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A Brief History Of The Religious And Military Order Of The Knights Templars Of St. John Of Jerusalem.
BY J . WATKINS , LL . D . .
( Continuedfrom Page zo . ) THE religious zeal which animated the Christians of those days was not to be damped by the numerous and dreadful obstacles which lay in their way to Jerusalem : neither the dangers of the sea , and the still greater perils of their passage from tlie sea-shore , by the bands of ferocious robbers who were perpetually infesting the passes
, nor the heavy tributes nd ill-usage which they knew must necessarily compose their lot after their arrival at the holy city , could deter them from undertaking the hazardous pilgrimage . One sight of the cave where the Redeemer of the world had been laid , one prostration on the spot where he shed his blood for the redemption of man , one kiss of the venerable relics there deposited , made them forget
their fatigues , their dangers , their wounds , their oppressions , and the evils that still surrounded and lay before them . The enli ghtened of the present day may despise their ardour of devotion as superstitious , the trifling sceptic may laugh at their grovelling and irrational notions ; but the Christian of modern times unwarped by fanaticism , and untainted with infidelity , cannot bring himself to condemn the motives by which those pious men were
actuated , j . he manner in which they expressed their love to him under whose banner they were enlisted , may not , indeed , give us respectable ideas of thei . ' understandings , but surely he can have but little genuine sensibility who can withhold his admiration of their fortitude and their piety . Great numbers of these reli gious men perished at the very gates of Jerusalemfrom the barbarous treatment which they received at
, the hands of the inlidels : and so general and dreadful were the hardships they underwent as to . excite universal pity and indignation throughout the whole Christian world . As it was accounted a high and even necessary a _ ct of devotion for a Christian in those days to visit Palestine , the utmost reverence was paid to such as had undergone the perilous adventureand the
, greatest indignation was kindled in the bosoms of-Christians in every country against those who rendered the journey thither a measure of so dangerous a nature . It is not then at all to be wondered at , that the smallest means should produce so . extraordinary and stupendous a step as the rising
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Brief History Of The Religious And Military Order Of The Knights Templars Of St. John Of Jerusalem.
BY J . WATKINS , LL . D . .
( Continuedfrom Page zo . ) THE religious zeal which animated the Christians of those days was not to be damped by the numerous and dreadful obstacles which lay in their way to Jerusalem : neither the dangers of the sea , and the still greater perils of their passage from tlie sea-shore , by the bands of ferocious robbers who were perpetually infesting the passes
, nor the heavy tributes nd ill-usage which they knew must necessarily compose their lot after their arrival at the holy city , could deter them from undertaking the hazardous pilgrimage . One sight of the cave where the Redeemer of the world had been laid , one prostration on the spot where he shed his blood for the redemption of man , one kiss of the venerable relics there deposited , made them forget
their fatigues , their dangers , their wounds , their oppressions , and the evils that still surrounded and lay before them . The enli ghtened of the present day may despise their ardour of devotion as superstitious , the trifling sceptic may laugh at their grovelling and irrational notions ; but the Christian of modern times unwarped by fanaticism , and untainted with infidelity , cannot bring himself to condemn the motives by which those pious men were
actuated , j . he manner in which they expressed their love to him under whose banner they were enlisted , may not , indeed , give us respectable ideas of thei . ' understandings , but surely he can have but little genuine sensibility who can withhold his admiration of their fortitude and their piety . Great numbers of these reli gious men perished at the very gates of Jerusalemfrom the barbarous treatment which they received at
, the hands of the inlidels : and so general and dreadful were the hardships they underwent as to . excite universal pity and indignation throughout the whole Christian world . As it was accounted a high and even necessary a _ ct of devotion for a Christian in those days to visit Palestine , the utmost reverence was paid to such as had undergone the perilous adventureand the
, greatest indignation was kindled in the bosoms of-Christians in every country against those who rendered the journey thither a measure of so dangerous a nature . It is not then at all to be wondered at , that the smallest means should produce so . extraordinary and stupendous a step as the rising