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jun . Esq . of Midgham , in Berks , to the Hon . Miss Brown , sister to the late Viscount Montague . At Holkham , in Norfolk , Thomas Anson , Esq . of Shugbrough , Staffordshire , to Miss Ann Coke , youngest daughter of Thomas Wm . Coke , Esq . of Holkham , Member for Norfolk . At West-Ham , Essex , John Newbury , Esq . of Broad-street , Merchant , to Miss Sophia Wagner , niece of Sir Thomas Pryce , Bart . Mr . James Winbolt , Attorney , of New Basinghallstreet , to Miss Mary Adams , of Ashtead , Surrey . The Rev . Henry Richards , B . D . Rector of Bushey , H . erts , to Miss Baddock , of Oxford .
DEATHS , AT Congleton , Cheshire , Mr . Copefand , upwards of thirty years door-keeper to the House of Lords . At his apartments at Grenier ' s Hotel , in Jerrnynstreet , his Excellency Count Merci d' Argenteau , who a few davs since came to this country on a private embassy from the Emperor : his death was occasioned by a fever he caught while waiting- at Helvoetsluys for a convoy to come
to England . The lady- of Mr . Pinckney , Ambassador From the United States of America to our Court . An the island of Guadaloupe , Capt . Henry Spencer , of the 32 d regiment , of Bramley Grange , in Yorkshire . In Dublin , the Right Hon , Earl of Mayo , Archbishop of Tuam . In the West-Indies , Robt . Charles Dering , Esq . a Lieutenant of the Iphigenia , third son of Sir Edward Dering , of Surrenden Dering , in the county of Kent , Bart . At Guadaloupe , Capt . Robt . Johnston , of the 39 th Regiment of Foot . At Lexden , near Colchester , Essex ,
Robt . Deighton , Esq . late a Captain in the 55 th Regiment . Mrs . Hardy , wife of Mr . T . Hardy , shoe-maker , now confined in the Tower , under a charge of High Treason . Mrs . Hardy , a few moments before she expired , declared , that the separation from her husband , and the uncertainty in which she was respecting his trial , were the occasion of her death . At Guadaloupe , the Hon . Capt . Alexander Douglas , ofthe 3 8 th Regiment ; and Capt . George Johnstone , late of the 64 th Regiment . At his seat near Lymington , General Cleaveland . At Reading , Berks , Win . Tiffin , Esq . Captain in the Royal Regiment of Artillery .. At Bastia , in Corsica , Mr . Metcalfe Eggington , B . P . Physician to the Army there . Mrs . Frances Hubbard , widow of Mr . Joseph Hubbard , Auctioneer . The Hon . John Robertson , Jud ? e 0 ! ' the Court of Admiralty of
Martinique , at St . A'incent's ; as also Col . Dunford , of the Engineers , at Tobago ; Col . Close , ofthe 65 th , at Guadaloupe ; and Lieut . Warren , of the 56 th , at Martinique . At Rome , on the 5 th ult . aged 75 , Cardinal Salviati : he was created Cardinal by the present Pope Pius VI . in 1777 : —three Cardinals' hats are now vacant . At Frvars , in Anglesey , aged 76 , after a very short illness , Sir Hugh Williams , Bart , of Naur , in Carnarvonshire , a Lieutenant-Colonel in the Army , and Member of Parliament for Beaumaris . George Barnard KcniietEsq . one of the Serjeants at Arms to his Majestyand eldest son of
, , the late Alderman Kennel . At Chelsea , Mrs . Eiiz . Walker , daughter of Mr . John Bersselaer , formerly an eminent cabinet-maker in the Strand , and widow of Mr . Wm . Walker , oi Bawcliife , Surgeon . At Beccles , aged 69 , Mr . John Allcock . At Bath , Mr . Thomas Field , formerly an eminent bookseller in London . At Carlton Hall , Sussex , Osborne Fuller , Esq . Lately , Lieut . Charles Thackery , son of the late Dr . Thackery , Physician , at Windsor -. his death was occasioned by his great exertion at the taking of Guadaloupe . Mr . Charles
Claydon , sen . late Butler of Trinity College , Cambridge . The Rev . Miles Steadman , Rector of South Fambridge , Essex . Suddenly , at Warley Camp , John Dawson , Esq . Lieutenant o ; ' the Derbyshire Militia . At Horncastle , in Lincolnshire ( where he had practised medicine upwards of fiftv years ) , John Thorold , M . D . aged almost 90 : he was probably the last surviving pupil , in these kingdoms , ofthe celebrated Dutch proiessor Dr . Boerhaave . Aged 79 , the Right Hon . John Hely Hutchinson , Principal Secretary oi State for Ireland , 911 c of the Most Hon . Privy-Council of that Kingdom , Member of Parliament for the City of Cork , Provost of Trinity-College , Dublin , and L . L . D . At his
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
jun . Esq . of Midgham , in Berks , to the Hon . Miss Brown , sister to the late Viscount Montague . At Holkham , in Norfolk , Thomas Anson , Esq . of Shugbrough , Staffordshire , to Miss Ann Coke , youngest daughter of Thomas Wm . Coke , Esq . of Holkham , Member for Norfolk . At West-Ham , Essex , John Newbury , Esq . of Broad-street , Merchant , to Miss Sophia Wagner , niece of Sir Thomas Pryce , Bart . Mr . James Winbolt , Attorney , of New Basinghallstreet , to Miss Mary Adams , of Ashtead , Surrey . The Rev . Henry Richards , B . D . Rector of Bushey , H . erts , to Miss Baddock , of Oxford .
