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To murder , with the stain of hell imprest , While deep part-ma ! rage was imag'd in her breast . Yet , though paternal wrath bad wak'd the ,-,, P » S , Ole , Of n-oe , ta clc . V . h her cheeks with deadly Tho ' oft thesoundscf execration rang In her stunn'd ears yet innocence could
; sttal [ conceal ! The dart from veneeance , and iis scowl Yet virtue , that had breath'd ihe vow sincere , > eil , Urew o er the scene of death a gradual And , as it scatter'd every hadeof ' fear , Mus'd on the parting smile to conscious Ellen dear .
WIIITTE . S' BY MB . t'l'TO . V . Wtfit ^ here t am , and what of that ? Mcthinks I fiear you cry ; Why , I am come , and that is pat , To sell , if von will bay ; A Female Auctioneer I stand , Yet , not to seek for /' .. ¦/ , Ah ! no!— the / > l I have in hand
, Is now lo sell m \ self ! A Wno " itfo 7 le ' ? ' ° ' ff 0 ii ! S : Ye liachehrs , J loot at you ; And prav don't deem me rude ; Nor rate ine c . Mber . S' c .-Ai ' or Stirm ; A Coq-je ' . ' t or a pr-. nle : M ) ' 4 ar ;;«' and heart I offer fair ,
And shou'dyouiyvihe lot , I swear I'll make you e ' erinv care , When lly ,-. e ,. tic ; theki . c :. ' And I ' m going , coin-- - , going , going ! Who bids for me ? Tho' some mav deem me pert or so , Wooden ) in idle strife ; Pray , where ' s the Girl , 1 wish to know , d d
Who'u'not hecomo-IV [ ft ? A-t least , I own , 1 really wou'd In spite of ? . l " ! alarms ; Dear Bachelors , now be so good—, Do take me to your arms ; For I ' m going-, going , going , going ! Who bids forme ? s ^ i ^— . ~ . ~ - HERE'S THE PRETTY GIRL I LOVEr . c : ; ' > BY -ait . DENMAN . IVBITi ' l . N UY THE SAME .
JACK Oakham uasart . - ilkinl Tar , Anddo : iti-J on the loveh- Poll , Whose charms were h' -. e thcMurning Star , And radian ; a " , the l ; r- nils of hoi ! To live ( an . ! for each liier ) true . They s-. vore by ev ' ry Saiin above ; And Jack , wherever sailing tc . Gave ,- —Here ' s ibr bre ' . iy Girl I love .
It happened once they made a port , Where Beauty held ils magic reign , And each bold tar in arn'rous ' sport ' Forgot the perils of the main . Round went the glass and jest , at whim , 'the ' . omj and toast at ev ' n- move ; Bui Jack , whene ' er Ihcv call'd on him , Gave , — Here ' s the pretty Girl I love .
Thus faithful Jack in ev'rv clime , True to his Poll , dwelt on hc-rcharms ; And suo arriv'd the happv time When each were lock'd in (' other ' s arms . ' Safe now they made the Nuptial Coast , And . lack once more his worth tc prove , ( When ask'ri by l-riendship for his least ) Gave , —Here ' s the pretty Girl llovs .
ANACREONTIC . SUNG BY MR . DESMA 1 C WniTTEN BY THE SAME . BRING me , boy , a flowing bowl , » Deep and spacious as the sea ; Then shall ev'ry noble soul
Drink and fathom it with nit . Whilegoori humour is afloat , F . ' er to part wou'd be a sin ; Let us sail in Pleasure's boat , — Drink and ( ill the bowl again . Let the hoary Miser toil , We such sordid views despise .-Give us Wine zml Beauty ' s smile .
There c / . chglowina- rapture lies . While jrooil fellowship wc boast , Fill the goblets to the brim : Lovelv Woman is my loast , Drink and fill the howl again . Care , thou bane of ev ' ry joy , To some distant region Hy ; rei Bacchus
Here gns , jolly boy . ' Hnice " , old Greybeard , hence and diet "While wc revel in ' delighl , E'er to part wou'd be a sin ; Andsmce Care is put lo flight , Drink , and fill the bowl again .
STANZAS 0 > J KOSCIUSKO . H AS Freedom ' s flame thy breast illrm'd ? Has Reason there her rights assum'd ? Warm will thy bosom feel , and glow Foi human bliss , for human woe ?
