Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article HOME NEWS. Page 1 of 4 →
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Monthly Chronicle.
a sl . oem . ker , and Govrrnor or Preceptor of Louis XVII . ; C . Laurent , 33 years of * . e ; Warnee , 29 years of age ; J . Forester , 47 years old a cannou-iounde , i ? Guerin , a rent receiver ; Lezard , a hair-dresser ; Lochefer an uphoIste . e ., Bongon and Ouenet , being all . 2 members 01 the municipality at Pu . is mulawed bv a decree of the Convention , and their persons being duly tecognued , surrendered to the executioner to be put to death within 24 nours . have witnessed crowd equal to that which attended the execution
We never a of" Robespierre and his colleagues , and it is impossible to e ^^ B V ° U rnn was pictured on every countenance . All the streets through which the conspirators passed resounded with the following exclamations :--- O-h , th . scoundreis ! Long live the Republic— -Long live the Convention A-l ej e ? were especially fixed on Maximilian Robespierre , L-outhon , and Henriot , WHO were covered with blood from the wounds they had given tnemselves before they were taken . The heads of Robespierre , Henriot , Dumas , and some other .,, le
were held up and shown to the peop . . m „„ , W Thus on Ihe 27 th in the morning Robespierre was an ummpeached prober speaking in the Convention ; before ten o ' clock the rtext night , h . nuc 1 and twenty-live others were " shorter by the head , " on the Pace de la Revolution . Seveiitv-nvo members of the Commune of Paris suirered two days after Among the number of persons set at liberty since the execution of Robespier ™ is General Santerre , who has publicly thanked the Convention lor his enlargement . ..
Home News.
TH' d-eadW fire at Ratcliffe ( which we slightly mentioned in our last for want of room ) has consumed more houses than any one conflagration since the memorable Fire of London . It began about three o ' clock on Tuesday afternoon , at Mr . Cloves ' s , barge-builder , at Cock-hill , btone-sta . rs , near Ratcliffe Highway , and was occasioned by the boiling over ot a pitch kett . e that stood under his warehouse , which was consumed in a very short time . It . hen communicated to a barge , it being lo waiter , lying adioining the premrses other storesThis occasioned the conffagratton to
laden with salt-petre and . spread widely in a very short time . Several other vessels and small cratts lying n earto the barge , soon after took fire without anypossibility of getting them off Amongst these were an East-India hoy , and the Hannah of Barbadoes The blowing up . of the salt-petre from the barge , occasioned large flakes of fire to fall on the warehouses belonging to the East India Company from whence the salt-petre was removing to the Tower ( twenty tons of which had been The flames ht the warehouses
fortunately taken the preceding day ) . soon caug , and here the scene became dreadful ; the whole of these buildings were consumed , with all theircontents , to a great amount . The wind bowing strong from the south , and the High-street of Ratcliffe being narrow , both sides caught fire , which prevented the engines from being of any essential service ; and in the course if the evening , it extended itself to the premises of Mr . Joseph Hanks , timber-merchant , in London-street where it again raged most furito Butcher the whole of the westand part of
ously , and communicated -row , , the east side of which was consumed . The fire then took its course up Brookstreet , Stepney Causeway , caught the premises of Mr . Shakespeare , ropemaker and burnt through to the fields on the one side , and the whole of the dwellings on the other ; forming altogether a square of great extent .. * [ It is very remarkable , the dwelling-house of Mr . Bear , an extensive building , although surrounded by the flames , was fortunately preserved without the 16 ' suivey was taken by the officers of the Hamlet , whose report was , that out af TWELVE . HUNDRED H OUSES , of which the Hamkt consisted , not more than I < ivs VOL . III . u . - -
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Monthly Chronicle.
a sl . oem . ker , and Govrrnor or Preceptor of Louis XVII . ; C . Laurent , 33 years of * . e ; Warnee , 29 years of age ; J . Forester , 47 years old a cannou-iounde , i ? Guerin , a rent receiver ; Lezard , a hair-dresser ; Lochefer an uphoIste . e ., Bongon and Ouenet , being all . 2 members 01 the municipality at Pu . is mulawed bv a decree of the Convention , and their persons being duly tecognued , surrendered to the executioner to be put to death within 24 nours . have witnessed crowd equal to that which attended the execution
We never a of" Robespierre and his colleagues , and it is impossible to e ^^ B V ° U rnn was pictured on every countenance . All the streets through which the conspirators passed resounded with the following exclamations :--- O-h , th . scoundreis ! Long live the Republic— -Long live the Convention A-l ej e ? were especially fixed on Maximilian Robespierre , L-outhon , and Henriot , WHO were covered with blood from the wounds they had given tnemselves before they were taken . The heads of Robespierre , Henriot , Dumas , and some other .,, le
were held up and shown to the peop . . m „„ , W Thus on Ihe 27 th in the morning Robespierre was an ummpeached prober speaking in the Convention ; before ten o ' clock the rtext night , h . nuc 1 and twenty-live others were " shorter by the head , " on the Pace de la Revolution . Seveiitv-nvo members of the Commune of Paris suirered two days after Among the number of persons set at liberty since the execution of Robespier ™ is General Santerre , who has publicly thanked the Convention lor his enlargement . ..
Home News.
TH' d-eadW fire at Ratcliffe ( which we slightly mentioned in our last for want of room ) has consumed more houses than any one conflagration since the memorable Fire of London . It began about three o ' clock on Tuesday afternoon , at Mr . Cloves ' s , barge-builder , at Cock-hill , btone-sta . rs , near Ratcliffe Highway , and was occasioned by the boiling over ot a pitch kett . e that stood under his warehouse , which was consumed in a very short time . It . hen communicated to a barge , it being lo waiter , lying adioining the premrses other storesThis occasioned the conffagratton to
laden with salt-petre and . spread widely in a very short time . Several other vessels and small cratts lying n earto the barge , soon after took fire without anypossibility of getting them off Amongst these were an East-India hoy , and the Hannah of Barbadoes The blowing up . of the salt-petre from the barge , occasioned large flakes of fire to fall on the warehouses belonging to the East India Company from whence the salt-petre was removing to the Tower ( twenty tons of which had been The flames ht the warehouses
fortunately taken the preceding day ) . soon caug , and here the scene became dreadful ; the whole of these buildings were consumed , with all theircontents , to a great amount . The wind bowing strong from the south , and the High-street of Ratcliffe being narrow , both sides caught fire , which prevented the engines from being of any essential service ; and in the course if the evening , it extended itself to the premises of Mr . Joseph Hanks , timber-merchant , in London-street where it again raged most furito Butcher the whole of the westand part of
ously , and communicated -row , , the east side of which was consumed . The fire then took its course up Brookstreet , Stepney Causeway , caught the premises of Mr . Shakespeare , ropemaker and burnt through to the fields on the one side , and the whole of the dwellings on the other ; forming altogether a square of great extent .. * [ It is very remarkable , the dwelling-house of Mr . Bear , an extensive building , although surrounded by the flames , was fortunately preserved without the 16 ' suivey was taken by the officers of the Hamlet , whose report was , that out af TWELVE . HUNDRED H OUSES , of which the Hamkt consisted , not more than I < ivs VOL . III . u . - -