Article NOBLEMAN's SEAT IN CORNWALL. ← Page 2 of 2
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Nobleman's Seat In Cornwall.
Or here , attended by a chosen train « - Of innocent delight , true Grandeur dwelt , Diffusing blessings o ' er the distant plain , Health , joy , and happiness , by thousands felt . Around now Solitude unjoyous reigns , No gay-gilt chariot hither marks the way ,
No more with cheerful hopes the needy swains At the once-bounteous gate their visits pay . Where too it now the , garden ' s beauty fled , Which every clime was ransack'd to supply ? O ' er'the drear spot tee desolation spread , And the dismantled walls in ruins lie !
Dead are the trees that once with nicest care Arrang'd , from opening blossoms shed perfume , And thick with fruitage stood , the pendent pear , The ruddy-color'd peach , and glossy plumb . Extinct is . all tlie- family of flowers : In vain I seek the arbor ' s cool retreat
, Where antient friends in converse pass'd the hours , Defended from the raging dog-star ' s heat . Along the terrace-walks are straggling seen The prickly bramble , and the noisome weed , Beneath whose covert crawls the toad obscene , And snakes and adders unmolested breed . '
The groves , where Pleasure walk'd her rounds , decay , The mead untill'd a barren aspect wears ; And where the sprightly fawn was wont to play , O ' ergrown with heath , a dreary waste appears .
In yonder wide-extended vale below , Where osiers spread , a pond capacious stood ; From far , by art the stream was taught to flow , Whose liquid stores , supplied th' unfailing flood . Oft here the silent angler took his place , Intent to captivate the scaly
fry---But perish'd now are all the numerous race , Dumb is the fountain , and the channel dry . Here then , ye Great ! behold th' uncertain state Of earthly grandeur—beauty , strength , and power , Alike are subject to rhe stroke of fate , And flourish but the glory of an hour .
Virtue alone no dissolution fears , Still permanent , tho' ages roll away ; Who builds on her immoi-tal basis , rears A superstructure time can ne ' er decay .
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Nobleman's Seat In Cornwall.
Or here , attended by a chosen train « - Of innocent delight , true Grandeur dwelt , Diffusing blessings o ' er the distant plain , Health , joy , and happiness , by thousands felt . Around now Solitude unjoyous reigns , No gay-gilt chariot hither marks the way ,
No more with cheerful hopes the needy swains At the once-bounteous gate their visits pay . Where too it now the , garden ' s beauty fled , Which every clime was ransack'd to supply ? O ' er'the drear spot tee desolation spread , And the dismantled walls in ruins lie !
Dead are the trees that once with nicest care Arrang'd , from opening blossoms shed perfume , And thick with fruitage stood , the pendent pear , The ruddy-color'd peach , and glossy plumb . Extinct is . all tlie- family of flowers : In vain I seek the arbor ' s cool retreat
, Where antient friends in converse pass'd the hours , Defended from the raging dog-star ' s heat . Along the terrace-walks are straggling seen The prickly bramble , and the noisome weed , Beneath whose covert crawls the toad obscene , And snakes and adders unmolested breed . '
The groves , where Pleasure walk'd her rounds , decay , The mead untill'd a barren aspect wears ; And where the sprightly fawn was wont to play , O ' ergrown with heath , a dreary waste appears .
In yonder wide-extended vale below , Where osiers spread , a pond capacious stood ; From far , by art the stream was taught to flow , Whose liquid stores , supplied th' unfailing flood . Oft here the silent angler took his place , Intent to captivate the scaly
fry---But perish'd now are all the numerous race , Dumb is the fountain , and the channel dry . Here then , ye Great ! behold th' uncertain state Of earthly grandeur—beauty , strength , and power , Alike are subject to rhe stroke of fate , And flourish but the glory of an hour .
Virtue alone no dissolution fears , Still permanent , tho' ages roll away ; Who builds on her immoi-tal basis , rears A superstructure time can ne ' er decay .