bold ancl simple answer . ' He is a boy of courage , ' said Cham- * Chi : ' Let him be emperor . ' The pomp and the business of the throne did not interrupt the labours of Kang Hi . tie used to tell his children , by way of making them stud' I came to "the throne at the age of eiht years . Telling
y , g ' and Lin , my two ministers , were my masters , and they made me ' apply myself incessantly to the study of The King , and the annals ' of the empire . Afterwards they taught me ' eloquence and poetry . ' At seventeen years of age my passion for books made me get up ' before day-break , and sit up very late in the night . I applied my ' mind so " much , that my health suffered by it ; but my sphere of
' knowledge was enlarged , and a great empire cannot be well go' verned unless the monarch has a great share of knowledge . ' Some one representing to this prince , who was descended frorri the Tartar kings that had conquered China , that it was rather extras ordinary he should entrust the care of his person to some Chinsse eunuchs ; he replied , ' I fear the Tien too much to be afraid of eu' ntichs ; besides , the eunuchs make me watch strictly over myself . '
A short time before he died , he sent for the Princes his sons , and thus addressed them : ' I have diligently studied history , and I have ' made my reflections upon every thing that has happened in my reign . 'T have observed , that all those who were desirous to do mischief to ' others died miserably ; that those who had no feeling , met witlj ' persons more cruel than themselves ; and that even soldiers who
' were sanguinary without necessity , did not die a natural death . The ' Tien revenges one man by another , and he often makes him that ' has prepared the poison drink it himself . I am now seventy-two ' years of age ; I have seen the fourth , and even the fifth generations * of many families . I have constantly observed happiness , peace , ' and wealth , perpetuate themselves in those families who love
vir' tue . Poverty , calamity , reverse of fortune , and a thousand acci' dents have before my own eyes precip itated into misery , or destroy' ed , those families that had enriched themselves by injustice , and ' who were prone to revenge , and delivered up to disorder . . I have ' concluded then from all that I have seen , that the course of events 'is just . Those who act uprightly gather the pleasant fruits of their ' good conduct ; and those who act viciously receive their punish' ment even in this world . ' /
I-Iis penetration of mind , his great knowledge , the majesty of his appearance , his bravery , his magnificence , his indefatigable application to the business of his kingdom , procured Kang Hi from his subjects the glorious appellation of ' the Father and the Mother of his People .