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The Khalif And His Visier, An Oriental Apologue.
. . Haroon al Rasheed , after looking upon them some time with complacency , rose from his throne , and thus expressed himself : "' Moslems , the judgment which I have this clay pronounced , appears to some of you harsh and severe , and to all of you inexplicable ; hear then my motives , and confess the justice and beneficence of your prince . There is but one Godand Mahomet is his prophet—shall
, Moslems indulge in bitter exclamations against Alia , for inconvenience and trouble which their own exertions can remove ? Shall our . holy prophet be wearied with tears and lamentations , which are only occasioned by his servants' indolence and pusillanimity ? The first man whose case I heard , and whom I punished as he deserved , impeached the goodness of providence , and the justice of my "
-overnmeiit also , for an evil which he himself couid have effectually removed . He had a bad and unjust nei ghbour—granted—but was it not in his power to have changed his residence , and to have followed his occupation as a merchant in some other place ? The second , also , was alike intemperate in his complaints—but why arraign Alia , or his prophet , when he himself possessed the remedy of his suffering ? Pie had bad and
a worthless wife—but could he not have gone with her immediately to the cadi , given her a writing of divorce , and sent her away ? As to the third man , consult your own hearts , and confess my justice . —From an ungracious child who can fly ? From that sori-ow , what change of place , or what decision of law can preserve us ? It follows us abroadit wounds us in solitude it disturbs our
, , meals , and haunts our pillows . In this case pity is the slightest boon we can bestow , and liberality is no more than justice . " The imams , the emeers , and the grandees of the court , were no longer astonished , but confessed aloud the wisdom of the Khalif .
Anecdotes Of Henri Duc De Montmorenci.
From SEWARD ' *• Anecdotes of some Distinguished Persons , " & c . just published .
AS this illustrious nobleman was one day playing at hazard , his won a considerable sum of money . A gentleman standing near him said to his friend , " That now is a sum which would make a gentleman ' s fortune . * ' "Would it so , Sir ? " replied the duke ; " take it then , I only wish that it were more . " As the duke was walking one day in the fields near Thoulouse with
another nobleman , their discourse turned upon the happiness of men in different situations ; and whether those were most to be envied who -were in eminent , or those who were in low situations of life . "Ho !" . says the duke , on observing three or four peasants , who were making ; N-2 . ¦ i
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Khalif And His Visier, An Oriental Apologue.
. . Haroon al Rasheed , after looking upon them some time with complacency , rose from his throne , and thus expressed himself : "' Moslems , the judgment which I have this clay pronounced , appears to some of you harsh and severe , and to all of you inexplicable ; hear then my motives , and confess the justice and beneficence of your prince . There is but one Godand Mahomet is his prophet—shall
, Moslems indulge in bitter exclamations against Alia , for inconvenience and trouble which their own exertions can remove ? Shall our . holy prophet be wearied with tears and lamentations , which are only occasioned by his servants' indolence and pusillanimity ? The first man whose case I heard , and whom I punished as he deserved , impeached the goodness of providence , and the justice of my "
-overnmeiit also , for an evil which he himself couid have effectually removed . He had a bad and unjust nei ghbour—granted—but was it not in his power to have changed his residence , and to have followed his occupation as a merchant in some other place ? The second , also , was alike intemperate in his complaints—but why arraign Alia , or his prophet , when he himself possessed the remedy of his suffering ? Pie had bad and
a worthless wife—but could he not have gone with her immediately to the cadi , given her a writing of divorce , and sent her away ? As to the third man , consult your own hearts , and confess my justice . —From an ungracious child who can fly ? From that sori-ow , what change of place , or what decision of law can preserve us ? It follows us abroadit wounds us in solitude it disturbs our
, , meals , and haunts our pillows . In this case pity is the slightest boon we can bestow , and liberality is no more than justice . " The imams , the emeers , and the grandees of the court , were no longer astonished , but confessed aloud the wisdom of the Khalif .
Anecdotes Of Henri Duc De Montmorenci.
From SEWARD ' *• Anecdotes of some Distinguished Persons , " & c . just published .
AS this illustrious nobleman was one day playing at hazard , his won a considerable sum of money . A gentleman standing near him said to his friend , " That now is a sum which would make a gentleman ' s fortune . * ' "Would it so , Sir ? " replied the duke ; " take it then , I only wish that it were more . " As the duke was walking one day in the fields near Thoulouse with
another nobleman , their discourse turned upon the happiness of men in different situations ; and whether those were most to be envied who -were in eminent , or those who were in low situations of life . "Ho !" . says the duke , on observing three or four peasants , who were making ; N-2 . ¦ i