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A Charge Delivered To The Members Of The Union Lodge,
tented with only the name of MASO . V ; but walk worthy of that glorious profession , in constant conformity to its duties . To become Brethren worthy of our most ancient and honourable institution , we Inust dc \ 'ote ourselves to the study and discharge of the following duties , which are more or less within the reach of every capacity- - , viz . a knowledge of the mysterious problems , hieroglyphics , and symbolical customs and ceremonies of the Royal Arttogether with the oriin
, g , nature , and design of tlie institution , its signs , tokens , & C . \ Vhereby Masons are universally known to , and can converse with , each other , though born and bred in different countries and languages . A FREEMASON - must likewise be a good man ; one who duly fears , loves , and serves his Heavenl y Master , and ( in imitation of the operative mason , who erects a temporal building according to the . rules
aud designs laid down for him , by the master mason , on his tressel- board , ) raises a spiritual building , according to the laws and injunctions laid down by the Supreme Architect of the Universe in the-Book of Life , which may justly he considered , in this light , as a spiritual tresscl-board . He must honour the King , and be subordinate to his superiorsand
, ever ready to promote the deserving Brother in all his lawful employments and concerns . These , my Brethren , are ' qualifications of a good Mason , wherefore they merit our particular attention ; and , as it is our duty , we should make it our pleasure , to practise them . B y . so doing , we shall let our light shine before men , and prove ourselves
" worthy members of that institution , which ennobles all who conform to its most glorious precepts . Final ! }' , let me advise you to be very circumspect , and well guarded ] against the base attempts of pretenders , always setting a watch before your mouth . And with respect to any who may calf themselves Masons , but ( possessing refractory spirits ) are , at the same time , enemies to all orderdecency , and decorumspeaking and acting as rebels '
, , to the constitution of Masons iu this kingdom , let me exhort you to have no connection with them ; but , according to the advice of St .-Paul to the Thessalonians , " withdraw yourselves from every Brother that walketh disorderly , " leaving such to the natural conse ^ . quence of their own bad conduct ; being well assured , that the vain fabric , which they mean to erect , having no other support than their
own ignorance , debility , and deformity , will , of itself ) soon tumble tothe ground , with shame and ruin on the builders' heads . On the . Other hand , let us live in strict amity and fraternal love with all ^/ stand upright Brethren , that we may say , with the royal psalmist ,- - '• ' Behold , how good , and how pleasant it is , for brethren to dwell together in unity ! "
. Let GOD ' holy word be the guide of our faith ; and , justice , charity , love , and mercy , our characteristics ' : then we may reasonably hope to attain the ccelestial pass-word , and gain admittance into the , Lodge of our Supreme Grand Master , " where pleasures flow for . evermore . " This is the fervent prayer of him who glories in the name of a FAITHFUL MASO . V ,
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A Charge Delivered To The Members Of The Union Lodge,
tented with only the name of MASO . V ; but walk worthy of that glorious profession , in constant conformity to its duties . To become Brethren worthy of our most ancient and honourable institution , we Inust dc \ 'ote ourselves to the study and discharge of the following duties , which are more or less within the reach of every capacity- - , viz . a knowledge of the mysterious problems , hieroglyphics , and symbolical customs and ceremonies of the Royal Arttogether with the oriin
, g , nature , and design of tlie institution , its signs , tokens , & C . \ Vhereby Masons are universally known to , and can converse with , each other , though born and bred in different countries and languages . A FREEMASON - must likewise be a good man ; one who duly fears , loves , and serves his Heavenl y Master , and ( in imitation of the operative mason , who erects a temporal building according to the . rules
aud designs laid down for him , by the master mason , on his tressel- board , ) raises a spiritual building , according to the laws and injunctions laid down by the Supreme Architect of the Universe in the-Book of Life , which may justly he considered , in this light , as a spiritual tresscl-board . He must honour the King , and be subordinate to his superiorsand
, ever ready to promote the deserving Brother in all his lawful employments and concerns . These , my Brethren , are ' qualifications of a good Mason , wherefore they merit our particular attention ; and , as it is our duty , we should make it our pleasure , to practise them . B y . so doing , we shall let our light shine before men , and prove ourselves
" worthy members of that institution , which ennobles all who conform to its most glorious precepts . Final ! }' , let me advise you to be very circumspect , and well guarded ] against the base attempts of pretenders , always setting a watch before your mouth . And with respect to any who may calf themselves Masons , but ( possessing refractory spirits ) are , at the same time , enemies to all orderdecency , and decorumspeaking and acting as rebels '
, , to the constitution of Masons iu this kingdom , let me exhort you to have no connection with them ; but , according to the advice of St .-Paul to the Thessalonians , " withdraw yourselves from every Brother that walketh disorderly , " leaving such to the natural conse ^ . quence of their own bad conduct ; being well assured , that the vain fabric , which they mean to erect , having no other support than their
own ignorance , debility , and deformity , will , of itself ) soon tumble tothe ground , with shame and ruin on the builders' heads . On the . Other hand , let us live in strict amity and fraternal love with all ^/ stand upright Brethren , that we may say , with the royal psalmist ,- - '• ' Behold , how good , and how pleasant it is , for brethren to dwell together in unity ! "
. Let GOD ' holy word be the guide of our faith ; and , justice , charity , love , and mercy , our characteristics ' : then we may reasonably hope to attain the ccelestial pass-word , and gain admittance into the , Lodge of our Supreme Grand Master , " where pleasures flow for . evermore . " This is the fervent prayer of him who glories in the name of a FAITHFUL MASO . V ,