Article REVIEW OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. ← Page 3 of 8 →
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Review Of New Publications.
The Political State of Europe for the Year 1795 ; containing an Authentic and Impartial Narrative of every Military Operation of the Present Belligerent Po-zccrs ; and a Correct Copy of every Slate Paper , Declaration , Manifesto ) , & c . Together with a Correct 'Translation of the Debates and Proceedings of the National Convention of Francs ; ami an Accurate Survey of the Politics and Conduct of the Neutral Potvers . Vol . IX . ys . Jordan . 179 6 . THE utility of such compilations as the present is obvious .- they preserve
those authentic documents on which future historians must necessarily found their labours . * Many of these papers , it is true , ate previously published in the diurnal prints ; but the expedition , indispensable in the ' conduct of a newspaper , occasions , sometimes , inaccuracies of very injurious consequence ^ and the insertion , frequently , of papers fabricated by parties interested in the fluctuation of the funds , and having , in themselves , no authority or import . The very copious detail in the title-page renders it unnecessary for us to point
out the objects which this volume professes to embrace ; but it may seem necessary , as the present is only a continuation of a work that has been some years before the public , to notice an alteration that lias taken place in the mode of its publication . The Political State was , \ vc believe , hitherto published in weekly numbers 5 but the editor seems to be of opinion , that , by adopting the plan of half-yearly publication , some advantages are gained to the reader . A better opportunity is given for the selection and arrangement
of materials ; of searching for the best accounts of every public event ; ofstating each subject distinctly - , and of placing the particulars in the regular order of succession : also , of distinguishing truth from falshood , the spurious paper from the authentic one;—a necessary caution at this time , when so many forged papers on public affairs are in daily circulation . By the present mode of publication , says he , " . there is latitude afforded for examining ¦ with suspicion , and comparing with attention , the . first accounts of all great public transaftions , written , very commonly , in the agitated moments of exultation or depression , with the subsequent accounts , written in the hoursof coolness and reflection , with the assistance , frequently , of farther infor-v
mation . The editor appears to us to have used a ' proper discrimination in the choice of his materials , and to have executed'his task with industry and fidelity ; JThe History of Poland , fr ' om ils Origin as a Nation , to the Commencement of the Tear 1795 . To ivhicb is prefixedAn Accurate Account of the Geography
, and Government of that Country , and the Customs a / id Manners of its Inhabitants ., 7 _ f . Od . Yernor and Hood . . 1795 . ' IN the present age of revolutions , the public attention has been by no event ( if we except the French insurrefilion ) so strongly excited , as hy the vicissitudes to which the Poles have for many years been subjected . A desire to trace to its source such a continuity of adverse fortune , is natural to the feeling mind ; and we congratulate the public on the appearance of the
present volume , whicli is well-timed , and seems judiciously adapted to its object . Much industry has evidently been exerted in the work : the compiler has , in . a connected narrative , regularl y traced the progress of that ill-fated country , from barbarism to refinement , from refinement to the very extinction of its name among nations . The history of the . late reign of Stanislaus Augustus , one of tbe most eventful and interesting epochs , perhaps , ever recorded , occupies one-third of the whole work *
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Review Of New Publications.
The Political State of Europe for the Year 1795 ; containing an Authentic and Impartial Narrative of every Military Operation of the Present Belligerent Po-zccrs ; and a Correct Copy of every Slate Paper , Declaration , Manifesto ) , & c . Together with a Correct 'Translation of the Debates and Proceedings of the National Convention of Francs ; ami an Accurate Survey of the Politics and Conduct of the Neutral Potvers . Vol . IX . ys . Jordan . 179 6 . THE utility of such compilations as the present is obvious .- they preserve
those authentic documents on which future historians must necessarily found their labours . * Many of these papers , it is true , ate previously published in the diurnal prints ; but the expedition , indispensable in the ' conduct of a newspaper , occasions , sometimes , inaccuracies of very injurious consequence ^ and the insertion , frequently , of papers fabricated by parties interested in the fluctuation of the funds , and having , in themselves , no authority or import . The very copious detail in the title-page renders it unnecessary for us to point
out the objects which this volume professes to embrace ; but it may seem necessary , as the present is only a continuation of a work that has been some years before the public , to notice an alteration that lias taken place in the mode of its publication . The Political State was , \ vc believe , hitherto published in weekly numbers 5 but the editor seems to be of opinion , that , by adopting the plan of half-yearly publication , some advantages are gained to the reader . A better opportunity is given for the selection and arrangement
of materials ; of searching for the best accounts of every public event ; ofstating each subject distinctly - , and of placing the particulars in the regular order of succession : also , of distinguishing truth from falshood , the spurious paper from the authentic one;—a necessary caution at this time , when so many forged papers on public affairs are in daily circulation . By the present mode of publication , says he , " . there is latitude afforded for examining ¦ with suspicion , and comparing with attention , the . first accounts of all great public transaftions , written , very commonly , in the agitated moments of exultation or depression , with the subsequent accounts , written in the hoursof coolness and reflection , with the assistance , frequently , of farther infor-v
mation . The editor appears to us to have used a ' proper discrimination in the choice of his materials , and to have executed'his task with industry and fidelity ; JThe History of Poland , fr ' om ils Origin as a Nation , to the Commencement of the Tear 1795 . To ivhicb is prefixedAn Accurate Account of the Geography
, and Government of that Country , and the Customs a / id Manners of its Inhabitants ., 7 _ f . Od . Yernor and Hood . . 1795 . ' IN the present age of revolutions , the public attention has been by no event ( if we except the French insurrefilion ) so strongly excited , as hy the vicissitudes to which the Poles have for many years been subjected . A desire to trace to its source such a continuity of adverse fortune , is natural to the feeling mind ; and we congratulate the public on the appearance of the
present volume , whicli is well-timed , and seems judiciously adapted to its object . Much industry has evidently been exerted in the work : the compiler has , in . a connected narrative , regularl y traced the progress of that ill-fated country , from barbarism to refinement , from refinement to the very extinction of its name among nations . The history of the . late reign of Stanislaus Augustus , one of tbe most eventful and interesting epochs , perhaps , ever recorded , occupies one-third of the whole work *