Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE. ← Page 3 of 10 →
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Monthly Chronicle.
them . Their chief , called Murphy , a priest , and upwards of ; ooo men , . veic kiil- 'd ; ten pieces of cannon , two swivels , their colours , and quantities of ammunition , arms , cattle , & c . were taken ; and I have the pleasure to ad . ! , tuat s' > me soldiers , who were made prisoners the day before , and doomed to . n . 'frr death , were fortunately released by our troops . Our loss consisted 0 f .-. niv seven men killed and wounded . The remainder of the Rebels were nursii-d into the county of " . Wexford , where they dispersed in different
dircc . ic . ns . < I feel particular ! v obliged to- Major Mathews , of the Downshire Militia , v . 'ho , at a short notice , ami with great alacrity , marched with 400 men of his legiment , and Captain Poole ' s , and the Yeomanry Corps of Maryborough , under the command of Captain Gore , to co-operate with me . Lord Loftus , and Lieutenant-Colonel Ran ; , ofthe Wexford Militia ; Lieutenant-Colonel . Howard , and Lie-. tenant-Colonel Radclirf ' e , ofthe Wicklow ; Major Donaldsen , of the 9 th dragoons , who commanded the cavalry , as well as all the ollicers and privates , are entitled to my thanks . '
RETURN OF THE KILLED AND WOUXDED , & C IN THE ABOVE ACTION . Mount Leinster Yeomanry , Lieutenant Stones killed ; 5 th Dragoons , 1 horse missing ; oth Dragoons , 1 Serjeant wounded , 1 horse killed ; Hompesch ' s Hussars , 1 rank and file wounded ; Maryborough Yeoman . Cavalry , 1 rank and file wounded ; 5 horses killed , and 1 missing . ORDNANCE , COLOURS , AND AMMUNITION TAKEN . i colour , 5 4-pbundersJ 5 1-pounders , 4 swivels , a few guns , and a numbe " of p ikes ( which were destroyed as soon as taken ) a number of shot , of different sizes , with a quantity of lead and moulds .
STORES TAKEN . Black cattle , 170 ; sheep , TOO ; horses , 700—Total . 970 . Also a vas ' quantity of bedding , blanketing ; and wearing apparel . DUBLIN CASTLE , J 28 . ' Accounts have been received from Lieut * 'Gardiner , of the Antrim Militia , that early on Monday , the 25 th inst . a bod y of Rebels , consisting of several thousands , marched from the mountains of Wicklow to attack Kacketstown . On seeing them approachLieut .
Gar-, diner , with the troops under his command , viz . 50 Upper Talbotson , 24 Shehagh Cavalry , 50 of the Antrim regiment , 4 6 Hacketstown , and 30 Coohttin Yeoman Infantry , took post on the most advantageous ground near the town , to endeavour to prevent the Rebels from gaining possession of it ; but after a few rounds , the Rebels filed off in every direction , with ah . intent to surround and cut him off . Lieut . Gardiner then retreated with the infantry , to line the walls and windows of the . barrack . A contest continued
» tiie midst of Hames ( for the Rebels set lire to the town ) for nine hours , when rtiey were obliged to retreat . Lieut . Gardiner states that the Rebels suffered greatly , aud that 30 cart-loads of their killed and wounded were carried off by them in their retreat , and many of their dead were found in the streets and ditches . ' Lieut . Gardiner severely regrets the loss of a good officer , Captain Hardy , of the Hacketstown Yeoman Infantry , who fell early in "die aftion . '
LIST OF KILLED AND WOUNDED . Upper Talbotstown Cavalry , four killed , 1 wounded ; Antrim Detach - ment , one Serjeant and 4 privates wounded ; 'Hacketstown Infantry , 4 billed , 6 wounded ; Coolatin infantry , 8 wounded ; Suplementary , 2 wounds' —Total—10 killed , 20 wounded . ¦ DUBLIN CASTLE , juLy 6 , 179 S . 'Letters have been this day received - VOL . > : i I
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Monthly Chronicle.
