Article SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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Scientific Intelligence.
rnent , in which , we understand , the magnetic fluid is so disposed and controuled , that it shall lie truly on the meridian , in all parts ofthe globe , and that constantly . The other instrument , by a similar management of the fluid , gives the latitude , with the same universality , in all seasons and weathers , within minutes of a degree . ASTRONOMY . Mr . HERSCHELL discovered , on Thursday eveningthe 2 dof Augusta new
, , star ; it has an uncommon appearance ; instead of radii surrounding it , it resembles those stars in embroidery , called swal / ow-tailcd . The same celebrated astronomer has communicated to the Royal Society his discovery of four new Satellites to the Uranus , or Herschell Planet , in addition to two which he discovered the nth of January , 1787 . This circumstance gives a strong colour of probability to the hypothesis of Warm , who ( in his Ideal uber die tlnordmtng der Trahantsm Systeme , published in the
Berlin Astronomical Journal , 1791 , page 181 ) conjectures the number of these satellites to amount to eight , and has even calculated their several distances from tbe planet . According to Wurm , the two satellites first discovered b y Herschell are the second and third in the order of distance .
MECHANICS . A MACHINE FOR MAKING HORSE-SHOES . A piece of machinery , to operate by means of steam , is constructed near the Veterinary College , which will stamp-200 horse-shoes in an hour . MACHINE FOR BORING WATER-PIPES . MR . HOWELL , of Oswestry , Salop , has obtained a patent for an improved
machine for the purpose of hollowing or boring wooden water-pipes , or aqueducts . The usual method of boring is by an augre , or similar instrument , wliich cuts out the inner part of the wood in chips or shavings . The new method is by using a hollow iron cylinder with a circular saw , by which means a solid cylinder of wood is procured , of nearly the same diameter as the bore of the pipe , instead of cutting it up into useless shavings . NEW METHOD OF MAKING NEEDLES , BODKINS , & C .
MR . BELL , of Walsall , has obtained a patent for an improved method of making needles , bodkins , fish-hooks , knitting pins , netting needles ' , and sailneedles . It consists in casting the above-mentioned articles in moulds of sand or iron , instead of making them of wire . The steel for this purpose is to be purified , by stirring it when melted , with a mixture of charcoal-dust and lime , or common salt . SPEAKING MACHINE . A new , machine has been invented in France , called theTelelogue , or Speaking Tower . It is a contrivance to speak to a whole city at one and the same moment , by means of large letters moved by a cylinder .
SILK MANUFACTURE . THE hair of rabbits spun with silk , to remedy the want of length , is manufacturing at Norwich into stockings , gloves , & c . and promises to answer admirabl y well GUNNERY . A curious improvement in the art of gun-making has lately been brought to perfection . It consists in the barrels being bored out of solid pieces of st (; ei , instead of being forged hollow from tlie iron , in the old way . These VOL . xi . Q
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Scientific Intelligence.
rnent , in which , we understand , the magnetic fluid is so disposed and controuled , that it shall lie truly on the meridian , in all parts ofthe globe , and that constantly . The other instrument , by a similar management of the fluid , gives the latitude , with the same universality , in all seasons and weathers , within minutes of a degree . ASTRONOMY . Mr . HERSCHELL discovered , on Thursday eveningthe 2 dof Augusta new
, , star ; it has an uncommon appearance ; instead of radii surrounding it , it resembles those stars in embroidery , called swal / ow-tailcd . The same celebrated astronomer has communicated to the Royal Society his discovery of four new Satellites to the Uranus , or Herschell Planet , in addition to two which he discovered the nth of January , 1787 . This circumstance gives a strong colour of probability to the hypothesis of Warm , who ( in his Ideal uber die tlnordmtng der Trahantsm Systeme , published in the
Berlin Astronomical Journal , 1791 , page 181 ) conjectures the number of these satellites to amount to eight , and has even calculated their several distances from tbe planet . According to Wurm , the two satellites first discovered b y Herschell are the second and third in the order of distance .
MECHANICS . A MACHINE FOR MAKING HORSE-SHOES . A piece of machinery , to operate by means of steam , is constructed near the Veterinary College , which will stamp-200 horse-shoes in an hour . MACHINE FOR BORING WATER-PIPES . MR . HOWELL , of Oswestry , Salop , has obtained a patent for an improved
machine for the purpose of hollowing or boring wooden water-pipes , or aqueducts . The usual method of boring is by an augre , or similar instrument , wliich cuts out the inner part of the wood in chips or shavings . The new method is by using a hollow iron cylinder with a circular saw , by which means a solid cylinder of wood is procured , of nearly the same diameter as the bore of the pipe , instead of cutting it up into useless shavings . NEW METHOD OF MAKING NEEDLES , BODKINS , & C .
MR . BELL , of Walsall , has obtained a patent for an improved method of making needles , bodkins , fish-hooks , knitting pins , netting needles ' , and sailneedles . It consists in casting the above-mentioned articles in moulds of sand or iron , instead of making them of wire . The steel for this purpose is to be purified , by stirring it when melted , with a mixture of charcoal-dust and lime , or common salt . SPEAKING MACHINE . A new , machine has been invented in France , called theTelelogue , or Speaking Tower . It is a contrivance to speak to a whole city at one and the same moment , by means of large letters moved by a cylinder .
SILK MANUFACTURE . THE hair of rabbits spun with silk , to remedy the want of length , is manufacturing at Norwich into stockings , gloves , & c . and promises to answer admirabl y well GUNNERY . A curious improvement in the art of gun-making has lately been brought to perfection . It consists in the barrels being bored out of solid pieces of st (; ei , instead of being forged hollow from tlie iron , in the old way . These VOL . xi . Q