Article A LETTER FROM A LADY DYING TO HER HUSBAND. Page 1 of 1 Article THE SWEETS OF FRIENDSHIP. Page 1 of 1 Article ACROSTIC. Page 1 of 1
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A Letter From A Lady Dying To Her Husband.
JL HOU who doth all my worldly thoughts employ , 1 nou pleasing source of all my worldly joy > Thou tend ' rest Husband , and thou truest Friend , To thee this fond , this last adieu , I send All conquering Death assumes his awful rio-ht , And will for veil thee from sioht °
ever my -. He wooes me to him with a cheerful o- race ] And not one terror clouds his meagre face ' : Clearly he sets the joys of Heaven In view , And shews me that no other joys are true ;' He promises a lasting rest from pain , And shews me that life ' s flittering joys are vain ; But lovefond lovewould fain resist his
, , power , Would yet awhile defer the parting hour ; It brings thy mournful image to my eyes , And would obstruct my journey to the skies But say , thou dearest , thou unwearied Friend , Say , shouldst thou grieve to see-my sorrows end ? Thou know ' st a painful pilgrimage I ' ve pass'd , And should ' . st thou mourn that Death hath come at'last g ¦ Kather rejoice to see me shake off life And'die , as I have liv'd , thy—Faithful Wife .
The Sweets Of Friendship.
HA . JL OW sweet when the Nightingale sings from the grove , , When the Moon ' is , half hid o'er the hill , * When nothing is heard but the whispers ofLove And the sound of the far distant 'rill ' . ' ' How svyeet with the Friend ' of our Bosom to stray Midst such these
' scenes as to commune , And quitting the glitter and bustle of day , Mend the Heart and the Passions attune . May this oft be our- lot , so Wisdom divine Shall lead us a flowery way , So our Morning of Life shall most brilliantl y shine - And it ' s Evening be cloudless and gay . ' __ J . B ..
C haste as Diaij , cold as snow , H- er eyes with brilliants' lustre glow : E ach charm , each grace , she does possess , S ti . ch as Beauty ' s Queen express ! I he roses on her cheeks display E thereal bloom , eternal May ! R ural manners , rural truth ; M atttrity combin'd with youth ! A las ! can such perfection die i N o :--- 'tis IMMORTALITY . W . D G
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Letter From A Lady Dying To Her Husband.
JL HOU who doth all my worldly thoughts employ , 1 nou pleasing source of all my worldly joy > Thou tend ' rest Husband , and thou truest Friend , To thee this fond , this last adieu , I send All conquering Death assumes his awful rio-ht , And will for veil thee from sioht °
ever my -. He wooes me to him with a cheerful o- race ] And not one terror clouds his meagre face ' : Clearly he sets the joys of Heaven In view , And shews me that no other joys are true ;' He promises a lasting rest from pain , And shews me that life ' s flittering joys are vain ; But lovefond lovewould fain resist his
, , power , Would yet awhile defer the parting hour ; It brings thy mournful image to my eyes , And would obstruct my journey to the skies But say , thou dearest , thou unwearied Friend , Say , shouldst thou grieve to see-my sorrows end ? Thou know ' st a painful pilgrimage I ' ve pass'd , And should ' . st thou mourn that Death hath come at'last g ¦ Kather rejoice to see me shake off life And'die , as I have liv'd , thy—Faithful Wife .
The Sweets Of Friendship.
HA . JL OW sweet when the Nightingale sings from the grove , , When the Moon ' is , half hid o'er the hill , * When nothing is heard but the whispers ofLove And the sound of the far distant 'rill ' . ' ' How svyeet with the Friend ' of our Bosom to stray Midst such these
' scenes as to commune , And quitting the glitter and bustle of day , Mend the Heart and the Passions attune . May this oft be our- lot , so Wisdom divine Shall lead us a flowery way , So our Morning of Life shall most brilliantl y shine - And it ' s Evening be cloudless and gay . ' __ J . B ..
C haste as Diaij , cold as snow , H- er eyes with brilliants' lustre glow : E ach charm , each grace , she does possess , S ti . ch as Beauty ' s Queen express ! I he roses on her cheeks display E thereal bloom , eternal May ! R ural manners , rural truth ; M atttrity combin'd with youth ! A las ! can such perfection die i N o :--- 'tis IMMORTALITY . W . D G