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Review Of New Publications.
' Awhile , as if entranced , he gazed arounci : He moved , and Heaven with unknown radiance gleamed ; Ke spoke , and listening Angels hailed the sound ; He smiled , . and universal Matv . ro beam ad . By infant Love subdued , Creation seemed ; And Time , transported , all his power confessed ; Of present joys , and future bliss , be dreamed , Of constant hearts with lasting union blessed ;
Then fondly clasped the Cherub to his glowing breast . ' This elegant kind of versification in continued through the Poem ; but we think it altogether too lofty for the subjeft _ a story of -Love ' s adventures would have been better in Anacreontic , or some lighter kind of verse . The allegory , though in some parts very fine , in others wants not only dignity , but even consistency : the Poet , however , has laid on his embeliismcnts with so lavish a hand , as to afford the reader a very pleasing exhibition .
Sketches in Verse , tvilh Prose Illustrations . S-vo . Pages 156 . Cadell and Davies . 1796 . ¦ IF we except rather a long Ode to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , on his intended Marriage , the loyalty of winch far surpasses the Poetry , this volume is made up of very short * and trivial pieces , affording little room for praise , on any other account than a tolerable facility of versification . The
prose Illustrations , annexed , are not more favourable to the author ' s philosophy , than the Sketches are to his poetical talents . . The two first treat of apparitions , and family distinctions ; a belief in both of which the author vindicates . The remainder do not deserve a distinct notice . The Triumph cf Innocence : an Ode . By Eyles Irwin , Esq . M . R . I . A . 41 . 9 , ¦ Pages __ . Nicol .- 179 6 .
THE subjest of this Ode is the Deliverance of the Princess Maria Theresa Charlotte of France , from the prison of the Temple , and affordedits author a fair occasion for the display of tenderness and sentiment , of which lie liai not , in our opinion , availed himself . He has been more violent in bis indignation against Democrats , than anxious to express the sorrows and joys of the royal orphan . The performance is not , however , wholly destitute of poetic merit , and is beautifully printed by Bulmer .
The Pavilion , a Novel . 4 Ft ' , IM . ' . Price 14 ... Lane . 179 6 . AFTER the great variety of novels which have been published of late years , it requires a very superior imagination to invent one , at present , iu which neither the plot , nor incidents , should bear a resemblance to others already published . This observation may be applied to the volumes before us . To the merit of originality they can lay little claim ; but the moral is good ; ami the story excites a considerable degree of interest .
A Narrative cf the Loss of the Catherine , Venus , and Piedmont Transports , and the Thomas , Golden Grove , and JEolus Merchant Ships , mar IVeymoulb , ou ll ' ednesdry the 1 S / . f' of November last , drawn up , from Information taken on lhe Sj > ot , b y Charlotte Smith ; and published for the Benefit of an unfortunate Survivor from one of the IVrecks , ami her Infant-Child . % -vp . Pages 41 . Price is . Law . WE are pleased to see the elegant pen of Mrs . Smith employed in the cause of Humanity ; and recommend this distressing little Narrative to the perusal of all who wish to exercise the best alibi-ions of the human heart , and perform a ajt-nerous act of liberality .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Review Of New Publications.
' Awhile , as if entranced , he gazed arounci : He moved , and Heaven with unknown radiance gleamed ; Ke spoke , and listening Angels hailed the sound ; He smiled , . and universal Matv . ro beam ad . By infant Love subdued , Creation seemed ; And Time , transported , all his power confessed ; Of present joys , and future bliss , be dreamed , Of constant hearts with lasting union blessed ;
Then fondly clasped the Cherub to his glowing breast . ' This elegant kind of versification in continued through the Poem ; but we think it altogether too lofty for the subjeft _ a story of -Love ' s adventures would have been better in Anacreontic , or some lighter kind of verse . The allegory , though in some parts very fine , in others wants not only dignity , but even consistency : the Poet , however , has laid on his embeliismcnts with so lavish a hand , as to afford the reader a very pleasing exhibition .
Sketches in Verse , tvilh Prose Illustrations . S-vo . Pages 156 . Cadell and Davies . 1796 . ¦ IF we except rather a long Ode to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , on his intended Marriage , the loyalty of winch far surpasses the Poetry , this volume is made up of very short * and trivial pieces , affording little room for praise , on any other account than a tolerable facility of versification . The
prose Illustrations , annexed , are not more favourable to the author ' s philosophy , than the Sketches are to his poetical talents . . The two first treat of apparitions , and family distinctions ; a belief in both of which the author vindicates . The remainder do not deserve a distinct notice . The Triumph cf Innocence : an Ode . By Eyles Irwin , Esq . M . R . I . A . 41 . 9 , ¦ Pages __ . Nicol .- 179 6 .
THE subjest of this Ode is the Deliverance of the Princess Maria Theresa Charlotte of France , from the prison of the Temple , and affordedits author a fair occasion for the display of tenderness and sentiment , of which lie liai not , in our opinion , availed himself . He has been more violent in bis indignation against Democrats , than anxious to express the sorrows and joys of the royal orphan . The performance is not , however , wholly destitute of poetic merit , and is beautifully printed by Bulmer .
The Pavilion , a Novel . 4 Ft ' , IM . ' . Price 14 ... Lane . 179 6 . AFTER the great variety of novels which have been published of late years , it requires a very superior imagination to invent one , at present , iu which neither the plot , nor incidents , should bear a resemblance to others already published . This observation may be applied to the volumes before us . To the merit of originality they can lay little claim ; but the moral is good ; ami the story excites a considerable degree of interest .
A Narrative cf the Loss of the Catherine , Venus , and Piedmont Transports , and the Thomas , Golden Grove , and JEolus Merchant Ships , mar IVeymoulb , ou ll ' ednesdry the 1 S / . f' of November last , drawn up , from Information taken on lhe Sj > ot , b y Charlotte Smith ; and published for the Benefit of an unfortunate Survivor from one of the IVrecks , ami her Infant-Child . % -vp . Pages 41 . Price is . Law . WE are pleased to see the elegant pen of Mrs . Smith employed in the cause of Humanity ; and recommend this distressing little Narrative to the perusal of all who wish to exercise the best alibi-ions of the human heart , and perform a ajt-nerous act of liberality .