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A Brief System Of Conchology.
remarkably light and thin ; others are very thick and heavy . The Great Bank of Newfoundland is very barren in shells : the principal kind found there are muscles of several species , some of which are of considerable beauty . About Carthagena there are many other mother-of-pearl shells , but they are not of so brilliant colours as those of the Persian Gulf . The Island of Magellan , at the southern point of America , furnishes us with a very remarkable species of muscle
calk-d by its name ; and several very elegant species of limpets are found there , particularly the pyramidal . In Africa , on the Coast of Guinea , there is a prodigious quantity of that small species of porcelain which is used there as money ; and there is another species of porcelain on the same coast which is all over white : the women make bracelets of these , and the people of the Levant adorn , their hair with them . The coast of Zangtiebar is
very rich in shells : we find there a vast variety of the large porcelains , many of them of great beauty ; and the mix maris , or sea-nut , is very frequent there . Besides these , and many other shells , there are found on this coastal ! the species of nautili ; many of which are very beautiful . The Canary Isles abound with a vast variety of , the muricesand some other good shells ; and we have from Maderia
, great variety of the echini , or sea-eggs , different from those of the European seas . Several species of muscles are also common there , and the auvis marina is no where more abundant . The Red Sea is beyond all other parts of the world abundant in shells ,. scarce any
kind is wanting there ; but what we principally have from thence are the purpura ! , porcelains , and echini marini . The Mediterranean and Northern Ocean contain a great variety of shells , ant ! many of very remarkable elegance and beauty ; they are upon the whole , however , greatly inferior to those of the East In . dies . The Mediterranean abounds much more in shells than the Ocean . The Gulf of Tarentum affords great variety of purpura ; of
, porcelains , nautili , and elegant oysters : the coasts of Naples and Sardinia afford also the same , and with them a vast number of the solens of ali the known species . The Island of Sicily is famous for a very elegant kind of oyster , which is white all over ; pinnse marina ; and porcelains are also found in great plenty there , with telliriK and chamse 06 many speciesand a great variety of other beautiful shells . Corsica
, xs famous , beyond all other places , for vast quantities of the pinna ; marina ; and many other very beautiful shells are found there . ( Lister , Hist . Conchyl . ) About Syracuse are found the gondola shell , the alated murex , and a great variety of elegant snails , with some of the dolia and rierira ? . The Adriatic Sea , or Gulf of Venice , is less furnished with shells than almost any of the seas thereabout . Muscles
and oysters of several species are , however , found there , and some of the cordifonrt or heart-shells ; there are also some tellina ? . About Artcona there are found vast numbers of the pholades buried in stone ; and the aures marina ? are particularly frequent about Puzzoli . ( Bansnig Recreat . Ment , et OcuL ) . ( TO BS COXTIXUED . )
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Brief System Of Conchology.
remarkably light and thin ; others are very thick and heavy . The Great Bank of Newfoundland is very barren in shells : the principal kind found there are muscles of several species , some of which are of considerable beauty . About Carthagena there are many other mother-of-pearl shells , but they are not of so brilliant colours as those of the Persian Gulf . The Island of Magellan , at the southern point of America , furnishes us with a very remarkable species of muscle
calk-d by its name ; and several very elegant species of limpets are found there , particularly the pyramidal . In Africa , on the Coast of Guinea , there is a prodigious quantity of that small species of porcelain which is used there as money ; and there is another species of porcelain on the same coast which is all over white : the women make bracelets of these , and the people of the Levant adorn , their hair with them . The coast of Zangtiebar is
very rich in shells : we find there a vast variety of the large porcelains , many of them of great beauty ; and the mix maris , or sea-nut , is very frequent there . Besides these , and many other shells , there are found on this coastal ! the species of nautili ; many of which are very beautiful . The Canary Isles abound with a vast variety of , the muricesand some other good shells ; and we have from Maderia
, great variety of the echini , or sea-eggs , different from those of the European seas . Several species of muscles are also common there , and the auvis marina is no where more abundant . The Red Sea is beyond all other parts of the world abundant in shells ,. scarce any
kind is wanting there ; but what we principally have from thence are the purpura ! , porcelains , and echini marini . The Mediterranean and Northern Ocean contain a great variety of shells , ant ! many of very remarkable elegance and beauty ; they are upon the whole , however , greatly inferior to those of the East In . dies . The Mediterranean abounds much more in shells than the Ocean . The Gulf of Tarentum affords great variety of purpura ; of
, porcelains , nautili , and elegant oysters : the coasts of Naples and Sardinia afford also the same , and with them a vast number of the solens of ali the known species . The Island of Sicily is famous for a very elegant kind of oyster , which is white all over ; pinnse marina ; and porcelains are also found in great plenty there , with telliriK and chamse 06 many speciesand a great variety of other beautiful shells . Corsica
, xs famous , beyond all other places , for vast quantities of the pinna ; marina ; and many other very beautiful shells are found there . ( Lister , Hist . Conchyl . ) About Syracuse are found the gondola shell , the alated murex , and a great variety of elegant snails , with some of the dolia and rierira ? . The Adriatic Sea , or Gulf of Venice , is less furnished with shells than almost any of the seas thereabout . Muscles
and oysters of several species are , however , found there , and some of the cordifonrt or heart-shells ; there are also some tellina ? . About Artcona there are found vast numbers of the pholades buried in stone ; and the aures marina ? are particularly frequent about Puzzoli . ( Bansnig Recreat . Ment , et OcuL ) . ( TO BS COXTIXUED . )