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An Apology For The Character And Conduct Of Shylock.
fc . ation , or incurred such a penalty ? Yet on this absurd , perverted construction of a plain contract is Shylock condemned ! ' Another quibble of equal weight is urged against him ? - that having a right to cut from the merchant ' s breast a pound of flesh , and a pound only , if he took more or less than that—even the minutest particle , he should suffer death : as if the spirit of the bond did not clearly implythat he was limited to take no more than a pound !
Sh-, y lock is found guilty of death bjr this curious exposition of the Venetian laws ; but Antonio , not satisfied unless insult was added to injustice , requests the Duke that his life may be spared , if he would make over his remaining fortune to his unnatural daughter and profligate son-in-law , now reduced to penury by their extravagance ; with this trifling additionthat he renounce his faithand embrace
Chris-, , tianity . These conditions he complies with in the British Drama ; butattheinhumanproposal mentioned above , not an eye was to be seen unmoistened with tears in our Theatre . The sensations of the audience corresponded with those of Shylock , which were indeed such as could Qtily have justice done them by the masterly pen of Nathan Ben Boaz . ¦
' It may not be unworthy notice , that such a character as Sh ylock ' s in the same situation as here represented , from the address of the Christian poet , and the prepossession of the audience , never appeared on the English Stage , but as an object of abhorrence , instead of that commiseration which was so generally excited by this performance . It appears , likewise , on examining Shakspeare ' s numerous
commentators , and other records of the times , that no censure was ever cast , no unfavourable sentiment entertained of the unjust judge , the injujurious merchant , the undutiful daughter , and prodigal lover . Na }' , it is recorded that the profligate speech of the latter , respecting Jessica ' s intention of robbing her father , has not unfrequentl y been received with applause on the British stage . By this extraordinary declaration we are first to understandthat robberyingratitudeand a want of
, , , filial affection towards a Jewish parent , are such supererogatory virtues in a daughter , as will not only atone for her own faults , but most probably for his also , and entitle him to a happy immortality . In the second place we learn , that the same meritorious demerits will even preserve her from the common calamities and casualties of life , unless the untoward circumstance of her faithless father ' s being
descended from the father of the faithful , should counteract their effect . What an idea does this give of the English Nation , when such sentiments could be applauded ! What a striking instance does it aff > rd of the lax state of morality , and the dominion of reli gious prejudices in the darker ages ! ' . The sudden , yet natural death of the malevolent merchant is
well imagined . The turbulent phrenzy of the judge , brought on by the recollection of his corrupt decision , and the tender melanchol y of Jhe daughter , who'bewailshermisconducttoo late , are equally affecting , and demonstrate the author ' s perfect knowledge of the human heart . The moral sense may be awhile suppressed or perverted , but conscience , some , time or other , will resume its dominion , and severely punish the violators of her laws .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
An Apology For The Character And Conduct Of Shylock.
fc . ation , or incurred such a penalty ? Yet on this absurd , perverted construction of a plain contract is Shylock condemned ! ' Another quibble of equal weight is urged against him ? - that having a right to cut from the merchant ' s breast a pound of flesh , and a pound only , if he took more or less than that—even the minutest particle , he should suffer death : as if the spirit of the bond did not clearly implythat he was limited to take no more than a pound !
Sh-, y lock is found guilty of death bjr this curious exposition of the Venetian laws ; but Antonio , not satisfied unless insult was added to injustice , requests the Duke that his life may be spared , if he would make over his remaining fortune to his unnatural daughter and profligate son-in-law , now reduced to penury by their extravagance ; with this trifling additionthat he renounce his faithand embrace
Chris-, , tianity . These conditions he complies with in the British Drama ; butattheinhumanproposal mentioned above , not an eye was to be seen unmoistened with tears in our Theatre . The sensations of the audience corresponded with those of Shylock , which were indeed such as could Qtily have justice done them by the masterly pen of Nathan Ben Boaz . ¦
' It may not be unworthy notice , that such a character as Sh ylock ' s in the same situation as here represented , from the address of the Christian poet , and the prepossession of the audience , never appeared on the English Stage , but as an object of abhorrence , instead of that commiseration which was so generally excited by this performance . It appears , likewise , on examining Shakspeare ' s numerous
commentators , and other records of the times , that no censure was ever cast , no unfavourable sentiment entertained of the unjust judge , the injujurious merchant , the undutiful daughter , and prodigal lover . Na }' , it is recorded that the profligate speech of the latter , respecting Jessica ' s intention of robbing her father , has not unfrequentl y been received with applause on the British stage . By this extraordinary declaration we are first to understandthat robberyingratitudeand a want of
, , , filial affection towards a Jewish parent , are such supererogatory virtues in a daughter , as will not only atone for her own faults , but most probably for his also , and entitle him to a happy immortality . In the second place we learn , that the same meritorious demerits will even preserve her from the common calamities and casualties of life , unless the untoward circumstance of her faithless father ' s being
descended from the father of the faithful , should counteract their effect . What an idea does this give of the English Nation , when such sentiments could be applauded ! What a striking instance does it aff > rd of the lax state of morality , and the dominion of reli gious prejudices in the darker ages ! ' . The sudden , yet natural death of the malevolent merchant is
well imagined . The turbulent phrenzy of the judge , brought on by the recollection of his corrupt decision , and the tender melanchol y of Jhe daughter , who'bewailshermisconducttoo late , are equally affecting , and demonstrate the author ' s perfect knowledge of the human heart . The moral sense may be awhile suppressed or perverted , but conscience , some , time or other , will resume its dominion , and severely punish the violators of her laws .