Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 5 of 5
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Masonic Intelligence.
DURHAM . 'On Tuesday the I 2 th of August , a Provincial Grand Communication and Feast was held here . The Provincial Grand Master and his Officers , with the Masters and Wardens of the several Lodges in the county , assembled in the Granby Lodge-room . The general business of the Society was transacted with the usual regularity , and the splendid abilities ofourR . W . Grand Master LAMBTON , were brought into display by a Charge that did honour to his own talents , as
well as to the Community which has the happiness to see at its head such a brilliant character . From the Lodge the Brethren adjourned to the Town-hall , where a sumptuous entertainment was provided by Brother FAIREST of the City Tavern . Brother MILIIVNKE , member for the county , and many other respectable Brethren , shaved in the harmony and enjoyment of a meeting , made doubly ' endearingby the occasion of the meeting , and by its being the birth-day of our loved and worshipful GRAND MASTER .
Aug . 16 . Being the birth-day of his Royal Highness the Duke of York , it was celebrated with all the honours of Masonry by the Order of Knights Templars resident at London , united with the Society of Antient Masons of the Diluviait Order , ox Royal Ark and Mark Mariners , assembled at the Surry Tavern in the Strand , by summons from Thomas Dunckerley , Esq . Grand Master and Grand Commander of those United Orders . An elegant supper was provided , and the Grand Master gave the following
¦ toasts : The King and the Craft—The Prince of Wales , Grand Master of Symbolic Masonry—His Royal Highness the Duke of York , with a thrice hearty wish that his Royal Highness may be blest with health and happiness , and long remain a terror to the enemies of Great Britain—The Duke of Clarence , Grand"Patron of Royal Arch Masons — Prince Edward , Grand Patron of Knights Templars—The Queen , Princesses , and all the Royal Family—The Duchess of York—Earl Moira and Sir Peter-Parker—Lord Howe , and the wooden walls of Old England — Thomas Dunckerley , Esq . Grand Master . _ of the United Orders .
The United Orders unanimously resolved that they would provide themselves with arms . and accoutrements , in order to defend our country against the enemies of our happy constitution . The day was passed with that harmony and ' conviviality peculiar to Masons , and the Grand Chapter closed at eleven in the evening . Copy of a Letter from Prince EDWARD to THOMAS DUNCKERLEY , Esq . Grand Master of the Kni g hts Templars , of which Order his Royal Highness is Grand Patron .
"DEAR SIR , Quebec , Nov . 20 , 1793 . " I had the pleasure of being favoured with your kind letter of the 4 th of July " about three weeks since . Accept my thanks for your communication of the " proceedings of the Grand Chapter . I regret much that from the nature of my " situation there is no likelihood of my removing from hence till June or July " next year ; and even then it is out of my power to say whether my lot will " carry me back to England or to another foreign station . I shall think myself " particularly fortunate when circumstances will permit my meeting the Knights
" - in Grand Chapter in London : " of this I request you will assure them the " first time that you assemble , begging them to accept of my most hearty and " best wishes for their-velfare and prosperity . I shall be flattered with hearing " from you from time to time , and particularly so when you are able to inform " rne of the good state of your health ; having nothing further to add , I beg , " with the sincerest esteem , to subscribe myself , " Your most devoted and obedient servant , THOMAS DUNCKERLEY , Esq . " EDWARD . " Flamjiton Court Palace , Colonel of the Royal Fuziliers .
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Masonic Intelligence.
DURHAM . 'On Tuesday the I 2 th of August , a Provincial Grand Communication and Feast was held here . The Provincial Grand Master and his Officers , with the Masters and Wardens of the several Lodges in the county , assembled in the Granby Lodge-room . The general business of the Society was transacted with the usual regularity , and the splendid abilities ofourR . W . Grand Master LAMBTON , were brought into display by a Charge that did honour to his own talents , as
well as to the Community which has the happiness to see at its head such a brilliant character . From the Lodge the Brethren adjourned to the Town-hall , where a sumptuous entertainment was provided by Brother FAIREST of the City Tavern . Brother MILIIVNKE , member for the county , and many other respectable Brethren , shaved in the harmony and enjoyment of a meeting , made doubly ' endearingby the occasion of the meeting , and by its being the birth-day of our loved and worshipful GRAND MASTER .
Aug . 16 . Being the birth-day of his Royal Highness the Duke of York , it was celebrated with all the honours of Masonry by the Order of Knights Templars resident at London , united with the Society of Antient Masons of the Diluviait Order , ox Royal Ark and Mark Mariners , assembled at the Surry Tavern in the Strand , by summons from Thomas Dunckerley , Esq . Grand Master and Grand Commander of those United Orders . An elegant supper was provided , and the Grand Master gave the following
¦ toasts : The King and the Craft—The Prince of Wales , Grand Master of Symbolic Masonry—His Royal Highness the Duke of York , with a thrice hearty wish that his Royal Highness may be blest with health and happiness , and long remain a terror to the enemies of Great Britain—The Duke of Clarence , Grand"Patron of Royal Arch Masons — Prince Edward , Grand Patron of Knights Templars—The Queen , Princesses , and all the Royal Family—The Duchess of York—Earl Moira and Sir Peter-Parker—Lord Howe , and the wooden walls of Old England — Thomas Dunckerley , Esq . Grand Master . _ of the United Orders .
The United Orders unanimously resolved that they would provide themselves with arms . and accoutrements , in order to defend our country against the enemies of our happy constitution . The day was passed with that harmony and ' conviviality peculiar to Masons , and the Grand Chapter closed at eleven in the evening . Copy of a Letter from Prince EDWARD to THOMAS DUNCKERLEY , Esq . Grand Master of the Kni g hts Templars , of which Order his Royal Highness is Grand Patron .
"DEAR SIR , Quebec , Nov . 20 , 1793 . " I had the pleasure of being favoured with your kind letter of the 4 th of July " about three weeks since . Accept my thanks for your communication of the " proceedings of the Grand Chapter . I regret much that from the nature of my " situation there is no likelihood of my removing from hence till June or July " next year ; and even then it is out of my power to say whether my lot will " carry me back to England or to another foreign station . I shall think myself " particularly fortunate when circumstances will permit my meeting the Knights
" - in Grand Chapter in London : " of this I request you will assure them the " first time that you assemble , begging them to accept of my most hearty and " best wishes for their-velfare and prosperity . I shall be flattered with hearing " from you from time to time , and particularly so when you are able to inform " rne of the good state of your health ; having nothing further to add , I beg , " with the sincerest esteem , to subscribe myself , " Your most devoted and obedient servant , THOMAS DUNCKERLEY , Esq . " EDWARD . " Flamjiton Court Palace , Colonel of the Royal Fuziliers .