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The Freemasons' Magazine, And Cabinet Of Universal Literature.
We trust , likewise , that you will pay a strict attention to the laws and regulations of this Society , as more particularly becoming your present station ; and that you will , at the same time , require a due obedience to them , from every . other Member , well knowing , that , without this , the best of laws become useless . As a pattern for imitation , consider . the great Luminary of Nature , which , rising in the Eastregularly diffuses liht and lustre to all
, g within its circle . In like manner is it your province , with due decorum , to spread and communicate light and instruction -to the Brethren under your direction . ~ r From the knowledge we already have of your zeal and abilities , we rest assured , that you will discharge the duties of this important station in such a " manner ,, as " will equally redound to the honour of
yourself , and of those over whom you are elected to preside . MY WOilTHY BKETHREy , , IF ever it should happen , which Heaven avert , that our establish ? ment should be held in little esteem by its Members , it must be owing to the want of a due sense of the excellence of its principles , and
the salutary laws , and social duties , on which it . is founded . But , sometimes , mere curiosity , views of self-interest , or a groundless presumption that the principal business of a Lodgeis mirth and entertainment , have induced men , of loose principjes , and discordant tempers , to procure admission into our Community . This , the consequence of the unpardonable inattention of those who proposed " them
to their lives and conversations , has occasioned some discredit anduneasiness to the Craft ; such persons being , in no -way , much qualified for a Society , founded upon Wisdom , and cemented by Morality and Christian Love . -
Let it , therefore , be your peculiar care to pay strict attention to the merit and character o ^ those who , from among the circle of your acquaintance , may be desirous of becoming Members of our Society ; lest , through your inadvertency , the unworthy part of mankind should find means to introduce themselves among you : b y which means , respectable and worthy persons will infallibly be discouraged . Self-love is a reigning princile in all men ; and there is not a
p more effectual' method of ingratiating ourselves with each other , than by mutual complaisance and respect ; by agreement ( with each other ) in judgment and practice . This it is , which makes Society pleasing , and Friendship durable ; which can never be the case , when men ' s principles and dispositions are opposite , and not adapted -for Unity . We must be . moved by the same Passions , governed by the same
Inclinations , and moulded by the same Morals ., before we can please , or be pleased , in Society . No community , or place , can make a man happy , who is " not furnished with a temper of mimf to relish felicity . Our wise and royal Grand MasterJ Solomon , tells us , and experience confirms it , ! hur , " tlie Light'is sweet , and a pleasant thing it is to behold the Sun ; " yet for this pleasure we are wholly indebted to
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The Freemasons' Magazine, And Cabinet Of Universal Literature.
We trust , likewise , that you will pay a strict attention to the laws and regulations of this Society , as more particularly becoming your present station ; and that you will , at the same time , require a due obedience to them , from every . other Member , well knowing , that , without this , the best of laws become useless . As a pattern for imitation , consider . the great Luminary of Nature , which , rising in the Eastregularly diffuses liht and lustre to all
, g within its circle . In like manner is it your province , with due decorum , to spread and communicate light and instruction -to the Brethren under your direction . ~ r From the knowledge we already have of your zeal and abilities , we rest assured , that you will discharge the duties of this important station in such a " manner ,, as " will equally redound to the honour of
yourself , and of those over whom you are elected to preside . MY WOilTHY BKETHREy , , IF ever it should happen , which Heaven avert , that our establish ? ment should be held in little esteem by its Members , it must be owing to the want of a due sense of the excellence of its principles , and
the salutary laws , and social duties , on which it . is founded . But , sometimes , mere curiosity , views of self-interest , or a groundless presumption that the principal business of a Lodgeis mirth and entertainment , have induced men , of loose principjes , and discordant tempers , to procure admission into our Community . This , the consequence of the unpardonable inattention of those who proposed " them
to their lives and conversations , has occasioned some discredit anduneasiness to the Craft ; such persons being , in no -way , much qualified for a Society , founded upon Wisdom , and cemented by Morality and Christian Love . -
Let it , therefore , be your peculiar care to pay strict attention to the merit and character o ^ those who , from among the circle of your acquaintance , may be desirous of becoming Members of our Society ; lest , through your inadvertency , the unworthy part of mankind should find means to introduce themselves among you : b y which means , respectable and worthy persons will infallibly be discouraged . Self-love is a reigning princile in all men ; and there is not a
p more effectual' method of ingratiating ourselves with each other , than by mutual complaisance and respect ; by agreement ( with each other ) in judgment and practice . This it is , which makes Society pleasing , and Friendship durable ; which can never be the case , when men ' s principles and dispositions are opposite , and not adapted -for Unity . We must be . moved by the same Passions , governed by the same
Inclinations , and moulded by the same Morals ., before we can please , or be pleased , in Society . No community , or place , can make a man happy , who is " not furnished with a temper of mimf to relish felicity . Our wise and royal Grand MasterJ Solomon , tells us , and experience confirms it , ! hur , " tlie Light'is sweet , and a pleasant thing it is to behold the Sun ; " yet for this pleasure we are wholly indebted to