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country 11 mijes round Bristol , from an aclual survey , in i sheets , and 2 sheets and a half , 1770 . Lady Dorothy Hoiham , relict of Sir Charles Hotham Thompson , colonel of the 15 th regiment , and groom ofthe bedchamber to his Majesty . She was daughter ofthe first Ear ! of
Buckinghamshire , bv his first wife , and was married to SirCharlesOctober 21 , 1752 , by whom she had one daughter , Henrietta , married to Sir Alexander flood . By her Ladyship ' s death , her immense fortune thus singularly comes into the hands of her only daughter , Miss Hotham : —Her Ladyship , some years
past , had informed Baron Hotham , of the Exchequer , that she had appointed him her sole executor ; and also hinted that it was her intention 10 leave him the bulk of her estate . On her death , the Baron convened Miss Hotham and a few particular friends 10 hear the will read ; when holding it in his hand , he
thus addressed that lady : — ' Your mother , Lady Dorothy , while living , made many handsome declarations of bequests in my favour . Whether they are ratified by this instrument , I know not ; but before I open it , I l-hink it a
duty I owe my own feelings to declare , that , if it prove so , I shall with pleasure renounce all claim lo those possessions , which , in common equity , can 'only appertain to you ! ' The will was now opened , wherein the Baron found himself the sole residuary-legatee , and became entitled to the bulk of the
fortune ; which , however , in manner correspondent with the amiable disinterestedness of his character , he the next morning transferred , by ihe proper legal i islrumenls , to Miss Hotham and her heirs for ever July 2 . At Hull , aged 71 , Mrs . Wilberforce , mother ofWni . W . Esq . M . P .
for Yorkshire . Executed behind his own meetinghouse at Grey-abbey , near Belfast , in Ireland , for treason , Ihe Rev . James Porter , a Dissenting-minister . His ¦ head was not severed from his body . 3 . At St . James ' s Palace , Lewis Albert , Esq . one of her Majesty ' s pages ,
brother of Frederick A . Esq . also page to the Queen . 4 . At his house in the Paragon , Southwark . John Turing , Esq . a . member of the Regency of Middleburgh before the Revolution , and a considerable merchant ' there .
5 . In Sloane-street , aged 65 , Jamea Reid , Esq . a superannuated Rear-admiral in his Majesty ' s Navj-. At Landbcach , county of Cambridge , after a very short illness , in his 8 3 d year , the Rev . Bobert Masters , B . D . upwards of 40 years rector of that parish , to which he was presented by
Bene' ! College in 1756 , when he married Miss Corey , daughter of one of his predecessors in that living , who died August 29 , 1764 , and by whom he had a son , William , bom 1759 ( admitted of his own college 1776 , but , on being refused a fellowship 17 S 2 , removed lo Emanuel-college ; instituted
lo Vv ' aterbeacii , on the resignation of his father , 1 , 784 , and died there 1794 ) , and thiee daughters ; of whom Constance , the youngest , died ; Anne married the Rev . Mr . Sprowle , rector of Appleby , county of Westmoreland , exchanged for Great Barfield , county of Essex ; Mary , married to the Rev .. Mr .
T . C . Burroughs , senior fellow of Caius college , to whom , by consent of the respective colleges , Mr , M . resigned Landbeach 1797 , and continued to reside Willi them . ' He had au estate at Lamborn , in Esfex , of 4 or 500 I . a year ,
which he sold . He lived much in Norfolk , as did his son , whose son , ihe subject of this article , was there born , and his sister Lucretia , who married Mr . Richardson . He was admitted at Bene't or Corpus Christi college , 1731 ; proceeded B . A . 1734 , M . A . 173 S , S . T . B . 1746 ; was fellow and tutor of
the college 1747—1750 ; and wrote . the History of this second Foundation in the University of Cambridge , in two parts , 1753 , 4 10 ; in which he promised an account of their valuable collection of MSS . wliich he had arranged , and had new-bound , since the catalogue of MSS . taken and published by Dr .
