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Of The Influence Of The Female Character On The Manners Of Men.
professions of honour and fidelity , are the eternal bane ofthe fond , unsuspecting , and credulous part of the sex . Deceit in men for the purposes of seduction , first gave the lesson of dissimulation to our women . Envy frequently carries men of violent tempers beyond all bounds of discretion , and sometimes quits them but on the borders of
madness ; in the other sex it operates by gentler degrees , and to less pernicious effects . To levity and inconstancy the male sex are more subject than the female , perhaps from this cause , that the variety of concerns , both of business and pleasure , in which they are engaged , presents more objects to their attention , of course their inducements to change are more numerous ; and from constant habits of variety they acquire an insensibility , which many term happy , to the progress of depravity .
Women , indeed , it is but fair to say , have not those temptations to inconstancy which the more numerous Opportunities I have just alluded to give to the men : for the rules of modesty not allowing them" to declare hastily their sentiments to those whom they affect , they cannot indulge , like men ; the wanton suggestions of fancy , without hazarding that reputation on which all that is dear to a
woman ( her character ) must' depend . As to inconstancy in friendships ; I am clearly of opinion , that women , being less concerned in wordly affairs , and having of course less temptations from interest to insincerity , than men , are less open to the charge . I find ; that insensibly , perhaps unavoidably , I have blended the second and third divisions of my sub ' . ect ; and fearing that
obmy servations have already exceeded a moderate length , I shall be very brief in drawing my conclusion from the whole , that is , in pointing out the happy influence of the female character on the morals of men .
Of all the benefits that arise from our devotion to the sex , the greatest certainly is the opportunity of enjoying their converse ; I speak , you will believe , of the respectable part of the sex . To qualify ourselves for this converse , at least for-enjoying it with any degree of real satisfaction , vie find complaisance to form the most necessary qualification ; indeed , without this , man is unfit for any society . It ishoweverindispensable in our intercourse with the
, , ladies : and it is observable , that as it is due to them of right ; so is it from them that men best derive this estimable property . In meetings of men only , politics , religion , or private business , frequently engross the conversation , and are subjects in which the passions are too much concerned to admit always of . complaisance . These subjectshoweverare rarely started in the company of the
, , ladies , and the custom which complaisance has established of never opposing the ladies without much ceremony and apology , tends greatly to subdue those impetuous passions which are certainly inherent in our nature .
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Of The Influence Of The Female Character On The Manners Of Men.
professions of honour and fidelity , are the eternal bane ofthe fond , unsuspecting , and credulous part of the sex . Deceit in men for the purposes of seduction , first gave the lesson of dissimulation to our women . Envy frequently carries men of violent tempers beyond all bounds of discretion , and sometimes quits them but on the borders of
madness ; in the other sex it operates by gentler degrees , and to less pernicious effects . To levity and inconstancy the male sex are more subject than the female , perhaps from this cause , that the variety of concerns , both of business and pleasure , in which they are engaged , presents more objects to their attention , of course their inducements to change are more numerous ; and from constant habits of variety they acquire an insensibility , which many term happy , to the progress of depravity .
Women , indeed , it is but fair to say , have not those temptations to inconstancy which the more numerous Opportunities I have just alluded to give to the men : for the rules of modesty not allowing them" to declare hastily their sentiments to those whom they affect , they cannot indulge , like men ; the wanton suggestions of fancy , without hazarding that reputation on which all that is dear to a
woman ( her character ) must' depend . As to inconstancy in friendships ; I am clearly of opinion , that women , being less concerned in wordly affairs , and having of course less temptations from interest to insincerity , than men , are less open to the charge . I find ; that insensibly , perhaps unavoidably , I have blended the second and third divisions of my sub ' . ect ; and fearing that
obmy servations have already exceeded a moderate length , I shall be very brief in drawing my conclusion from the whole , that is , in pointing out the happy influence of the female character on the morals of men .
Of all the benefits that arise from our devotion to the sex , the greatest certainly is the opportunity of enjoying their converse ; I speak , you will believe , of the respectable part of the sex . To qualify ourselves for this converse , at least for-enjoying it with any degree of real satisfaction , vie find complaisance to form the most necessary qualification ; indeed , without this , man is unfit for any society . It ishoweverindispensable in our intercourse with the
, , ladies : and it is observable , that as it is due to them of right ; so is it from them that men best derive this estimable property . In meetings of men only , politics , religion , or private business , frequently engross the conversation , and are subjects in which the passions are too much concerned to admit always of . complaisance . These subjectshoweverare rarely started in the company of the
, , ladies , and the custom which complaisance has established of never opposing the ladies without much ceremony and apology , tends greatly to subdue those impetuous passions which are certainly inherent in our nature .