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The Freemasons' Magazine, And Cabinet Of Universal Literature.
joined . The prevalency of good example is great ; and no language is so expressive as a consistent life and conversation : these once forfeited , in the MASONIC character , will degrade a man , not only in the esteem'of persons of sense , learning , and probity , but men , even of inferior qualities , will seldom fail of making a proper distinction . I need not observe to you , that the envious and censorious are ever disposed to form their judgments of mankind according to their
conduct in public life ; when , therefore , the Members of our Societydesert their body , or discover any inconsistency in their practice with their profession , they contribute to bring an odium on a name , which it is the duty of every Member highly to honour . Indeed , instances of the conduct here . decried , I own , are very rare ; and I mi ght say , as often as they do happen , tend more to discover the malignity of
our adversaries , than to reflect on ourselves : for , with , what ill-nature are such suggestions framed ? How weak must it appear , in the eye of discernment , to condemn a whole society for the irregularity of a few individuals * ? . ¦ , But to return to my argument ; one great cause of absenting ourselves from the LodgeI apprehend to bethe want of that grand
, , fundamental principle , Brotherly Love ! Did we properly cultivate this Christian virtue , we should feel happiest when assembled together . On unity in affection , unity in government subsists : for , whatever draws men into societies , that only can cement them . Let us recollect , that " to love as brethren , " is the new and greatest commandment ; all the others are summarily comprehended in
this : it is the " fulfilling of the law , " and a necessary qualification for the Celestial Lodge , where resides the Supreme . Architect of ihe Universe , who is Love . Faith , Hope , and Charity are three principal graces , by which we must be guided thither ;< of which ; Charity , or universal love , is the chief . When Faith shall be swallowed up in vision , and Hope in enjoyment , then will true Charity , or brotherl y love , shine with tlie brightest lustre to all eternity , —
" Shall stand before the host of Heaven confest , ' " For ever blessing , and for ever blest . " Piuon on C OR . ch . xiii . . On the other , hand , envy , pride , censoriousness , malice , revenge , and discord , are the productions of a diabolical disposition . These are epidemical-disorders of the mind ; and , if not seasonably corrected and suppressedwill prove very pernicious to particular communities
, , and more especially to such an establishment as ours . Now , there is nothing ^ o diametrically opposite to , and so powerful an antidote against them , as Charity , or true brotherly love : for , if we be tempted to envy , Charity guards the mind against it , Charity envieth not . Are we tempted by pride ? Chari ty vaunteth not
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The Freemasons' Magazine, And Cabinet Of Universal Literature.
joined . The prevalency of good example is great ; and no language is so expressive as a consistent life and conversation : these once forfeited , in the MASONIC character , will degrade a man , not only in the esteem'of persons of sense , learning , and probity , but men , even of inferior qualities , will seldom fail of making a proper distinction . I need not observe to you , that the envious and censorious are ever disposed to form their judgments of mankind according to their
conduct in public life ; when , therefore , the Members of our Societydesert their body , or discover any inconsistency in their practice with their profession , they contribute to bring an odium on a name , which it is the duty of every Member highly to honour . Indeed , instances of the conduct here . decried , I own , are very rare ; and I mi ght say , as often as they do happen , tend more to discover the malignity of
our adversaries , than to reflect on ourselves : for , with , what ill-nature are such suggestions framed ? How weak must it appear , in the eye of discernment , to condemn a whole society for the irregularity of a few individuals * ? . ¦ , But to return to my argument ; one great cause of absenting ourselves from the LodgeI apprehend to bethe want of that grand
, , fundamental principle , Brotherly Love ! Did we properly cultivate this Christian virtue , we should feel happiest when assembled together . On unity in affection , unity in government subsists : for , whatever draws men into societies , that only can cement them . Let us recollect , that " to love as brethren , " is the new and greatest commandment ; all the others are summarily comprehended in
this : it is the " fulfilling of the law , " and a necessary qualification for the Celestial Lodge , where resides the Supreme . Architect of ihe Universe , who is Love . Faith , Hope , and Charity are three principal graces , by which we must be guided thither ;< of which ; Charity , or universal love , is the chief . When Faith shall be swallowed up in vision , and Hope in enjoyment , then will true Charity , or brotherl y love , shine with tlie brightest lustre to all eternity , —
" Shall stand before the host of Heaven confest , ' " For ever blessing , and for ever blest . " Piuon on C OR . ch . xiii . . On the other , hand , envy , pride , censoriousness , malice , revenge , and discord , are the productions of a diabolical disposition . These are epidemical-disorders of the mind ; and , if not seasonably corrected and suppressedwill prove very pernicious to particular communities
, , and more especially to such an establishment as ours . Now , there is nothing ^ o diametrically opposite to , and so powerful an antidote against them , as Charity , or true brotherly love : for , if we be tempted to envy , Charity guards the mind against it , Charity envieth not . Are we tempted by pride ? Chari ty vaunteth not