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The Freemasons' Magazine, Or General And Complete Library.
" To rear the tender thought , "To teach ihe young idea how to shoot , " To raise the virtues , animate the bliss , "And sweeten all the toils of human life ; " This be the female dignity and praise * . " Some , for the want of more substantial objections , have mentioned
the Budges of Freemasons , and the unintelligible emblems in which they appear ; but this can scarcely demand a serious reply ; for every society , and almost every individual , has its distinguishing characteris' tics . We find that even in the patriarchal ages , so parried for innocence and simplicity , various distinctions in dress were not unknown ; and when we read in the sacred volume of changes of raiment , of a coat of divers colours , of purple ornaments , and jewels of several kinds , we may jeadily conclude that the Badges of Freemasonry , were well adapted to the times in which it was instituted .
It remains , rny beloved Brethren , to congratulate you on the return of this jovotis anniversary , and we should now particularise our respective engagements ; but this will come with peculiar propriety from our learned and reverend Brother ] - who will next address / you , and whose precepts and admonitions are always enforced by the most amiable example . May the accuracy of our deportment " convince gainsayers ofthe goodness of our institution . "
Founded in WISDOM , supported by STRENGTH , adorned with BEAUTY , and cemented by Cordiality and Truth , may we erect a monument sacred to Sincerity , Charity , and Virtue . And at that interesting period , when " the cloud-capt towers , the solemn temples , and the gorgeous palaces of this world shall be levelled with the dust ; " When the heavens shall pass away with a great
voise , and the elements shall melt with fervent beat , the earth also , and the works that are therein shall be burnt up J ; may we all meet in those celestial mansions where every terrestrial distinction will be obliterated , and " scenes of LOVE and BLISS immortal reign . "
A Charge
Delivered at CHARI - ESTOWN , to ihe Worshipful Master , the Wardens , ' and Brethren of KING SOLOMON ' LODGE , on the Festival of St . JOHN the Baptist . A- M . 5793 . — . ¦¦¦ ...-. " — . j— " ' - ¦«—*~ BY THE R . W . WILLIAM WALTER , D . D .
WORSHIPFUL AND RESPECTED BROTHERS , I RISE with the sensations and : sentiments of a friend to yoi \ r Society—not of a friend onl y , but of a Brother who is warmly desirous of promoting your honour and best interest .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Freemasons' Magazine, Or General And Complete Library.
" To rear the tender thought , "To teach ihe young idea how to shoot , " To raise the virtues , animate the bliss , "And sweeten all the toils of human life ; " This be the female dignity and praise * . " Some , for the want of more substantial objections , have mentioned
the Budges of Freemasons , and the unintelligible emblems in which they appear ; but this can scarcely demand a serious reply ; for every society , and almost every individual , has its distinguishing characteris' tics . We find that even in the patriarchal ages , so parried for innocence and simplicity , various distinctions in dress were not unknown ; and when we read in the sacred volume of changes of raiment , of a coat of divers colours , of purple ornaments , and jewels of several kinds , we may jeadily conclude that the Badges of Freemasonry , were well adapted to the times in which it was instituted .
It remains , rny beloved Brethren , to congratulate you on the return of this jovotis anniversary , and we should now particularise our respective engagements ; but this will come with peculiar propriety from our learned and reverend Brother ] - who will next address / you , and whose precepts and admonitions are always enforced by the most amiable example . May the accuracy of our deportment " convince gainsayers ofthe goodness of our institution . "
Founded in WISDOM , supported by STRENGTH , adorned with BEAUTY , and cemented by Cordiality and Truth , may we erect a monument sacred to Sincerity , Charity , and Virtue . And at that interesting period , when " the cloud-capt towers , the solemn temples , and the gorgeous palaces of this world shall be levelled with the dust ; " When the heavens shall pass away with a great
voise , and the elements shall melt with fervent beat , the earth also , and the works that are therein shall be burnt up J ; may we all meet in those celestial mansions where every terrestrial distinction will be obliterated , and " scenes of LOVE and BLISS immortal reign . "
A Charge
Delivered at CHARI - ESTOWN , to ihe Worshipful Master , the Wardens , ' and Brethren of KING SOLOMON ' LODGE , on the Festival of St . JOHN the Baptist . A- M . 5793 . — . ¦¦¦ ...-. " — . j— " ' - ¦«—*~ BY THE R . W . WILLIAM WALTER , D . D .
WORSHIPFUL AND RESPECTED BROTHERS , I RISE with the sensations and : sentiments of a friend to yoi \ r Society—not of a friend onl y , but of a Brother who is warmly desirous of promoting your honour and best interest .