them . Their chief , called Murphy , a priest , and upwards of ; ooo men , . veic kiil- 'd ; ten pieces of cannon , two swivels , their colours , and quantities of ammunition , arms , cattle , & c . were taken ; and I have the pleasure to ad . ! , tuat s' > me soldiers , who were made prisoners the day before , and doomed to . n . 'frr death , were fortunately released by our troops . Our loss consisted 0 f .-. niv seven men killed and wounded . The remainder of the Rebels were nursii-d into the county of " . Wexford , where they dispersed in different
dircc . ic . ns . < I feel particular ! v obliged to- Major Mathews , of the Downshire Militia , v . 'ho , at a short notice , ami with great alacrity , marched with 400 men of his legiment , and Captain Poole ' s , and the Yeomanry Corps of Maryborough , under the command of Captain Gore , to co-operate with me . Lord Loftus , and Lieutenant-Colonel Ran ; , ofthe Wexford Militia ; Lieutenant-Colonel . Howard , and Lie-. tenant-Colonel Radclirf ' e , ofthe Wicklow ; Major Donaldsen , of the 9 th dragoons , who commanded the cavalry , as well as all the ollicers and privates , are entitled to my thanks . '
RETURN OF THE KILLED AND WOUXDED , & C IN THE ABOVE ACTION . Mount Leinster Yeomanry , Lieutenant Stones killed ; 5 th Dragoons , 1 horse missing ; oth Dragoons , 1 Serjeant wounded , 1 horse killed ; Hompesch ' s Hussars , 1 rank and file wounded ; Maryborough Yeoman . Cavalry , 1 rank and file wounded ; 5 horses killed , and 1 missing . ORDNANCE , COLOURS , AND AMMUNITION TAKEN . i colour , 5 4-pbundersJ 5 1-pounders , 4 swivels , a few guns , and a numbe " of p ikes ( which were destroyed as soon as taken ) a number of shot , of different sizes , with a quantity of lead and moulds .
STORES TAKEN . Black cattle , 170 ; sheep , TOO ; horses , 700—Total . 970 . Also a vas ' quantity of bedding , blanketing ; and wearing apparel . DUBLIN CASTLE , J 28 . ' Accounts have been received from Lieut * 'Gardiner , of the Antrim Militia , that early on Monday , the 25 th inst . a bod y of Rebels , consisting of several thousands , marched from the mountains of Wicklow to attack Kacketstown . On seeing them approachLieut .
Gar-, diner , with the troops under his command , viz . 50 Upper Talbotson , 24 Shehagh Cavalry , 50 of the Antrim regiment , 4 6 Hacketstown , and 30 Coohttin Yeoman Infantry , took post on the most advantageous ground near the town , to endeavour to prevent the Rebels from gaining possession of it ; but after a few rounds , the Rebels filed off in every direction , with ah . intent to surround and cut him off . Lieut . Gardiner then retreated with the infantry , to line the walls and windows of the . barrack . A contest continued
» tiie midst of Hames ( for the Rebels set lire to the town ) for nine hours , when rtiey were obliged to retreat . Lieut . Gardiner states that the Rebels suffered greatly , aud that 30 cart-loads of their killed and wounded were carried off by them in their retreat , and many of their dead were found in the streets and ditches . ' Lieut . Gardiner severely regrets the loss of a good officer , Captain Hardy , of the Hacketstown Yeoman Infantry , who fell early in "die aftion . '
LIST OF KILLED AND WOUNDED . Upper Talbotstown Cavalry , four killed , 1 wounded ; Antrim Detach - ment , one Serjeant and 4 privates wounded ; 'Hacketstown Infantry , 4 billed , 6 wounded ; Coolatin infantry , 8 wounded ; Suplementary , 2 wounds' —Total—10 killed , 20 wounded . ¦ DUBLIN CASTLE , juLy 6 , 179 S . 'Letters have been this day received - VOL . > : i I