Stanley , and followed by a second by Dr . Nasmith . Mr . Masters also published a plan and elevation of the intended new building , which he claimed the merit of designing , but which really was due to Mr . . lames J- ' ssex . Mr . M . also published a section and ichnography of Pythagoras' school at Cambridgewith
, the seal oi'Merlon-college . Oxford , to which it belongs . * Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the late Rev . Thomas Baker , B . D . of St . John ' s College , from the Papers of Dr . Zachary Grey ; with a Catalogue of his MS . Collections . Cambridge , l / 8- !/
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
country 11 mijes round Bristol , from an aclual survey , in i sheets , and 2 sheets and a half , 1770 . Lady Dorothy Hoiham , relict of Sir Charles Hotham Thompson , colonel of the 15 th regiment , and groom ofthe bedchamber to his Majesty . She was daughter ofthe first Ear ! of
Buckinghamshire , bv his first wife , and was married to SirCharlesOctober 21 , 1752 , by whom she had one daughter , Henrietta , married to Sir Alexander flood . By her Ladyship ' s death , her immense fortune thus singularly comes into the hands of her only daughter , Miss Hotham : —Her Ladyship , some years
past , had informed Baron Hotham , of the Exchequer , that she had appointed him her sole executor ; and also hinted that it was her intention 10 leave him the bulk of her estate . On her death , the Baron convened Miss Hotham and a few particular friends 10 hear the will read ; when holding it in his hand , he
thus addressed that lady : — ' Your mother , Lady Dorothy , while living , made many handsome declarations of bequests in my favour . Whether they are ratified by this instrument , I know not ; but before I open it , I l-hink it a
duty I owe my own feelings to declare , that , if it prove so , I shall with pleasure renounce all claim lo those possessions , which , in common equity , can 'only appertain to you ! ' The will was now opened , wherein the Baron found himself the sole residuary-legatee , and became entitled to the bulk of the
fortune ; which , however , in manner correspondent with the amiable disinterestedness of his character , he the next morning transferred , by ihe proper legal i islrumenls , to Miss Hotham and her heirs for ever July 2 . At Hull , aged 71 , Mrs . Wilberforce , mother ofWni . W . Esq . M . P .
for Yorkshire . Executed behind his own meetinghouse at Grey-abbey , near Belfast , in Ireland , for treason , Ihe Rev . James Porter , a Dissenting-minister . His ¦ head was not severed from his body . 3 . At St . James ' s Palace , Lewis Albert , Esq . one of her Majesty ' s pages ,
brother of Frederick A . Esq . also page to the Queen . 4 . At his house in the Paragon , Southwark . John Turing , Esq . a . member of the Regency of Middleburgh before the Revolution , and a considerable merchant ' there .
5 . In Sloane-street , aged 65 , Jamea Reid , Esq . a superannuated Rear-admiral in his Majesty ' s Navj-. At Landbcach , county of Cambridge , after a very short illness , in his 8 3 d year , the Rev . Bobert Masters , B . D . upwards of 40 years rector of that parish , to which he was presented by
Bene' ! College in 1756 , when he married Miss Corey , daughter of one of his predecessors in that living , who died August 29 , 1764 , and by whom he had a son , William , bom 1759 ( admitted of his own college 1776 , but , on being refused a fellowship 17 S 2 , removed lo Emanuel-college ; instituted
lo Vv ' aterbeacii , on the resignation of his father , 1 , 784 , and died there 1794 ) , and thiee daughters ; of whom Constance , the youngest , died ; Anne married the Rev . Mr . Sprowle , rector of Appleby , county of Westmoreland , exchanged for Great Barfield , county of Essex ; Mary , married to the Rev .. Mr .
T . C . Burroughs , senior fellow of Caius college , to whom , by consent of the respective colleges , Mr , M . resigned Landbeach 1797 , and continued to reside Willi them . ' He had au estate at Lamborn , in Esfex , of 4 or 500 I . a year ,
which he sold . He lived much in Norfolk , as did his son , whose son , ihe subject of this article , was there born , and his sister Lucretia , who married Mr . Richardson . He was admitted at Bene't or Corpus Christi college , 1731 ; proceeded B . A . 1734 , M . A . 173 S , S . T . B . 1746 ; was fellow and tutor of
the college 1747—1750 ; and wrote . the History of this second Foundation in the University of Cambridge , in two parts , 1753 , 4 10 ; in which he promised an account of their valuable collection of MSS . wliich he had arranged , and had new-bound , since the catalogue of MSS . taken and published by Dr .
Stanley , and followed by a second by Dr . Nasmith . Mr . Masters also published a plan and elevation of the intended new building , which he claimed the merit of designing , but which really was due to Mr . . lames J- ' ssex . Mr . M . also published a section and ichnography of Pythagoras' school at Cambridgewith
, the seal oi'Merlon-college . Oxford , to which it belongs . * Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the late Rev . Thomas Baker , B . D . of St . John ' s College , from the Papers of Dr . Zachary Grey ; with a Catalogue of his MS . Collections . Cambridge , l / 8- !/