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A Charge,
Under a sense of our duty to thee , general and particular , TO THE GLORY OF THY GREAT NAME WE DEVOTE THIS NEW INSTI - TUTION , BY THE NAME OF THE FAITHFUL LODGE op FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS . * ' * - * ' * * £ - * * - * Accept , we humbly beseech thee , this offering to thy Divine Majesty ; take us under the shadow of thprotectionand
y , enable every one of us to consecrate his heart also to th y service and glory . Establish , strengthen , and preserve this Society , upon the best and surest foundations ' of peace , virtue , and happiness . May all the virtues in which thy goodness delights , be admired , and humbly cultivated by those , who have devoted this
Institution to the glory of thy great Name . Imprint upon our hearts an awful reverence to th } f Holy Word , containing the revelation pf thy Sacred Will . May we regulate ourselves by that unnerring rule ; may we be rendered fit for the application of the square of righteousness , by always circumscribing ourselves within the bounds of religious and
social duty . Extend thy benevolence to all our fellow creatures ; enli ghten and favour with true charity those who are prejudiced against pur profession ; bless all our brethren , wherever scattered or dispersed over the whole earth ; to those who walk contra ry to their profession give the grace pf repentance ; wipe away the tears frpm those who are in distress ; pour the lenient balrq of consolation into their hearts ; and remove , if it be thy will , the burden of sorrow from them .
Fit and prepare us all , by whatever dispensations thou seest necessary for us here below , for a happy entrance into the supreme Celestial Lodge , where thy ineffable brightness is the only light , and to which Faith , Hope , and-Charity are the only steps , and where the most extatic pleasures are continually flowing for evermore . Amen .
The Charge.
BRETHREN , AFTER congratulating you most heartily upon the establishment of a Lodge in this town , an object which the real friends of our Order have long wished for , I think it expedient to employ a few moments in laying before you the nature and desi gn of our Institution , by a knowledge and due use . of which , alone , we render the Lod
can ge now constituted , permanent , and consequently beneficial to the general interests of the Craft . Human nature is abhorrent of solitude ; even the primitive and paradisaical state of man required an additional happiness , by the association of friendship and love . ^ The adorable Author of our being- hath constituted our frame of such an assemblaged variety of passions , and rendered us
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Charge,
Under a sense of our duty to thee , general and particular , TO THE GLORY OF THY GREAT NAME WE DEVOTE THIS NEW INSTI - TUTION , BY THE NAME OF THE FAITHFUL LODGE op FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS . * ' * - * ' * * £ - * * - * Accept , we humbly beseech thee , this offering to thy Divine Majesty ; take us under the shadow of thprotectionand
y , enable every one of us to consecrate his heart also to th y service and glory . Establish , strengthen , and preserve this Society , upon the best and surest foundations ' of peace , virtue , and happiness . May all the virtues in which thy goodness delights , be admired , and humbly cultivated by those , who have devoted this
Institution to the glory of thy great Name . Imprint upon our hearts an awful reverence to th } f Holy Word , containing the revelation pf thy Sacred Will . May we regulate ourselves by that unnerring rule ; may we be rendered fit for the application of the square of righteousness , by always circumscribing ourselves within the bounds of religious and
social duty . Extend thy benevolence to all our fellow creatures ; enli ghten and favour with true charity those who are prejudiced against pur profession ; bless all our brethren , wherever scattered or dispersed over the whole earth ; to those who walk contra ry to their profession give the grace pf repentance ; wipe away the tears frpm those who are in distress ; pour the lenient balrq of consolation into their hearts ; and remove , if it be thy will , the burden of sorrow from them .
Fit and prepare us all , by whatever dispensations thou seest necessary for us here below , for a happy entrance into the supreme Celestial Lodge , where thy ineffable brightness is the only light , and to which Faith , Hope , and-Charity are the only steps , and where the most extatic pleasures are continually flowing for evermore . Amen .
The Charge.
BRETHREN , AFTER congratulating you most heartily upon the establishment of a Lodge in this town , an object which the real friends of our Order have long wished for , I think it expedient to employ a few moments in laying before you the nature and desi gn of our Institution , by a knowledge and due use . of which , alone , we render the Lod
can ge now constituted , permanent , and consequently beneficial to the general interests of the Craft . Human nature is abhorrent of solitude ; even the primitive and paradisaical state of man required an additional happiness , by the association of friendship and love . ^ The adorable Author of our being- hath constituted our frame of such an assemblaged variety of passions , and rendered us