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To The Editor Of The Freemasons' Magazine.
We now , for the sake of argument , will suppose that each of the three is a Mason ; the first thoug ht that occurs to him in his distress is , to enquire if any Lodge of Masons , or any individual members of that Order , are settled in the country ( and what country can be mentioned , where civilization or even where commercial intercourse has and is not known ?); to this Lodge
penetrated , Freemasonry then or to those individuals , each applies himself as another , and having by significant signs and tokens known only to the initiated , proved the truth of his assertions , the ineffable influence of our pnnrlniot will nnf- fnil tn he hannilv experienced * .
See them , then , p laced with Biethren in a Lodge met for the express purpose of enforcing by princip les and practice the benign doctrine of universal good-will . The Lodge we may suppose consisting of men of the most opposite relig ious persuasions that can possibly be grouped together . Now it is plain , that if religious subjects were suffered to be discussed in such an assembly , discord , not love
harmony , must prevail , inveterate hatred , not brotherly . Wisely , therefore , was it calculated to conciliate true friendship among persons of all relig ions , by adopting the broad and natural principle of viewing all men as brethren , created-by one Almighty parent , and placed in this sublunary world for the mutual aid and protection of each other The solemnity of our riteshowever , which , embracing
. , the whole system of morality , cannot fail to include the first principles of relip-ion , from which morality is best derived , necessarily calls our attention to the Great Architect of the Universe , the Creator of us all . In contemplation of his wisdom , goodness , and p ower , the 1 urk under one name , the Jew and Christian under another , can join in adoration , all agreeing in the grand essential and universal principle of in whose hands
religion , the recognition and worship of a Deity , are thelssues of life and death , though differing in some more minute tenets peculiar to eachf ; and is it necessary that this admirable
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To The Editor Of The Freemasons' Magazine.
We now , for the sake of argument , will suppose that each of the three is a Mason ; the first thoug ht that occurs to him in his distress is , to enquire if any Lodge of Masons , or any individual members of that Order , are settled in the country ( and what country can be mentioned , where civilization or even where commercial intercourse has and is not known ?); to this Lodge
penetrated , Freemasonry then or to those individuals , each applies himself as another , and having by significant signs and tokens known only to the initiated , proved the truth of his assertions , the ineffable influence of our pnnrlniot will nnf- fnil tn he hannilv experienced * .
See them , then , p laced with Biethren in a Lodge met for the express purpose of enforcing by princip les and practice the benign doctrine of universal good-will . The Lodge we may suppose consisting of men of the most opposite relig ious persuasions that can possibly be grouped together . Now it is plain , that if religious subjects were suffered to be discussed in such an assembly , discord , not love
harmony , must prevail , inveterate hatred , not brotherly . Wisely , therefore , was it calculated to conciliate true friendship among persons of all relig ions , by adopting the broad and natural principle of viewing all men as brethren , created-by one Almighty parent , and placed in this sublunary world for the mutual aid and protection of each other The solemnity of our riteshowever , which , embracing
. , the whole system of morality , cannot fail to include the first principles of relip-ion , from which morality is best derived , necessarily calls our attention to the Great Architect of the Universe , the Creator of us all . In contemplation of his wisdom , goodness , and p ower , the 1 urk under one name , the Jew and Christian under another , can join in adoration , all agreeing in the grand essential and universal principle of in whose hands
religion , the recognition and worship of a Deity , are thelssues of life and death , though differing in some more minute tenets peculiar to eachf ; and is it necessary that this admirable