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Acknowledgments To Correspondents.
SOME ACCOUNT of THOMAS DUNCKERLY , Esq . whose Portrait graced the present Number , will be given in our next : the Gentleman who has promised to favor us with the materials , being far distant from Town , has occasioned tlie delay . We shall be happy to hear from Brother W . of Colchester , whose Letter we duly received ^ sfnd forwarded according to desire . The subjects recommended by T . L . are too . limited in their rise
or gratification to readers in general , to be admitted in' our Magazine . T . L . seems to write with taste and judgment , and we should be obliged iby his original communications ; The Portrait and Character of the Gentleman mentioned by a wellwisher , have been published already in more than three or four periodical Works , and are of course too familiar to be desirable . The hints suggested b J . W . L . came too late to be attended to this
y Month ; they are , however , under consideration . - Brother WILLIAM SPENCE will see in the present Number , proofs of the respect which we shall ever pay to his opinions . Our reverend and respected Correspondent W . in Devonshire , may rely on our attention to his valuable Communications , The PORTRAIT lie mentions shall be speedily brought forward . If lie Will have the goodness to transmit some BIOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNT , we shall esteem
it a favor . We sincerely thank our -worthy and indefatigable Correspondent Bro - ther THEOPHILUS J ONES , Master of the Cambrian Lodge , at Brecon , for the good wishes he has expressed for our undertaking . His friendl y ¦ suggestions will always be welcome . We certainly purpose making- our Magazine a Repository for every proper and well written Disquisition on the subject of Free Masonry ; but it will also include every species of Polite Learning and Rational Amusement ; and toward the perfection of it , we shall be obliged by his kind assistance .
Our worthy friend Capt . Mackey has thanks for his communications '; they shall all be inserted as early as possible . Our respected Brother G . whose Favor , from Cornwall has been received , and is in the present Number , will accept our . gratefiil Thanks ; and we beg he will be assured , that we shall at all times be happy to receive his promised communications . Several continued Subjects omitted in this Number shall be given in our jiext , the History of China , Freemasons' of Naples , Mirabeau , & £ . & c . We are sorry that our valuable Correspondent AMICUS PACE ' Essay came too late for insertion in this Number .
„ % All Literary Favors , & c . addressed to J . W . BUNNEY , at fhe Freemason ' s Magazine Office , No . 7 , Newcastle-Street , Strand ( post-paid ) will be duly attended to . Or all those wishing to become Subscribers to this Work , by sending their Names as above , shall be regularly served with beautiful Impressions of the Engravings and Letter-Press . Proofs of the Egravings , for framing , may be had , as above , at zsJ 6 d . eacfrSet .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Acknowledgments To Correspondents.
SOME ACCOUNT of THOMAS DUNCKERLY , Esq . whose Portrait graced the present Number , will be given in our next : the Gentleman who has promised to favor us with the materials , being far distant from Town , has occasioned tlie delay . We shall be happy to hear from Brother W . of Colchester , whose Letter we duly received ^ sfnd forwarded according to desire . The subjects recommended by T . L . are too . limited in their rise
or gratification to readers in general , to be admitted in' our Magazine . T . L . seems to write with taste and judgment , and we should be obliged iby his original communications ; The Portrait and Character of the Gentleman mentioned by a wellwisher , have been published already in more than three or four periodical Works , and are of course too familiar to be desirable . The hints suggested b J . W . L . came too late to be attended to this
y Month ; they are , however , under consideration . - Brother WILLIAM SPENCE will see in the present Number , proofs of the respect which we shall ever pay to his opinions . Our reverend and respected Correspondent W . in Devonshire , may rely on our attention to his valuable Communications , The PORTRAIT lie mentions shall be speedily brought forward . If lie Will have the goodness to transmit some BIOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNT , we shall esteem
it a favor . We sincerely thank our -worthy and indefatigable Correspondent Bro - ther THEOPHILUS J ONES , Master of the Cambrian Lodge , at Brecon , for the good wishes he has expressed for our undertaking . His friendl y ¦ suggestions will always be welcome . We certainly purpose making- our Magazine a Repository for every proper and well written Disquisition on the subject of Free Masonry ; but it will also include every species of Polite Learning and Rational Amusement ; and toward the perfection of it , we shall be obliged by his kind assistance .
Our worthy friend Capt . Mackey has thanks for his communications '; they shall all be inserted as early as possible . Our respected Brother G . whose Favor , from Cornwall has been received , and is in the present Number , will accept our . gratefiil Thanks ; and we beg he will be assured , that we shall at all times be happy to receive his promised communications . Several continued Subjects omitted in this Number shall be given in our jiext , the History of China , Freemasons' of Naples , Mirabeau , & £ . & c . We are sorry that our valuable Correspondent AMICUS PACE ' Essay came too late for insertion in this Number .
„ % All Literary Favors , & c . addressed to J . W . BUNNEY , at fhe Freemason ' s Magazine Office , No . 7 , Newcastle-Street , Strand ( post-paid ) will be duly attended to . Or all those wishing to become Subscribers to this Work , by sending their Names as above , shall be regularly served with beautiful Impressions of the Engravings and Letter-Press . Proofs of the Egravings , for framing , may be had , as above , at zsJ 6 d . eacfrSet .