Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE. Page 1 of 3 →
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Monthly Chronicle.
FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . RATISBOX , August i . 1796 . HP-HE rapid advance of the French has induced the Diet suddenly to pass an ex-1 traordinary Decree for the conclusion of a Peace for the Empire . On the 30 th Xulv , an extraordinary Sitting was held , when the Deputy of the that of
Electorate of Miiilz opened the proceeding :, , by stating , m . consequence the calamitous events of the present War , the greater part of the Deputies had ¦ recived instructions from their several Courts , to endeavour-to induce the Die . to declare tor a speedy Peace . The Deputies then voted , withput waiting for further instructions ; and almost all the Votes were for the conclusion of a Peace , only Austria and UabtmU opposing the motion , alledging that the misfortunes of the War were principally to be attributed to a want of unanimity among the States of the Empire ; that there was nothing his 1-MP . E-EIAL MAJESTY SO earnestly honour and
wished as to restore Peace-to the Empire , consistently with tire security of the Em . ire , and the preservation . of . the Germanic Constitution ; but that the union of the States under their Head , was the only means-to enforce a secure and honourable Peace . The Diet then proceeded to pass a Decree , staling , that in the present circumstances of the Empire , a Peace was , necessary , and that a Deputation of the Empireshould immediately be appointed to carry it into effect . The Deputies of the Duchof IVirUmberg and the principality of JVurlzbwg and
y Bamberg , Baron S ECKESDORF and Baron Giios , were immediately appointed to treat . villi the French Generals , and set out on Saturday evening . It is expected they will endeavour to obtain a Protection for . the Diet and the Archieyes , as well as a Neutrality and Security for the City cf llatisbtm and the Inhabitants .
SUABIA , August . 3 . The whole Circle of Suahia concluded-an Armistice with . the French General MOB-EAD on-the 27 th July . The Conditions are , that the Circle shall pay into the French Military Treasury the sum of 1 J Millions of Livres in ready . money , ROOD Horses , 5000 Oxen , besides considerable Contributions in Hay , Straw , Oats , Sec . There is a report that an Armistice has been concluded by the Principality of Spires .
I-IAMBI-BOH , August 9 , . 179 6 . The Prince Royal of Denmark , and . the-Princess his wife , are shortly expected to arrive in this place . The voting Prince is said to be very well informed , and to discover a considerable portioi-.-of . inteilect ; Tbe Princess is an exceedingly amiable woman . They are on their return from Pyrmont , when , under the pretext of drinking the waters , and in the midst of gaiety and pleasure , the most serious concerns of state have been debated : the King of Prussia and the
Landgrave of H ESSE C ASSET , were there in person ,-as well as a . number of accredited , and non-accredited Ministers of the principal circles of the Umpire ; and ere long we may expect to see ; : -great chnni-e ' ake place , width was agreed upon at that place . The richest individuals of Frankfort , and several rich 'houses of Jews , are about to leave that place , and are coining to seek refuge at Hamburgh . In vain have the editors of the public prims announced to their subscribers that preliminaries of peace between France and Austria , aud the Empire , were already signed , This report is false . It is true , that all ' our letters from Vienna agree in saying , that this peace , so much cle-, ired by Germany , is not far distant , and that the E .-. ii'caou himself has held out hopes of it ; bat the Soaks , and even the words ol VOL . vu . . S
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Monthly Chronicle.
FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . RATISBOX , August i . 1796 . HP-HE rapid advance of the French has induced the Diet suddenly to pass an ex-1 traordinary Decree for the conclusion of a Peace for the Empire . On the 30 th Xulv , an extraordinary Sitting was held , when the Deputy of the that of
Electorate of Miiilz opened the proceeding :, , by stating , m . consequence the calamitous events of the present War , the greater part of the Deputies had ¦ recived instructions from their several Courts , to endeavour-to induce the Die . to declare tor a speedy Peace . The Deputies then voted , withput waiting for further instructions ; and almost all the Votes were for the conclusion of a Peace , only Austria and UabtmU opposing the motion , alledging that the misfortunes of the War were principally to be attributed to a want of unanimity among the States of the Empire ; that there was nothing his 1-MP . E-EIAL MAJESTY SO earnestly honour and
wished as to restore Peace-to the Empire , consistently with tire security of the Em . ire , and the preservation . of . the Germanic Constitution ; but that the union of the States under their Head , was the only means-to enforce a secure and honourable Peace . The Diet then proceeded to pass a Decree , staling , that in the present circumstances of the Empire , a Peace was , necessary , and that a Deputation of the Empireshould immediately be appointed to carry it into effect . The Deputies of the Duchof IVirUmberg and the principality of JVurlzbwg and
y Bamberg , Baron S ECKESDORF and Baron Giios , were immediately appointed to treat . villi the French Generals , and set out on Saturday evening . It is expected they will endeavour to obtain a Protection for . the Diet and the Archieyes , as well as a Neutrality and Security for the City cf llatisbtm and the Inhabitants .
SUABIA , August . 3 . The whole Circle of Suahia concluded-an Armistice with . the French General MOB-EAD on-the 27 th July . The Conditions are , that the Circle shall pay into the French Military Treasury the sum of 1 J Millions of Livres in ready . money , ROOD Horses , 5000 Oxen , besides considerable Contributions in Hay , Straw , Oats , Sec . There is a report that an Armistice has been concluded by the Principality of Spires .
I-IAMBI-BOH , August 9 , . 179 6 . The Prince Royal of Denmark , and . the-Princess his wife , are shortly expected to arrive in this place . The voting Prince is said to be very well informed , and to discover a considerable portioi-.-of . inteilect ; Tbe Princess is an exceedingly amiable woman . They are on their return from Pyrmont , when , under the pretext of drinking the waters , and in the midst of gaiety and pleasure , the most serious concerns of state have been debated : the King of Prussia and the
Landgrave of H ESSE C ASSET , were there in person ,-as well as a . number of accredited , and non-accredited Ministers of the principal circles of the Umpire ; and ere long we may expect to see ; : -great chnni-e ' ake place , width was agreed upon at that place . The richest individuals of Frankfort , and several rich 'houses of Jews , are about to leave that place , and are coining to seek refuge at Hamburgh . In vain have the editors of the public prims announced to their subscribers that preliminaries of peace between France and Austria , aud the Empire , were already signed , This report is false . It is true , that all ' our letters from Vienna agree in saying , that this peace , so much cle-, ired by Germany , is not far distant , and that the E .-. ii'caou himself has held out hopes of it ; bat the Soaks , and even the words ol VOL . vu . . S