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Instances Of Cowardice And Courage In The Same Persons.
o . wonder to many persons ; we learn , indeed , that he hesitated , contrived paltry evasions to gain a few moments of time , and at length was actually brought to the guillotine b y force . This want ° of courage , however , in the hour of premature death , is by no means singular in the annals of History ; for men have appeared indifferent periods of their lives in such opposite characters , that it is difficult for the world to
very judge , whether the greatest men who have figured on the stage of life , really deserved the epithets of hero , or coward . Some hr . ve distinguished themselves with great bravery in the field on one occasion , who have been greatly censured for cowardice in other trials , even when their own interest was more immediatelconcerned found
y , or perhaps were wanting ] n spirit at a time , that their own and families beino- as a prince , and a man , hung upon the chance , or resolute exertion , of a single hour . Of such kind of instances , we have one very striking in the conduct of King James the Second . When he was Duke of York and Lord Hi gh Admiral of England , in the eiigao-oment he had against the Dutch fleet , he certainl y gave proofs of personal brawell of most able naval
very , as as being a commander . Indeed that favourite of fortune , and monster of ingratitude , the minion who had been raised from obscurity by his bounty , and who deserted him in the hour of his adversity , the Duke of Marlborouo-h always had the sincerity to declare , that James was a man of real courage , and an able general . Yet when three kingdoms were at stakewhen the of William
, ingratitude should have stimulated him to revenge , and the indi gnity of being thrust out of his kingdom by a Hollander , whose power he had defeated , ' when he was only High Admiral , should have rather-made him pre f er death to the disgrace of being beaten b y a paltry state , joined only by a few of his own rebellious subjects yet at the battle of the his
; Boyne warmest partizans allow , that he behaved like an i gnorant poltroon And then at last , in his adversity , he bore himself under his misfortunes with an heroic firmness of mind . Sucji inconsistent parts men act on different occasions in life .
•Admiral Byng is . another instance of such contradictions in the same person , with respect to fortitude . He bravely met his adversaries often face to face , and conducted himself nobly . He was afterwards sentenced to be shot for cowardice , in the engagement in the-Mediterranean before Mahon : And at last suffered death with such boldness and resolution , as would do honour to the greatest heroes of anti
quity . It is difficult to pronounce men to have been cowards , who have looked death in the face with a becoming stedfastness ; yet , both King James and Admiral Byng to this hour , are looked upon to have been such , by the o-enerality of mankind . ° J Contrast their conduct in " life with two other characters , who rea ly deserve to be sti gmatized for timidity much more than they •and yet mankind universall y allow them to have been the bravest pf men . The one is the famous Count Patkul , who so signalized
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Instances Of Cowardice And Courage In The Same Persons.
o . wonder to many persons ; we learn , indeed , that he hesitated , contrived paltry evasions to gain a few moments of time , and at length was actually brought to the guillotine b y force . This want ° of courage , however , in the hour of premature death , is by no means singular in the annals of History ; for men have appeared indifferent periods of their lives in such opposite characters , that it is difficult for the world to
very judge , whether the greatest men who have figured on the stage of life , really deserved the epithets of hero , or coward . Some hr . ve distinguished themselves with great bravery in the field on one occasion , who have been greatly censured for cowardice in other trials , even when their own interest was more immediatelconcerned found
y , or perhaps were wanting ] n spirit at a time , that their own and families beino- as a prince , and a man , hung upon the chance , or resolute exertion , of a single hour . Of such kind of instances , we have one very striking in the conduct of King James the Second . When he was Duke of York and Lord Hi gh Admiral of England , in the eiigao-oment he had against the Dutch fleet , he certainl y gave proofs of personal brawell of most able naval
very , as as being a commander . Indeed that favourite of fortune , and monster of ingratitude , the minion who had been raised from obscurity by his bounty , and who deserted him in the hour of his adversity , the Duke of Marlborouo-h always had the sincerity to declare , that James was a man of real courage , and an able general . Yet when three kingdoms were at stakewhen the of William
, ingratitude should have stimulated him to revenge , and the indi gnity of being thrust out of his kingdom by a Hollander , whose power he had defeated , ' when he was only High Admiral , should have rather-made him pre f er death to the disgrace of being beaten b y a paltry state , joined only by a few of his own rebellious subjects yet at the battle of the his
; Boyne warmest partizans allow , that he behaved like an i gnorant poltroon And then at last , in his adversity , he bore himself under his misfortunes with an heroic firmness of mind . Sucji inconsistent parts men act on different occasions in life .
•Admiral Byng is . another instance of such contradictions in the same person , with respect to fortitude . He bravely met his adversaries often face to face , and conducted himself nobly . He was afterwards sentenced to be shot for cowardice , in the engagement in the-Mediterranean before Mahon : And at last suffered death with such boldness and resolution , as would do honour to the greatest heroes of anti
quity . It is difficult to pronounce men to have been cowards , who have looked death in the face with a becoming stedfastness ; yet , both King James and Admiral Byng to this hour , are looked upon to have been such , by the o-enerality of mankind . ° J Contrast their conduct in " life with two other characters , who rea ly deserve to be sti gmatized for timidity much more than they •and yet mankind universall y allow them to have been the bravest pf men . The one is the famous Count Patkul , who so signalized