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Thoughts On Conjugal Happiness.
« F-jJpHE Goddess Discord ( says La Fontaine ) having set all Heaven Jj together by the ears about a golden apple , was , by universal consent , banished from the celestial mansions ; in this distressful chv cumstance she immediately made the best of her way down to earth , and was received with open arms by a certain animal called man ; at this time it was that she first did us the honour to grace our little hemisphere with her presencein preference to our opposite neighbours
, the Antipodes , who , being a barbarous and uncultivated people , married \ vithout either priest or notary , and consequently could have little to do with Discord ; for a while she rambled about the world without any fixed abode , so that Fame , who was frequently sent out in search of her , was often at a loss to find out her habitation ; it was thought necessary , therefore , that some constant seat of residence should be
appointed , where she might always be ready ,-and within call upon proper occasions ; this scheme was attended with some difficulty ( says the Fabulist , with his usual archness ) as nunneries were not yet established , however , L'Auberge enfin de l'Hymenee Lui fut pour maison assignee .
An apartment for Discord was at last pitched upon , and where , after all , should it be , but in the temple of . Hymen . " Though I cannot help looking on this fable as rather too severe a reflection on the honourable state of matrimony , I am still of opinion , that it may convey no unprofitable lesson of instruction to the candidates for connubial felicity . As our matrimonial sherbet is made
at present , most drinkers of it are apt to complain with Lady Townly , that " ¦ there is a little too much acid squeezed into it , " which utterly spoils what would otherwise be a cooling and p leasant beverage . I heartily wish , therefore , that a method could be found out to render it sweet and palatable ; in the mean time let me recommend to both sexes an . ingredient or two which must b 3 ' no means be omitted ,
and which at the same time are very cheap and easy to be come at , and these are , mutual good-nature and complacency , which will give the liquor quite another taste than that which generally prevails , and perhaps make it the most agreeable draught which they ever met with in their lives . The antientswhose notions of marriageas well as other things
, , , differed widely from our own , considered it in a sober and religious light , and had a way of entering into it with great solemnity and devotion . Sacrifices were constantly made on the occasion , and when the victim was slain , care was taken to throw aside the gall ; a pretty
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Thoughts On Conjugal Happiness.
« F-jJpHE Goddess Discord ( says La Fontaine ) having set all Heaven Jj together by the ears about a golden apple , was , by universal consent , banished from the celestial mansions ; in this distressful chv cumstance she immediately made the best of her way down to earth , and was received with open arms by a certain animal called man ; at this time it was that she first did us the honour to grace our little hemisphere with her presencein preference to our opposite neighbours
, the Antipodes , who , being a barbarous and uncultivated people , married \ vithout either priest or notary , and consequently could have little to do with Discord ; for a while she rambled about the world without any fixed abode , so that Fame , who was frequently sent out in search of her , was often at a loss to find out her habitation ; it was thought necessary , therefore , that some constant seat of residence should be
appointed , where she might always be ready ,-and within call upon proper occasions ; this scheme was attended with some difficulty ( says the Fabulist , with his usual archness ) as nunneries were not yet established , however , L'Auberge enfin de l'Hymenee Lui fut pour maison assignee .
An apartment for Discord was at last pitched upon , and where , after all , should it be , but in the temple of . Hymen . " Though I cannot help looking on this fable as rather too severe a reflection on the honourable state of matrimony , I am still of opinion , that it may convey no unprofitable lesson of instruction to the candidates for connubial felicity . As our matrimonial sherbet is made
at present , most drinkers of it are apt to complain with Lady Townly , that " ¦ there is a little too much acid squeezed into it , " which utterly spoils what would otherwise be a cooling and p leasant beverage . I heartily wish , therefore , that a method could be found out to render it sweet and palatable ; in the mean time let me recommend to both sexes an . ingredient or two which must b 3 ' no means be omitted ,
and which at the same time are very cheap and easy to be come at , and these are , mutual good-nature and complacency , which will give the liquor quite another taste than that which generally prevails , and perhaps make it the most agreeable draught which they ever met with in their lives . The antientswhose notions of marriageas well as other things
, , , differed widely from our own , considered it in a sober and religious light , and had a way of entering into it with great solemnity and devotion . Sacrifices were constantly made on the occasion , and when the victim was slain , care was taken to throw aside the gall ; a pretty