Article TO CORRESPONDENTS, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article PRICES OF BINDING PER VOUME. Page 1 of 1
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To Correspondents, &C.
TO our Brother Wollen , Past-Master of the Brunswick Lodge , Sheffield , we feel ourselves greatly indebted for his communications ; we have to claim the indulgence of our readers for the lateness of insertion : but the accuracy of detail , we flatter ourselves , will amply compensate for the deviation from our-general design to give early information , In truth , it was our opinion that the intelligence , even at this distance of time , was too valuable to be omitted . We trust we may have frequent occasions to make our grateful acknowledgments to Brother Wollen and his friends for their future , masonic favours .
The Reverend Dr . Munkhouse is respectfully informed that the answers to his enquiries were inserted in the notice to Correspondents in our last number . As we intend to devote , in future , a portion of our Miscellany regularl y to Scientific Discoveries and Improvements , we earnestly solicit the correspondence of such of our readers within whose province these subjects more immediately lie .
This Magazine may now be had Complete in , TEN VOLUMES , bound according to the taste ofthe Purchaser . A very few complete Sets remain on ( hand ; so that an early application is recommended to such persons ( Brethren or others ) as desire to possess themselves of the most elegant and entertaining Miscellany hitherto published under the denomination of Magazine . SUBSCRIBERS may have their Volumes bound b y sending them to the British Library . No . 132 , Strand .
Prices Of Binding Per Voume.
. s . i . Half-bound , Russia back - - 20 Calf , lettered - ' ..-. 30 Ditto , gilt - - - _ 3 fi Extra , with Masonic Embellishments - + 6
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To Correspondents, &C.
TO our Brother Wollen , Past-Master of the Brunswick Lodge , Sheffield , we feel ourselves greatly indebted for his communications ; we have to claim the indulgence of our readers for the lateness of insertion : but the accuracy of detail , we flatter ourselves , will amply compensate for the deviation from our-general design to give early information , In truth , it was our opinion that the intelligence , even at this distance of time , was too valuable to be omitted . We trust we may have frequent occasions to make our grateful acknowledgments to Brother Wollen and his friends for their future , masonic favours .
The Reverend Dr . Munkhouse is respectfully informed that the answers to his enquiries were inserted in the notice to Correspondents in our last number . As we intend to devote , in future , a portion of our Miscellany regularl y to Scientific Discoveries and Improvements , we earnestly solicit the correspondence of such of our readers within whose province these subjects more immediately lie .
This Magazine may now be had Complete in , TEN VOLUMES , bound according to the taste ofthe Purchaser . A very few complete Sets remain on ( hand ; so that an early application is recommended to such persons ( Brethren or others ) as desire to possess themselves of the most elegant and entertaining Miscellany hitherto published under the denomination of Magazine . SUBSCRIBERS may have their Volumes bound b y sending them to the British Library . No . 132 , Strand .
Prices Of Binding Per Voume.
. s . i . Half-bound , Russia back - - 20 Calf , lettered - ' ..-. 30 Ditto , gilt - - - _ 3 fi Extra , with Masonic Embellishments - + 6