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Of The Influence Of The Female Character On The Manners Of Men.
briefly tread over again some of the ground already passed , anel endeavour to prove , that the precedence in point of intellectual qualities usurped by the men over the fair sex , as well as the imputation on the latter of moral turpitude , is an unfair assumption , and incapable of support . Of women I have saidthat the objects of their vanity are generally
, points of dress or adventitious aids to personal beauty , that may serve to render them lovely in the eyes of their admiring swains . It is a weakness this , but pardonable in the weaker sex . In man the . same passion is criminal and disgusting ; we see it -operate in its full force when the deformed coxcomb is observed to pride himself in a dress which is only calculated to set off elegant symmetry and true
proportion ; when known cowards arrogate a courage to which their hearts emphatically give the lie ; or blockheads pretend to wit , for which estimable talent a g littering- tinsel of word-play is mistaken as the reality . Bobadil * , Foppington f , and Carlos % , the bully , the fop , and the pedant , are characters equally extravagant and contemptible .
As proofs that in impertinence the men are in no degree behind hand with the other sex , let us behold the Quidnunc of the present day , perpetually breaking in upon the more serious thoughts and avocations of those who are so unfortunate as to be sufficiently acquainted with him to give him such a liberty , and blundering forth his still-born ideas on the rottenness of the state , and the folly and
wickedness of those at the head of affairs , and not unfrequently , but generally impertinently , suggesting much wiser measures on the ideal supposition that he himself were to be in power § . Ofthe impertinence and useless curiosity of the mere antiquary or virtuoso , it will be surely unnecessary to do more than make mention en passant . Dissimulation in women is all the defence they have against the craft and subtilty of man , who by false pretences of love , and deluding
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Of The Influence Of The Female Character On The Manners Of Men.
briefly tread over again some of the ground already passed , anel endeavour to prove , that the precedence in point of intellectual qualities usurped by the men over the fair sex , as well as the imputation on the latter of moral turpitude , is an unfair assumption , and incapable of support . Of women I have saidthat the objects of their vanity are generally
, points of dress or adventitious aids to personal beauty , that may serve to render them lovely in the eyes of their admiring swains . It is a weakness this , but pardonable in the weaker sex . In man the . same passion is criminal and disgusting ; we see it -operate in its full force when the deformed coxcomb is observed to pride himself in a dress which is only calculated to set off elegant symmetry and true
proportion ; when known cowards arrogate a courage to which their hearts emphatically give the lie ; or blockheads pretend to wit , for which estimable talent a g littering- tinsel of word-play is mistaken as the reality . Bobadil * , Foppington f , and Carlos % , the bully , the fop , and the pedant , are characters equally extravagant and contemptible .
As proofs that in impertinence the men are in no degree behind hand with the other sex , let us behold the Quidnunc of the present day , perpetually breaking in upon the more serious thoughts and avocations of those who are so unfortunate as to be sufficiently acquainted with him to give him such a liberty , and blundering forth his still-born ideas on the rottenness of the state , and the folly and
wickedness of those at the head of affairs , and not unfrequently , but generally impertinently , suggesting much wiser measures on the ideal supposition that he himself were to be in power § . Ofthe impertinence and useless curiosity of the mere antiquary or virtuoso , it will be surely unnecessary to do more than make mention en passant . Dissimulation in women is all the defence they have against the craft and subtilty of man , who by false pretences of love , and deluding