DEATHS , AT Congleton , Cheshire , Mr . Copefand , upwards of thirty years door-keeper to the House of Lords . At his apartments at Grenier ' s Hotel , in Jerrnynstreet , his Excellency Count Merci d' Argenteau , who a few davs since came to this country on a private embassy from the Emperor : his death was occasioned by a fever he caught while waiting- at Helvoetsluys for a convoy to come
to England . The lady- of Mr . Pinckney , Ambassador From the United States of America to our Court . An the island of Guadaloupe , Capt . Henry Spencer , of the 32 d regiment , of Bramley Grange , in Yorkshire . In Dublin , the Right Hon , Earl of Mayo , Archbishop of Tuam . In the West-Indies , Robt . Charles Dering , Esq . a Lieutenant of the Iphigenia , third son of Sir Edward Dering , of Surrenden Dering , in the county of Kent , Bart . At Guadaloupe , Capt . Robt . Johnston , of the 39 th Regiment of Foot . At Lexden , near Colchester , Essex ,
Robt . Deighton , Esq . late a Captain in the 55 th Regiment . Mrs . Hardy , wife of Mr . T . Hardy , shoe-maker , now confined in the Tower , under a charge of High Treason . Mrs . Hardy , a few moments before she expired , declared , that the separation from her husband , and the uncertainty in which she was respecting his trial , were the occasion of her death . At Guadaloupe , the Hon . Capt . Alexander Douglas , ofthe 3 8 th Regiment ; and Capt . George Johnstone , late of the 64 th Regiment . At his seat near Lymington , General Cleaveland . At Reading , Berks , Win . Tiffin , Esq . Captain in the Royal Regiment of Artillery .. At Bastia , in Corsica , Mr . Metcalfe Eggington , B . P . Physician to the Army there . Mrs . Frances Hubbard , widow of Mr . Joseph Hubbard , Auctioneer . The Hon . John Robertson , Jud ? e 0 ! ' the Court of Admiralty of
Martinique , at St . A'incent's ; as also Col . Dunford , of the Engineers , at Tobago ; Col . Close , ofthe 65 th , at Guadaloupe ; and Lieut . Warren , of the 56 th , at Martinique . At Rome , on the 5 th ult . aged 75 , Cardinal Salviati : he was created Cardinal by the present Pope Pius VI . in 1777 : —three Cardinals' hats are now vacant . At Frvars , in Anglesey , aged 76 , after a very short illness , Sir Hugh Williams , Bart , of Naur , in Carnarvonshire , a Lieutenant-Colonel in the Army , and Member of Parliament for Beaumaris . George Barnard KcniietEsq . one of the Serjeants at Arms to his Majestyand eldest son of
, , the late Alderman Kennel . At Chelsea , Mrs . Eiiz . Walker , daughter of Mr . John Bersselaer , formerly an eminent cabinet-maker in the Strand , and widow of Mr . Wm . Walker , oi Bawcliife , Surgeon . At Beccles , aged 69 , Mr . John Allcock . At Bath , Mr . Thomas Field , formerly an eminent bookseller in London . At Carlton Hall , Sussex , Osborne Fuller , Esq . Lately , Lieut . Charles Thackery , son of the late Dr . Thackery , Physician , at Windsor -. his death was occasioned by his great exertion at the taking of Guadaloupe . Mr . Charles
Claydon , sen . late Butler of Trinity College , Cambridge . The Rev . Miles Steadman , Rector of South Fambridge , Essex . Suddenly , at Warley Camp , John Dawson , Esq . Lieutenant o ; ' the Derbyshire Militia . At Horncastle , in Lincolnshire ( where he had practised medicine upwards of fiftv years ) , John Thorold , M . D . aged almost 90 : he was probably the last surviving pupil , in these kingdoms , ofthe celebrated Dutch proiessor Dr . Boerhaave . Aged 79 , the Right Hon . John Hely Hutchinson , Principal Secretary oi State for Ireland , 911 c of the Most Hon . Privy-Council of that Kingdom , Member of Parliament for the City of Cork , Provost of Trinity-College , Dublin , and L . L . D . At his