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The Prophecy Of Sibilla Tiburtina.
shall move in a contrary course ; one Ling shall quarrel with another , and every one shall do things contrary to law , justice and Teason -Every man shall be in action one against the other ; but see the ' issue of this dissention : the fixt Stars in their motion ( she says } shall outrun the Planets ( a thing in the course of nature impossible ) __ the Planets represent Kings , Governors , Rulers , Nobility , & c . numberthe 1 le—the
The fix'd Stars being many in , Common eop motion of the Planets is swift , the fix'd Stars slow . Now should Ithappen , that the fix'd Stars overrun the Planets m their motion , or outstrip the Nobility , in power and virtue-then judge the event ! but such a thing , she says , shall assuredly come to pass ; the sense U twice repeated ; the seas shall be equal to the mountains—the Sea is the People , Mountains are Kings and Rulers . This is an useful wirniiKr to the Monarchs and Nobility of Europe , to bejust and
lovin « - to their subjects , servants and tenants ; to live virtuously , -ind to be a liVht shining before the eyes of their people ; that they beware of private dissentions , least they thereby dimmish thenpower and authority , for according to the Prophecy , the common people sienified by the fix'd Stars , and the sea , will at length lay hold of it , and endeavour to procure the reins of government to themselvesWhen these things shall come to passa world of
mis-— , chiefs follow , and long it will be , before the misery of that War be repaired—These things , saith Sibilla , will surely come to pass , and then comes , Night , Destruction , & c . _ . Ambrose M'rlin , the Welch Prophet , intimates as much , saying the chariot of the moon shall disturb the Zodiac , and the Pleiades shall break forth into lamentations—The sense of the Prophet is , that at the le should disturb all law and
• i certain period , common peop civil o-ovei-nment , exceed their former bounds , and despise their superiors —By Pleiades , he means a tumultuous company of people who by their murders and rash actions , shall cause much lamentation and weeping among themselves as well as to others—and this is the issue of unnatural tumults .
The Prophecy Of Sibilla Tiburtina On Our Saviour.
MANY imao-inedthe Star , which appeared in the time of Augustus Ctesar ( before the appearance of the Sibil at his court ) denominated the establishment of the Kindom of Peace—Sibilla Tiburtina shewed the Emperor the image of a beautiful virgin , placed above the Star , holding a sweet boy in her bosom ; and said to him , this Child is greater than thojt , worship him .-To which the Mantuan Poet sufficiently alludes in the following lines , speaking of the before named Sibil .
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The Prophecy Of Sibilla Tiburtina.
shall move in a contrary course ; one Ling shall quarrel with another , and every one shall do things contrary to law , justice and Teason -Every man shall be in action one against the other ; but see the ' issue of this dissention : the fixt Stars in their motion ( she says } shall outrun the Planets ( a thing in the course of nature impossible ) __ the Planets represent Kings , Governors , Rulers , Nobility , & c . numberthe 1 le—the
The fix'd Stars being many in , Common eop motion of the Planets is swift , the fix'd Stars slow . Now should Ithappen , that the fix'd Stars overrun the Planets m their motion , or outstrip the Nobility , in power and virtue-then judge the event ! but such a thing , she says , shall assuredly come to pass ; the sense U twice repeated ; the seas shall be equal to the mountains—the Sea is the People , Mountains are Kings and Rulers . This is an useful wirniiKr to the Monarchs and Nobility of Europe , to bejust and
lovin « - to their subjects , servants and tenants ; to live virtuously , -ind to be a liVht shining before the eyes of their people ; that they beware of private dissentions , least they thereby dimmish thenpower and authority , for according to the Prophecy , the common people sienified by the fix'd Stars , and the sea , will at length lay hold of it , and endeavour to procure the reins of government to themselvesWhen these things shall come to passa world of
mis-— , chiefs follow , and long it will be , before the misery of that War be repaired—These things , saith Sibilla , will surely come to pass , and then comes , Night , Destruction , & c . _ . Ambrose M'rlin , the Welch Prophet , intimates as much , saying the chariot of the moon shall disturb the Zodiac , and the Pleiades shall break forth into lamentations—The sense of the Prophet is , that at the le should disturb all law and
• i certain period , common peop civil o-ovei-nment , exceed their former bounds , and despise their superiors —By Pleiades , he means a tumultuous company of people who by their murders and rash actions , shall cause much lamentation and weeping among themselves as well as to others—and this is the issue of unnatural tumults .
The Prophecy Of Sibilla Tiburtina On Our Saviour.
MANY imao-inedthe Star , which appeared in the time of Augustus Ctesar ( before the appearance of the Sibil at his court ) denominated the establishment of the Kindom of Peace—Sibilla Tiburtina shewed the Emperor the image of a beautiful virgin , placed above the Star , holding a sweet boy in her bosom ; and said to him , this Child is greater than thojt , worship him .-To which the Mantuan Poet sufficiently alludes in the following lines , speaking of the before named Sibil .