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An Historical And Geographical Account Of The Kingdom Of Ireland.
[ CONI-TNIIED FROM P . 5 . J TJ ' H . OM the time that Lord Camden assumed the vice-royalty , great . ¦ *• discontents prevailed among the Irish ; which spread throughout the kingdom with rapidity , and threatened to break out into open violence . United Irishmen , as they termed themselves , had frequent meetingsand entered into mutual engagementswhich they
solem-, , nized by oaths , imprecating blood and extermination . Catholic emancipation , the old subject , was held out as the theme of their consultation : which they were determined to effect , either by force of arms , or by intimidating their rulers . But under this pretext , no doubt was entertained of the real intention of the disaffected . Instigated by a republican party in their own country , and
privately assured of assistance from the French , they daringly ventured to demand what , had they not been actuated by other motives than those they expressed , they would have supplicated as a boon , and not imperiously have requested as a ri ght . ' ' On Monday , Feb . 15 , of the present year , a warm debate took place in the Irish house of peers . Lord Moiraan amiable nobleman
, , highly respected in both kingdoms , but perhaps misinformed , or ignorant of the true character ofthe lower class of the Irish community , warmly recommended the adoption of conciliatory measures , instead ofthe inforcemeut of martial law , under which it was deemed
necessary to subject part of the kingdom . After recommending concession on the part of Government , in the strongest term ' s , he concluded an energetic speech with the following motion : ' That an humble address be presented to his Excellency the . Lord Lieutenant , representing , that as Parliament hath confided to his Excellency extraordinary powers for supporting the laws , and for defeating any traitorous combinations which exist in this kingdomthis House
may , feels _ it at the same time a duty to recommend the adoption of such conciliatory measures as may allay the apprehensions and extinguish the discontents unhappily prevalent in thiscountry . ' This motion drew a severe reply from Lord Clare , who with much warmth reflected on the conduct ofthe Bishop of Down ; ' that prelate having , ' he said , ' at a time when the country was declared in a state of disturbance
, subscribed his name , among others , to a requisition to the sheriff for the grossly illegal act of convening all the inhabitants ofthe country . ' With regard to the propriety , of having recourse to more coercive measures , in order to ensure the tranquillity of Ireland ; it is necessary , before we draw our conclusions , to advert to this well-known fact , " that the United Irishmen had envoys at Lisle during the late negotiation ; and that the failure of a happy termination of hostilities is to be attributed , in a great degree , to the artful misrepresentations of these insidious men . '
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An Historical And Geographical Account Of The Kingdom Of Ireland.
[ CONI-TNIIED FROM P . 5 . J TJ ' H . OM the time that Lord Camden assumed the vice-royalty , great . ¦ *• discontents prevailed among the Irish ; which spread throughout the kingdom with rapidity , and threatened to break out into open violence . United Irishmen , as they termed themselves , had frequent meetingsand entered into mutual engagementswhich they
solem-, , nized by oaths , imprecating blood and extermination . Catholic emancipation , the old subject , was held out as the theme of their consultation : which they were determined to effect , either by force of arms , or by intimidating their rulers . But under this pretext , no doubt was entertained of the real intention of the disaffected . Instigated by a republican party in their own country , and
privately assured of assistance from the French , they daringly ventured to demand what , had they not been actuated by other motives than those they expressed , they would have supplicated as a boon , and not imperiously have requested as a ri ght . ' ' On Monday , Feb . 15 , of the present year , a warm debate took place in the Irish house of peers . Lord Moiraan amiable nobleman
, , highly respected in both kingdoms , but perhaps misinformed , or ignorant of the true character ofthe lower class of the Irish community , warmly recommended the adoption of conciliatory measures , instead ofthe inforcemeut of martial law , under which it was deemed
necessary to subject part of the kingdom . After recommending concession on the part of Government , in the strongest term ' s , he concluded an energetic speech with the following motion : ' That an humble address be presented to his Excellency the . Lord Lieutenant , representing , that as Parliament hath confided to his Excellency extraordinary powers for supporting the laws , and for defeating any traitorous combinations which exist in this kingdomthis House
may , feels _ it at the same time a duty to recommend the adoption of such conciliatory measures as may allay the apprehensions and extinguish the discontents unhappily prevalent in thiscountry . ' This motion drew a severe reply from Lord Clare , who with much warmth reflected on the conduct ofthe Bishop of Down ; ' that prelate having , ' he said , ' at a time when the country was declared in a state of disturbance
, subscribed his name , among others , to a requisition to the sheriff for the grossly illegal act of convening all the inhabitants ofthe country . ' With regard to the propriety , of having recourse to more coercive measures , in order to ensure the tranquillity of Ireland ; it is necessary , before we draw our conclusions , to advert to this well-known fact , " that the United Irishmen had envoys at Lisle during the late negotiation ; and that the failure of a happy termination of hostilities is to be attributed , in a great degree , to the artful misrepresentations of these insidious men . '