Saw'stthou , on j'on Northern plains , The slave exulting burst his chains . While Freedom wav'd her banner hi gh , And iwiu'd the wreath of Victory ? Proudly swell'd thy gen'reus heart , Warm to thine eves did rapture star ; ? The banner sinks—the wreath is torn— - Willi me for Kosciusno mourn . '
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To murder , with the stain of hell imprest , While deep part-ma ! rage was imag'd in her breast . Yet , though paternal wrath bad wak'd the ,-,, P » S , Ole , Of n-oe , ta clc . V . h her cheeks with deadly Tho ' oft thesoundscf execration rang In her stunn'd ears yet innocence could
; sttal [ conceal ! The dart from veneeance , and iis scowl Yet virtue , that had breath'd ihe vow sincere , > eil , Urew o er the scene of death a gradual And , as it scatter'd every hadeof ' fear , Mus'd on the parting smile to conscious Ellen dear .
WIIITTE . S' BY MB . t'l'TO . V . Wtfit ^ here t am , and what of that ? Mcthinks I fiear you cry ; Why , I am come , and that is pat , To sell , if von will bay ; A Female Auctioneer I stand , Yet , not to seek for /' .. ¦/ , Ah ! no!— the / > l I have in hand
, Is now lo sell m \ self ! A Wno " itfo 7 le ' ? ' ° ' ff 0 ii ! S : Ye liachehrs , J loot at you ; And prav don't deem me rude ; Nor rate ine c . Mber . S' c .-Ai ' or Stirm ; A Coq-je ' . ' t or a pr-. nle : M ) ' 4 ar ;;«' and heart I offer fair ,
And shou'dyouiyvihe lot , I swear I'll make you e ' erinv care , When lly ,-. e ,. tic ; theki . c :. ' And I ' m going , coin-- - , going , going ! Who bids for me ? Tho' some mav deem me pert or so , Wooden ) in idle strife ; Pray , where ' s the Girl , 1 wish to know , d d
Who'u'not hecomo-IV [ ft ? A-t least , I own , 1 really wou'd In spite of ? . l " ! alarms ; Dear Bachelors , now be so good—, Do take me to your arms ; For I ' m going-, going , going , going ! Who bids forme ? s ^ i ^— . ~ . ~ - HERE'S THE PRETTY GIRL I LOVEr . c : ; ' > BY -ait . DENMAN . IVBITi ' l . N UY THE SAME .
JACK Oakham uasart . - ilkinl Tar , Anddo : iti-J on the loveh- Poll , Whose charms were h' -. e thcMurning Star , And radian ; a " , the l ; r- nils of hoi ! To live ( an . ! for each liier ) true . They s-. vore by ev ' ry Saiin above ; And Jack , wherever sailing tc . Gave ,- —Here ' s ibr bre ' . iy Girl I love .
It happened once they made a port , Where Beauty held ils magic reign , And each bold tar in arn'rous ' sport ' Forgot the perils of the main . Round went the glass and jest , at whim , 'the ' . omj and toast at ev ' n- move ; Bui Jack , whene ' er Ihcv call'd on him , Gave , — Here ' s the pretty Girl I love .
Thus faithful Jack in ev'rv clime , True to his Poll , dwelt on hc-rcharms ; And suo arriv'd the happv time When each were lock'd in (' other ' s arms . ' Safe now they made the Nuptial Coast , And . lack once more his worth tc prove , ( When ask'ri by l-riendship for his least ) Gave , —Here ' s the pretty Girl llovs .
ANACREONTIC . SUNG BY MR . DESMA 1 C WniTTEN BY THE SAME . BRING me , boy , a flowing bowl , » Deep and spacious as the sea ; Then shall ev'ry noble soul
Drink and fathom it with nit . Whilegoori humour is afloat , F . ' er to part wou'd be a sin ; Let us sail in Pleasure's boat , — Drink and ( ill the bowl again . Let the hoary Miser toil , We such sordid views despise .-Give us Wine zml Beauty ' s smile .
There c / . chglowina- rapture lies . While jrooil fellowship wc boast , Fill the goblets to the brim : Lovelv Woman is my loast , Drink and fill the howl again . Care , thou bane of ev ' ry joy , To some distant region Hy ; rei Bacchus
Here gns , jolly boy . ' Hnice " , old Greybeard , hence and diet "While wc revel in ' delighl , E'er to part wou'd be a sin ; Andsmce Care is put lo flight , Drink , and fill the bowl again .
STANZAS 0 > J KOSCIUSKO . H AS Freedom ' s flame thy breast illrm'd ? Has Reason there her rights assum'd ? Warm will thy bosom feel , and glow Foi human bliss , for human woe ?
Saw'stthou , on j'on Northern plains , The slave exulting burst his chains . While Freedom wav'd her banner hi gh , And iwiu'd the wreath of Victory ? Proudly swell'd thy gen'reus heart , Warm to thine eves did rapture star ; ? The banner sinks—the wreath is torn— - Willi me for Kosciusno mourn . '