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Review Of New Publications.
cannot readily see the reason . Charlotte is only betrothed at the opening of the play ; nor is there any hint given of her being actually married , through the whole of it : at least , the author certainly represents her as unmarried , during the greatest struggle of her love for Werter ; and Albert , as knowing of the excess of their affection j which renders the conduct of ail three highly unnatural ; for we cannot conceive that love would have driven Werter to such despair , while his mistress was still single ; or that Albert would have
accepted her hand , when he found that passion had so entirely possest them both . Add to this , that the author has given us only half the character of the feeling Werter , who is represented by the German author as'disappointed in ambition no less than in love . If" expressed with the force with which it is conceived in the story , Werter would make one of the finest characters for the stage , that could any where be found . It would be unfair to criticise further this slight performance , the subject of which does not tally so well
with the author ' s abilities , as scenes of a li ght and comic strain . Vortimer ; or the true Patriot : a Tragedy . By Ab . Portal . Svo . is . dd . ICearsley . THIS tragedy is dedicated to the Lord Mayor , Aldermen , and Common Council of the City of London , and is stated to be tlie author ' s virgin tragedy . We think that , altogether , it possesses some merit : the plot is
conducted with address , and the catastrophe well produced . The language is sometimes nervous and poetical , and sometimes weak and prosaic . There is much room for improvement ; and , with some alterations , it mi ght be brought on . the stage and , probably , well received . The Roses ; or , King Henry ihe Sixth . An Historical Tragedy . Represented at Reading School . Compiled principally from Shakspeare . Svo . Price is . 6 d . Elm sly .
WE are much p leased with the spirit which prompted , and the taste which executed , this agreeable performance . We therefore recommend it to general perusal .
List Of New Publications.
AN Answer to Paine ' s Age of Reason . By David Wilson . Svo . Price 3 S . Pernor and Hood . An Alarm to Britain , or an Enquiry into the Causes of the Progress of Infidelity . By John Jamieson , D . D . Svo . Price 2 S . Vemor and Hood . A Preservative against the Infidelity
and Uncharitableness of the Eighteenth Century . By John Evans , 'A . M . Svo . Price 2 S . 6 d . Symonds . Sermons on select Subjects . By Thomas Scott . Svo . Price 6 s . Jordan . The Pains of Memory . Ry Robert Merry , A . M . 4 ( 0 . Price 3 s . Robinsons . Camillaa Novel . By the Author of
, Cecilia , Sec . 5 vol . nmo . 21 s . Payne . The Negro Slaves ; a Dramatic-historical Piece . Translated from the German of Kotzebue . Svo . Price 3 s . Cadell and Davies .
Almeyda , Oueen of Granada , a Tragedy . By Sophia Lee . Svo . Price 2 s . Cadell and Davies . Anecdotes Historical and Literary , from eminent modern Authors . Svo . Price 6 s . Vemor and Hood . The Works of Anthony Raphael Mengo , translated from the Italian . 2
vol . Svo . Cadell and Davies . Authentic Correspondence with Mr . Le Brun , the French Minister , in 1793 . By W . Miles . Svo . Price 6 s . Debrett . The Peeper : a Collection of Essays . By John Watkins , LL . D . Svo . Price 4 s . Allen and' West . Rights of the Peopleor Reasons for
, a Regicide Peace . By William Williams . Svo . Price is . 6 d . Jordan . - View of the relative State of Great Britain and France in 1796 . Svo . Price zs . 6 d . Debrett .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Review Of New Publications.
cannot readily see the reason . Charlotte is only betrothed at the opening of the play ; nor is there any hint given of her being actually married , through the whole of it : at least , the author certainly represents her as unmarried , during the greatest struggle of her love for Werter ; and Albert , as knowing of the excess of their affection j which renders the conduct of ail three highly unnatural ; for we cannot conceive that love would have driven Werter to such despair , while his mistress was still single ; or that Albert would have
accepted her hand , when he found that passion had so entirely possest them both . Add to this , that the author has given us only half the character of the feeling Werter , who is represented by the German author as'disappointed in ambition no less than in love . If" expressed with the force with which it is conceived in the story , Werter would make one of the finest characters for the stage , that could any where be found . It would be unfair to criticise further this slight performance , the subject of which does not tally so well
with the author ' s abilities , as scenes of a li ght and comic strain . Vortimer ; or the true Patriot : a Tragedy . By Ab . Portal . Svo . is . dd . ICearsley . THIS tragedy is dedicated to the Lord Mayor , Aldermen , and Common Council of the City of London , and is stated to be tlie author ' s virgin tragedy . We think that , altogether , it possesses some merit : the plot is
conducted with address , and the catastrophe well produced . The language is sometimes nervous and poetical , and sometimes weak and prosaic . There is much room for improvement ; and , with some alterations , it mi ght be brought on . the stage and , probably , well received . The Roses ; or , King Henry ihe Sixth . An Historical Tragedy . Represented at Reading School . Compiled principally from Shakspeare . Svo . Price is . 6 d . Elm sly .
WE are much p leased with the spirit which prompted , and the taste which executed , this agreeable performance . We therefore recommend it to general perusal .
List Of New Publications.
AN Answer to Paine ' s Age of Reason . By David Wilson . Svo . Price 3 S . Pernor and Hood . An Alarm to Britain , or an Enquiry into the Causes of the Progress of Infidelity . By John Jamieson , D . D . Svo . Price 2 S . Vemor and Hood . A Preservative against the Infidelity
and Uncharitableness of the Eighteenth Century . By John Evans , 'A . M . Svo . Price 2 S . 6 d . Symonds . Sermons on select Subjects . By Thomas Scott . Svo . Price 6 s . Jordan . The Pains of Memory . Ry Robert Merry , A . M . 4 ( 0 . Price 3 s . Robinsons . Camillaa Novel . By the Author of
, Cecilia , Sec . 5 vol . nmo . 21 s . Payne . The Negro Slaves ; a Dramatic-historical Piece . Translated from the German of Kotzebue . Svo . Price 3 s . Cadell and Davies .
Almeyda , Oueen of Granada , a Tragedy . By Sophia Lee . Svo . Price 2 s . Cadell and Davies . Anecdotes Historical and Literary , from eminent modern Authors . Svo . Price 6 s . Vemor and Hood . The Works of Anthony Raphael Mengo , translated from the Italian . 2
vol . Svo . Cadell and Davies . Authentic Correspondence with Mr . Le Brun , the French Minister , in 1793 . By W . Miles . Svo . Price 6 s . Debrett . The Peeper : a Collection of Essays . By John Watkins , LL . D . Svo . Price 4 s . Allen and' West . Rights of the Peopleor Reasons for
, a Regicide Peace . By William Williams . Svo . Price is . 6 d . Jordan . - View of the relative State of Great Britain and France in 1796 . Svo . Price zs . 6 d . Debrett .